How to combat slow players?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i forget the guy’s name
but there was a very slow player
on long island named ‘the time bandit’

i only read about him and i wonder if
that name was used only behind his back


Center Ball
Silver Member
Haven't had the bother to read the input but my off the cuff answer would be to the effect of....Take your medicine. Sit in your chair and pretend you are adult. Learn to meditation while in the seat. I statistically analyze what happened to put me in the chair. If I played a safety alls well and take a nap, I am old enough to nap.


Center Ball
Silver Member
As to the Slow Play....The complaint was He's so slow. The reality was He never Miss.
"I can't beat you're slow game". Is the sweet words I heard. I won 13 racks of 9 ball in 45 minutes with My Slow Game.
Play at your speed. Trying to rubm or uh run with the Big Dogs can lead to some uh crashes. Playing Slow to Ronnie would be 18 seconds. 🤷‍♂️


'AZB_Combat Certified'
The trick isn't to fall into a self constructed trap, and do most of the things listed thus far. If you can though, simply play at their pace. You'd be amazed what happens to slow players when they are subjected to their own torture.

When I play the slow guys, I'll match their pace and not pay attention when they are at the table. Unless it's a key point in their pattern that I'm curious how they'll handle. I don't ignore the game, but rather "people watch" while they putter about.

No use in getting all worked up about it.

Fore Rail

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I played a very methodical player years ago first round in a regional tournament. When I saw the bracket I had a gameplan or speeding up my game. When it was my turn I got out fast as possible. After the match he even mentioned how quickly I was playing. Got him thinking about something else rather than his own game.

Mark V

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Use his slow game shark bs against him. Learn to play even slower than he does. Take 30 seconds to get up from the chair and act like you’re not even paying attention to him or the match.

It’s about as dirty as it gets and I abhor sharking, but it gets the point across.


Well-known member
Stay away from all aspects of Thought Sports.
Pool, Billiards, Golf.
If pool is a thinking man’s game then slow players have autism or dyslexic.

It took us an hour to race to 5 case game and both of use weren’t missing. He’s a pretty sporty player and so am I.

I timed him and it’s 2-3 minutes per shot. Then the racking your own balls. I helped by speeding up the set. It’s also rack your own.

I don’t think he does it to shark. Just a slow moving guy.

People were done with their first matches and came over to watch us. Pretty unacceptable if you ask me.

Also, a thinking man’s game like chess has a timer. The time it takes you to play a match is also factored in how good you are.

Alternate breaks may combat this but that is up to a tournament director and slow players are an anomaly in a room full of players.
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If pool is a thinking man’s game then slow players have autism or dyslexic.

It took us an hour to race to 5 case game and both of use weren’t missing. He’s a pretty sporty player and so am I.

I timed him and it’s 2-3 minutes per shot. Then the racking your own balls. I helped by speeding up the set. It’s also rack your own.

I don’t think he does it to shark. Just a slow moving guy.

People were done with their first matches and came over to watch us. Pretty unacceptable if you ask me.

Also, a thinking man’s game like chess has a timer. The time it takes you to play a match is also factored in how good you are.

Alternate breaks may combat this but that is up to a tournament director and slow players are an anomaly in a room full of players.
You still heated about this? Next time before the match starts have the TD come over with you to the table and ask the TD in front of him how long a normal shot should take. Discuss it before hand. Let the other guy know you won’t take his BS. if the TD says 2 to 3 minutes a shot is fine then I guess you’re stuck. if not, your opponent still taken 2 to 3 minutes all you have to do is mention it between racks. If he still does it he’s been told twice go back to the TD. I mean, you probably could go back to the TD between shots.


Well-known member
You still heated about this? Next time before the match starts have the TD come over with you to the table and ask the TD in front of him how long a normal shot should take. Discuss it before hand. Let the other guy know you won’t take his BS. if the TD says 2 to 3 minutes a shot is fine then I guess you’re stuck. if not, your opponent still taken 2 to 3 minutes all you have to do is mention it between racks. If he still does it he’s been told twice go back to the TD.
Not really someone responded to me and this thread is still on the first page. Just seeing what people are saying.
Not really someone responded to me and this thread is still on the first page. Just seeing what people are saying.
Ah. I played the slow guy at the hall for money one time. I legitimately asked him before if he was gonna play super slow. I don’t remember how-it was in a nicer way. Like I know you play a little slower are we gonna be able to finish the set? He’s a 650. No slouch!


Well-known member
Ah. I played the slow guy at the hall for money one time. I legitimately asked him before if he was gonna play super slow. I don’t remember how-it was in a nicer way. Like I know you play a little slower are we gonna be able to finish the set? He’s a 650. No slouch!
I really don’t mind playing slow players.

It’s the extremely slow ones. I’m a very patient person for the most part.

I have played people in walkers, wheelchair and disabilities and I never once thought they were slow players or hurry it up. This particular guy was a healthy young male who was extremely slow.
My question is. Did the guy also take 2-3minutes to break after racking? That would be total nonsense. I’m a nice guy usually, but at that point it would be like what’s your fucking deal?

Edit: can I say that on here f()$&&@g?


Raised by Wolves in a Pool Hall
Silver Member
i forget the guy’s name
but there was a very slow player
on long island named ‘the time bandit’

i only read about him and i wonder if
that name was used only behind his back
His name is Mike Wong. Before he was given the Time Bandit nickname they used to call him “Too Long Wong” and had no problem calling him that to his face.

George the Greek

Well-known member
I used to play a slow player ( 6 red snooker) and he drove me crazy. One day a friend said break them wide open and I did and I got a laugh out of watching him trying to get safe. It was the easiest $100 I made and he quit me after that. Playing a safety battle is one thing but being slow on every damn shot is ridiculous.