Recent content by poolfreek

  1. P

    2014 BCAPL & Cyclop Balls

    Update from 2014 BCA Nationals So I had an interesting conversation with the owner of Cyclop balls while I was at the BCA tournament this year that was very eye opening. I questioned him thoroughly about my concerns with the cue ball. I could tell the conversation was one he had been having...
  2. P

    2014 BCAPL & Cyclop Balls

    Agreed, I also think the other balls play well and are very high quality. If they made the cueball to the same standard it would not be an issue.
  3. P

    2014 BCAPL & Cyclop Balls

    Interesting mix of replies. One of my main questions was about the problems I heard them talking about at last years BCA. About how they had troubles getting the cue ball working with the Diamond "Smart Table" and how they made last minute changes to make the cue ball return properly. I still...
  4. P

    2014 BCAPL & Cyclop Balls

    I was wondering if they are using the Cyclop balls again this year. I don't know if it was me being totally sharked by the change when I arrived at the BCAPL Nationals last year, or if this is an issue with other players as well. New balls on the table, awesome right? Ok, the colors are wierd...
  5. P

    Cyclops balls skid more?

    Not a big deal. I do have a pretty thick skin when it comes to message boards. I would agree that throw is a result of the surface of the ball. Dirty balls play much differently than clean ones, although the mass and material makeup could have a minor affect. What is your opinion of the way...
  6. P

    Cyclops balls skid more?

    Calling BS on my post Re: Calling BS on my post As with most message boards there are always people that will look only for fault in what you post and not honestly analyze the content and give just an opinion of what they think. As a fellow pool player I was truly looking for what you all...
  7. P

    Cyclops balls skid more?

    I said it was a distraction, I never said the shadows made me miss. I also made it clear that this cue ball got in my head.
  8. P

    Cyclops balls skid more?

    As I said, for me the balls played well but the cue ball was my trouble. Just like if I practice with a weighted "bar" ball and then hit one break with a red circle I usually lose the lighter red circle off the table on the second ball break. Just the same, if I practice with an aramith and...
  9. P

    Cyclops balls skid more?

    Answer: Yes and no First of all let me say Hello to all here. This is a great community for pool players. I have been reading this forum for a long time but finally registered to respond to this post. Warning! This will be somewhat of a rant. Let me start by saying I am not a pro or...