An Apology To Mark Wilson

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
When the final 5 were announced a couple of nights ago I was taken aback with Mark's decision to cut Jeremy Sossei from the playing roster. It bothered me so much that I actually closed out az as soon as I read it and went to my downstairs to hit some balls and think about it.

I have explained in my other thread the reasons for my big disappointment so I won't go into all of that detail again here but, suffice to say, Jeremy had the kind of year that *easily* should have earned him a spot.

The even bigger thing for me is that you will not find a nicer young pro in our sport anywhere. He is a total class act.

So, with all that swirling around in my head, the next day (yes, I even waited a day to try and let it cool down) I started a thread to express myself and wanting to know what others thought about Jeremy's exclusion.

The title I assigned was "Mark Wilson: Genius Or Nincompoop?".

The thread took off and veered a few times, but kept circling back around to the main question and there were some great responses.

With the thread getting so much play along with a few comments from fellow az'ers for whom I have much respect, I began to feel bad over my choice of using "nincompoop" as an option for Mark.

Oxford dictionary defines nincompoop as "a stupid or foolish person".

I think that was much too harsh and inappropriate for a man who has dedicated so much of his time and energy to try and make US Pool a better sport.

So, Mark Wilson, I apologize, sir, for the harshness and I certainly wish you and Team USA the very best In Blackpool.

I am not a mean-spirited fellow and I am educable.


brian kc
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Dead money
Silver Member
Sometimes you just feel like a nincompoop.

I know I do. It's usually after horribly executing an easy shot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You had an opinion, and you expressed it on a forum that provides you the opportunity to do so. No reason to feel bad. Others have expressed similar feelings on here; they just used nicer words.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
well it did give two options

When the final 5 were announced a couple of nights ago I was taken aback with Mark's decision to cut Jeremy Sossei from the playing roster. It bothered me so much that I actually closed out az as soon as I read it and went to my downstairs to hit some balls and think about it.

I have explained in my other thread the reasons for my big disappointment so I won't go into all of that detail again here but, suffice to say, Jeremy had the kind of year that *easily* should have earned him a spot.

The even bigger thing for me is that you will not find a nicer young pro in our sport anywhere. He is a total class act.

So, with all that swirling around in my head, the next day (yes, I even waited a day to try and let it cool down) I started a thread to express myself and wanting to know what others thought about Jeremy's exclusion.

The title I assigned was "Mark Wilson: Genius Or Nincompoop?".

The thread took off and veered a few times, but kept circling back around to the main question and there were some great responses.

With the thread getting so much play along with a few comments from fellow az'ers for whom I have much respect, I began to feel bad over my choice of using "nincompoop" as an option for Mark.

Oxford dictionary defines nincompoop as "a stupid or foolish person".

I think that was much too harsh and inappropriate for a man who has dedicated so much of his time and energy to try and make US Pool a better sport.

So, Mark Wilson, I apologize, sir, for the harshness and I certainly wish you and Team USA the very best In Blackpool.

I am not a mean-spirited fellow and I am educable.


brian kc

Brian, You nincompoop of the foolish variety, ain't you learned how to operate on the internet yet?? Always slap people crosseyed in public and apologize in private! I thunk everybody knew that much by now!

After six revisions to this post and two private apologies I'll admit you are maybe a former nincompoop or an exnincompoop or maybe only suffered a flash of nincompoopness brought on by sudden rush of blood to the head upon reading the horrible news.

I don't know how old Jeremy is or how experienced in holding his liquor. Judging by past cups Mark might have wisely chosen the five who have the best track record playing hungover and short on sleep!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Everybody has their favorites and for different reasons.

I am a big proponent of Sky Woodward and have stated so. sjm has been promoting Mike Dechaine continuously, sometimes putting down other players in his efforts, long before the Team USA announcement. You were a Jeremy proponent, and like sjm, wanted to emphasize why you think he is better than all the other players.

The word "deathball" comes to mind.

Some folks utilize this discussion forum to campaign for their beliefs on various pool topics, and that's okay. When one does so, though, at the expense of putting down others, like, hypothetically speaking, saying "Earl Strickland sucks compared to my player," it kind of wears on those who believe Earl Strickland does not suck. Then the Earl proponents come forth and promote Earl's strong attributes. A debate ensues, sometimes getting ugly.

Mark Wilson proponents came on this forum at the beginning of this year, singing his accolades. I, inadvertantly, was one of them. AzBilliards, the largeset pool website on the Internet, has merit in the eyes of some industry peeps who read it. Not everybody's opinion, of course, holds as much weight. Personally, I don't care for those who promote their faves at the expense of stepping on others, but that is what has happened with the recent Mosconi Cup Team USA selection criteria debate. And it's still going on.

It takes a very strong-minded person to reconsider their stance and then come with an apology. For that, you are to be commended. Bravo!

JB Cases
Silver Member
I think that the biggest problem we face as fans is that we forget that the people we talk about are HIGHLY likely to read or be made aware of the conversation and negative comments. We bemoan the state of pool yet don't consider that the "elite" in this game are still operating on the same level as the fans.

When we talk about Kobe Bryant or Tiger the chances that they will see of care about a random fan's comments are practically zero. But when we talk about players and industry folks in the pool world there is a person who has a high likelihood of being confronted with harsh comments. Very often I will get emails and pms alerting me to conversations involving me, both positive and negative. And I click the links to read them.

I know for a fact that this happens with others as well, some who don't participate on AZB yet who read it.

And I know.....grow a thicker skin.....but we often also forget that the right words can cut right through the thickest skin, pen mightier than the sword type of thing. Almost no physical conflict is not preceded by harsh words.

Anyway, Brian is good people, he was only expressing his fan's perspective. Let's all hope that Mark is a WINcompoop and that we have an exciting underdog victory story to celebrate.

Bella Don't Cry

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When the final 5 were announced a couple of nights ago I was taken aback with Mark's decision to cut Jeremy Sossei from the playing roster. It bothered me so much that I actually closed out az as soon as I read it and went to my downstairs to hit some balls and think about it.

I have explained in my other thread the reasons for my big disappointment so I won't go into all of that detail again here but, suffice to say, Jeremy had the kind of year that *easily* should have earned him a spot.

The even bigger thing for me is that you will not find a nicer young pro in our sport anywhere. He is a total class act.

So, with all that swirling around in my head, the next day (yes, I even waited a day to try and let it cool down) I started a thread to express myself and wanting to know what others thought about Jeremy's exclusion.

The title I assigned was "Mark Wilson: Genius Or Nincompoop?".

The thread took off and veered a few times, but kept circling back around to the main question and there were some great responses.

With the thread getting so much play along with a few comments from fellow az'ers for whom I have much respect, I began to feel bad over my choice of using "nincompoop" as an option for Mark.

Oxford dictionary defines nincompoop as "a stupid or foolish person".

I think that was much too harsh and inappropriate for a man who has dedicated so much of his time and energy to try and make US Pool a better sport.

So, Mark Wilson, I apologize, sir, for the harshness and I certainly wish you and Team USA the very best In Blackpool.

I am not a mean-spirited fellow and I am educable.


brian kc

Where there is no passion or hope, there is no life or love. :thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When the final 5 were announced a couple of nights ago I was taken aback with Mark's decision to cut Jeremy Sossei from the playing roster. It bothered me so much that I actually closed out az as soon as I read it and went to my downstairs to hit some balls and think about it.

I have explained in my other thread the reasons for my big disappointment so I won't go into all of that detail again here but, suffice to say, Jeremy had the kind of year that *easily* should have earned him a spot.

The even bigger thing for me is that you will not find a nicer young pro in our sport anywhere. He is a total class act.

So, with all that swirling around in my head, the next day (yes, I even waited a day to try and let it cool down) I started a thread to express myself and wanting to know what others thought about Jeremy's exclusion.

The title I assigned was "Mark Wilson: Genius Or Nincompoop?".

The thread took off and veered a few times, but kept circling back around to the main question and there were some great responses.

With the thread getting so much play along with a few comments from fellow az'ers for whom I have much respect, I began to feel bad over my choice of using "nincompoop" as an option for Mark.

Oxford dictionary defines nincompoop as "a stupid or foolish person".

I think that was much too harsh and inappropriate for a man who has dedicated so much of his time and energy to try and make US Pool a better sport.

So, Mark Wilson, I apologize, sir, for the harshness and I certainly wish you and Team USA the very best In Blackpool.

I am not a mean-spirited fellow and I am educable.


brian kc

I know I'm in the minority probably but I don't think that you owe anyone an apology. I think the mark Wilson owes everyone an apology for the way the 2014 team was chosen. Just like all of americas team such as the Ryder's cup you are chosen by merit not favoritism. My opinion is there should be four spots based on merit an let the captain have 1 pick not 5. To me mark has shown a lot of disrespect by his selection process an picking his favorites not the ones that deserve the spots


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wouldn't want to be Mark Wilson right now. He's being raked over the coals at every turn. No matter what he does, someone isn't going to be happy. In fact, no matter what he does, someone is going to be flat out angry. He's in a no-win situation, and if the U.S. team loses, it will be all the more worse for him.

Apologies are good, but the damage is done.

You couldn't meet a nicer, more sincere guy, and when it comes to pool, Mark knows his stuff. He's one of the most decent people who's been in the spotlight in our sport in a very long time.

And what's his reward? Nasty, condescending comments from people who feel the urgent need to type whatever goes through their mind at the moment.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is part of the USA MC culture that has to change. I do not see threads bashing the Euros decisions on who makes the team, they just rally around their team that is chosen while the US has to face constant criticism.

Let's let Mark make the decisions and support him 100%. All this second guessing will not help team USA in any way.


The Dream Operator
Silver Member
I know I'm in the minority probably but I don't think that you owe anyone an apology. I think the mark Wilson owes everyone an apology for the way the 2014 team was chosen. Just like all of americas team such as the Ryder's cup you are chosen by merit not favoritism. My opinion is there should be four spots based on merit an let the captain have 1 pick not 5. To me mark has shown a lot of disrespect by his selection process an picking his favorites not the ones that deserve the spots

The USA is 2-8 in the past 10 Ryder Cups.

The USA is 1-6 in the last 7 Mosconi Cups (3-6-1 in the last 10)

And you say we should keep doing things as we have been? Good luck with that.

Incidentally, the PGA is looking to make changes to its selection process after the latest butt-whooping.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not to nit pick but you originally said Jeremy is one of the best young players in the country. Isn't Jeremy in his early 30's? I mean thats still young but not like Skylar or Justin young.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was in Human Resources for many years, every decision I made there were people that I made happy and people I pissed off. It is a no win situation, much like the position Mark Wilson is in now. No matter who he chose, there would have been a thread started that did not agree with his choices. Tom


rack master ;)
Silver Member
I've been hoping all along that Mark Wilson is too busy to read any of this. Hopefully smart enough to stay the fcuk away from AZB...

Personally, I'd like to see the entire "nincompoop" thread erased.

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
I wouldn't want to be Mark Wilson right now. He's being raked over the coals at every turn. No matter what he does, someone isn't going to be happy. In fact, no matter what he does, someone is going to be flat out angry. He's in a no-win situation, and if the U.S. team loses, it will be all the more worse for him.

Apologies are good, but the damage is done.

You couldn't meet a nicer, more sincere guy, and when it comes to pool, Mark knows his stuff. He's one of the most decent people who's been in the spotlight in our sport in a very long time.

And what's his reward? Nasty, condescending comments from people who feel the urgent need to type whatever goes through their mind at the moment.

There's allot of Brian's in KC, does he have a last name???? When I first saw the OP thread title, I had no interest in reading it, and still don't.
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Donny Lutz

Ferrule Cat
Silver Member

I know I'm in the minority probably but I don't think that you owe anyone an apology. I think the mark Wilson owes everyone an apology for the way the 2014 team was chosen. Just like all of americas team such as the Ryder's cup you are chosen by merit not favoritism. My opinion is there should be four spots based on merit an let the captain have 1 pick not 5. To me mark has shown a lot of disrespect by his selection process an picking his favorites not the ones that deserve the spots

Mark Wilson has more experience as a winning team coach than any other captain/coach the US team has had previously.

What are your credentials?

By merit, I imagine you mean who has the most titles. If that were logical, we would have Sigel, Varner, Rempe, Hall, etc. on the team. Unfortunately, they're all past their prime.

Besides that, the Mosconi Cup is a TEAM EVENT! A player who wins singles events and matches does not necessarily make the best teammate.