Omaha pool hall defies public smoking ban


<--vs Chuck Norris on TAR
Silver Member
Omaha pool hall defies public smoking ban

Posted: Oct 13, 2012 2:54 PM MDT
Updated: Oct 13, 2012 2:54 PM MDT
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - An Omaha pool hall that has long fought the state's 2009 public smoking ban is openly defying the ban by inviting its patrons to light up.

Bill Prout, the general manager of Big John's Billiards, tells the Omaha World-Herald ( that the establishment is "making a stand."

Prout met with a Douglas County Health Department official who showed up at the pool hall Friday to follow up on complaints of smoking at the hall and conduct a compliance check. The official didn't find anyone smoking, but she didn't need to. All around the hall were ashtrays and signs stating, "This is a smoking establishment."

Prout also told the official that the hall is allowing smoking.

The hall will likely get a $100 ticket for a first-time violation.

Information from: Omaha World-Herald,


Omaha pool hall defies public smoking ban

Posted: Oct 13, 2012 2:54 PM MDT
Updated: Oct 13, 2012 2:54 PM MDT
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - An Omaha pool hall that has long fought the state's 2009 public smoking ban is openly defying the ban by inviting its patrons to light up.

Bill Prout, the general manager of Big John's Billiards, tells the Omaha World-Herald ( that the establishment is "making a stand." <--So was Gen Custer
Prout met with a Douglas County Health Department official who showed up at the pool hall Friday to follow up on complaints of smoking at the hall and conduct a compliance check. The official didn't find anyone smoking, but she didn't need to. All around the hall were ashtrays and signs stating, "This is a smoking establishment."

Prout also told the official that the hall is allowing smoking.

The hall will likely get a $100 ticket for a first-time violation.

Information from: Omaha World-Herald,

Ya, I hated hearing this, even though I am a smoker. I like Big John's place and the outlook for them beating City Hall is not good. Maybe they think they have legal grounds to over turn the law, but I don't like their chances.


recreational banger
Silver Member
What's that old phrase again????

Oh yeah...

"You can't fight city hall."

Well, I guess you can fight, but the odds of winning are slim.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cities love guys like this.

Go in 2-3 times a week and issue a fine and rake in the money till he either complies or shuts the door for good.

Brings to mind the lyrics "I fought the man and the man won"


I don't smoke, and I'm annoyed when I go to work the day after shooting pool with a jacket that smells like smoke, but one thing is certain....It's the smell of freedom. Props to that guy.


High Def Videos!!!
Silver Member
Bill has always been adamant about being able to do what he wants in his own business. Big Johns was the one of the last businesses that rode it out to the end, fighting all the way. Other owners tried to fight, but eventually they all dropped out, but Big Johns would not give up.

That place was my hangout for the last couple of years before leaving Omaha and I went in there off and on before that over the previous 7 or so years. They had only 2 9ft's and a bunch of oversize 8 ft's and some bar boxes.

Here's a picture of the sign that never got taken down even though they were following the ban. Ticks me off they didn't decide to just let us smoke anyways while I was going in there. It was very weird smoking in there for so long, then poof.... no smoking while you're playing. They did have a lot of ventilation, but he was very clear before you came in, that it was a smoking pool hall and it was up to you if you wanted to enter. With so many places closing over the past several years, I admire him for keeping a "real" pool hall open for us in Omaha. It was the only one there.

Some bad pics of the inside and outside of the place.

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Silver Member
WARNING: You are within the city limits of Omaha. We have city ordinances, county regulations and state laws. If you want to do business in our fair city you will be expected to follow them at all times.

Of course, you are free to go to another state/city where there are less restrictive laws and in most cases a lot less folks with discrestionary income to spend at your business. The choice is yours. Please chose wisely before opening up your business that may be subjected to varous regulations to ensure the safety of your patrons and your employees. Have a great day :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nice looking pool hall, too bad they allow people to smoke.

(awaiting the flaming)


High Def Videos!!!
Silver Member
:) Still looks like that but :eek: did you have to include that bottom picture?

I didn't have to include it, no. But its the only one I had, that had their signage. People tend to identify a business with their logo/signage, so that's why I shared it. I will also share that it was a helluva cold night and the wind was howling. Ok, now that I'm remembering the biting cold, maybe it wasn't worth the trouble of finding it, cropping it and uploading it. Only spring/fall shots from now on.:)

thrash attack

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Restricting things in a business is stupid. If there's such a market for a non smoking room, then someone would have opened a non smoking pool hall. Nobody is stopping you from having stronger restrictions than local ordinances.


Two & Out
Silver Member
I don't smoke, and I'm annoyed when I go to work the day after shooting pool with a jacket that smells like smoke, but one thing is certain....It's the smell of freedom. Props to that guy.

Tried leaving a little reputation for your comments. Silly phone wouldn't allow it. I agree with your comments and let the free market dictate whether a business fails or succeeds.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
WARNING: You are within the city limits of Omaha. We have city ordinances, county regulations and state laws. If you want to do business in our fair city you will be expected to follow them at all times.

Of course, you are free to go to another state/city where there are less restrictive laws and in most cases a lot less folks with discrestionary income to spend at your business. The choice is yours. Please chose wisely before opening up your business that may be subjected to varous regulations to ensure the safety of your patrons and your employees. Have a great day :)

This post just kicks so much ass.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's more or less the only real pool hall in Omaha. I just hope it doesn't end up getting shut down over this. I can't imagine the city letting this go on too long or every bar in town will start doing it. I expect the hammer to drop soon.


Golf & Pool-I'm addicted!
Silver Member
I think this is a well-written and thought provoking piece...


The business was already setup and in operation PRIOR to the ban being put into law...

I believe there should be some sense of FREEDOM left to the owner of the business! He clearly had warnings in place to make non-smokers aware of the danger to their health prior to entering the premises...

Someone who wanted a non-smoking pool hall should be more than welcome to risk EVERYTHING they have to open a pool hall that doesn't allow know to try and compete against the already established business...

WARNING: You are within the city limits of Omaha. We have city ordinances, county regulations and state laws. If you want to do business in our fair city you will be expected to follow them at all times.

Of course, you are free to go to another state/city where there are less restrictive laws and in most cases a lot less folks with discrestionary income to spend at your business. The choice is yours. Please chose wisely before opening up your business that may be subjected to varous regulations to ensure the safety of your patrons and your employees. Have a great day :)


<--vs Chuck Norris on TAR
Silver Member
I have been to Big John's many times, it's a first rate place.
I hate smoke, makes me sick to be around smoke and even in places with smoke eaters it still bothers me. I was forced for years to withstand smoke in order to play pool and I have to admit I enjoy a smoke free atmosphere.

With all that being said.. this is America and if a business owner want's smoking, it's his business to run as he sees fit.

At the least the city could offer a compromise. Maybe a separating wall between smoking and non-smoking?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
nice nice room, i love it! where is this place? i dont smoke. but i hate goverment to decide how we manage our business.

let the smoke roll!

again, where is this place?


<--vs Chuck Norris on TAR
Silver Member
I could be all wet on this but I believe the reason the Billiard Palace in Tulsa combined with Magoo's is due to smoking laws.

Tulsa has some weird rule about smoking establishments that is based on the size of the business and how space is designated for a restaurant.

Restaurants are exempt if they have smoke eaters. I think the palace didn't meet the qualifications and had to be smoke free. Magoo's met the qualifications of a restaurant so they combined the two.

I could be all wet but I know the owner is an avid smoker.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here are facts.

Smoking is bad for you
If you smoke, there is a very good chance you're going to have a smoking related death.
If something is illegal, the business owner doesn't get to decide if they comply with the law.