2014 World 9-Ball Championship


Center Ball
Silver Member
Ouschan breaks at 10-12

One in the side. Stream is breaking up so hard to see , looks like two balls on break, shooting two ball a little bit of a back cut with testy shape on three. Long study, what a time to have to refresh my stream, yikes:eek: Got back to see Niels looking at five ball long and hard which he misses and gets a lucky hook. Five just a couple of inches out of side but hooked, chooses to kick to make it and misses completely. So close but ..........Niels is World Nine-ball champion.

Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow, good for him. after that billiard digest article the other month detailing his family life and work ethic. He deserves it. If not Shane, then I was pulling for niels. Congrats to him.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This was an awesome stream. Didn't get to watch much, but plan on watching some replays on the site.

Congrats to Niels. :thumbup:


Developing cue-addict
Silver Member
What a great win for Niels, congrats man!
Now let's hope us dutchies can win the soccer WC aswell.

gr. Dave


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Finally Niels is World 9 Ball Champion
They say he is underachiever and not fulfulling his potential- now he has proved them wrong
Well Done Niels !:D


Scroll Lock- Juicy Style
Silver Member
Great game from Niels Feijen. Congrats to him. Dude even I cried, it was awesome. Albin tried his heart out missing the five was criminal. He is so young and certainly only going to get better. Great game. I'm never waking up at 4 am again.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
With win by Niels, Europe fast catching up in total number of World 9 ball Championships

Asia 9 (Last win 2011)
Europe 8 (Last win 2014)
USA 6 (Last win 2002)
Canada 1 (Won by Pagulayan as Canadian in 2004)
Total (since 1990) 24



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
With win by Niels, Europe fast catching up in total number of World 9 ball Championships

Asia 9 (Last win 2011)
Europe 8 (Last win 2014)
USA 6 (Last win 2002)
Canada 1 (Won by Pagulayan as Canadian in 2004)
Total (since 1990) 24


Yea but what other country has 6 !!! :smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Missing Link

I reckon Niels was the only true long established World Class player whose name was missing from the the roster of World 9 Ball Champions.
I am not disrespecting Shane who is a truly American Class Player. But sooner or later he is going to run out of opponents for his marathon encounters.
Ralf Souquet said during commentary of the final that Race to 11 is a long race.
So maybe Shane should start tailoring his game towards shorter races. Nobody really cares if he beats X, Y or Z for X amount of dollars. Major international titles are the only currency in pro pool.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Lol. Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

yesterday afternoon a soccer Team USA members tweeted out "We did it" when he learned they were advancing to the next round.

I cringed while thinking, you guys did nothing but lose to Germany.

He should have tweeted, Portugal did it for us because we couldn't do it ourself. :eek:

but I'll still root for USA even though I know it would take some big series of unlikely miracles for them to win.

brian kc <---- a realist


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
What a great win for Niels, congrats man!
Now let's hope us dutchies can win the soccer WC aswell.

gr. Dave

That would be a great daily double...
...I've liked The Nederland's chances since their first game with Spain.

..and I see you're into doubles

NIELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....GREAT WIN


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yea but what other country has 6 !!! :smile:

If you want to take about countries then you talk about population.
USA 310 million population 6 championship
Germany 80 million 4
Japan 130 million 3
Philippines 100 million 3
Taiwan 25 million 3

If USA has same population as Germany 80 million, prorated championship USA will win is 1.5 make it 2 . That is less than Germany which has 4
Philippines has 100 million . Prorated USA population to Philippines and you get 2 wins less than Philippines of 3 wins

But the more important is when was last win? Last win for USA more than 10 years ago in 2002. Trend is similar to Mosconi Cup. Last win in 2009 and before that 2005
Not knocking just telling it as it is . But I know being smartie that you are, you already know above


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I reckon.... Major international titles are the only currency in pro pool.

Can't pay no damn bills with a title though.

Ask gable Owen and John Schmidt which 'currency' they'd rather have and I think they'd both say:

the belt just holds up your pants