Recent content by kross

  1. kross

    How to get Pool on ESPN

    I've mentioned this several times on our livestreams, but I'll say it again here. I don't care if pool is ever on ESPN ever again. Coverage on ESPN sucked. You got to watch one or two matches (finals and maybe semifinals), heavily edited down, race shortened, and even then they would skip games...
  2. kross

    Anyone in Tech and Love Pool?

    do { rack_balls(); break(); run_table(); } while (opponent_has_money());
  3. kross

    railbirdsTV derby videos

    Aww, you're so sweet. Love you too! :lovies:
  4. kross

    railbirdsTV 1hole derby 2020 vids

    That's the nice thing about "premieres" on YouTube. Everyone gets to watch at the same time, and the chatroom is live, so we all get to watch and chat. Tomorrow is Chohan vs Lunda. Hope to see you there!
  5. kross

    Poll...TV Balls or original balls

    I like Cyclop ball colors, but you do have to have a good camera and lighting setup for it to look good on screen. All too often, the balls are overexposed, the highlights are blown out, and the lighter colors of the Cyclop balls become indistinguishable. But then again, if you have a better...
  6. kross

    railbirdsTV 1hole derby 2020 vids

    We're doing our part to help keep people from climbing the walls! :)
  7. kross

    railbirdsTV 1hole derby 2020 vids

    Not all of the videos are uploaded yet. We still have about 7 more videos to upload, including a match between JJ and Alex. And JJ will be doing commentary on his own match, so you'll get to hear what he was thinking while at the table! Tomorrow (Friday) night should be Tony Chohan vs Evan...
  8. kross

    2020 Derby City Classic recorded matches

    Just thought people here would like to know we've been uploading our recorded matches from the 2020 DCC, with more to come in the next week or two. Commentary by Jeremy Jones or Skyler Woodward for many of the matches. Not sure if I can post links, but go to YouTube and search for our channel...
  9. kross

    Tournament Software

    No that is currently not possible. That sounds like a great idea, you should send that to them as a feature request.
  10. kross

    Tournament Software

    I have found it extremely difficult to do an online and paper bracket concurrently. The main reason is, the online sites like Challonge don't match the paper brackets. They move people over to the loser's side in a different way than most paper brackets. I second (third?) the recommendation...
  11. kross

    FREE NAPT Womens Pro 10 Ball

    Live coverage of the North American Pool Toor Division I (Pro) 2017 Summer 10-Ball Classic, from Shooters Sports Bar & Billiards in Grayslake, IL
  12. kross

    How to enforce "no concession" in tournament

    Thanks everyone for your replies. JC your answer made me laugh. "Tournament suggester", and hoping they throw a hissy fit. LOL. Reading the CSI rulebook, it says the first time (per event, not per match) is a warning. So if I see someone doing it, if it's their first time, I will give them...
  13. kross

    How to enforce "no concession" in tournament

    At the players meeting, I clearly announce that you're not allowed to concede, that if you do, you lose that game, plus have a game deducted from your score. However, as the tournament director, I sometimes see people concede a game anyway, with their opponent not calling any foul or demanding...
  14. kross

    FREE live stream, North American Pool Tour Summer 10-Ball Classic

    Finals live now! April Larson in the hotseat vs Tara Williams!
  15. kross

    FREE live stream, North American Pool Tour Summer 10-Ball Classic

    Semifinals live now! Tara Williams vs Naomi Williams!