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  1. OnePocketChamp

    The Grand in Austin, Texas need info

    I see that this years US Amateur qualifier is at The Grand in Austin and sadly none at Bill Schieks place in Shreveport. Whats the Grand like and how many 9' tables do they have and are they Gold Crowns, Diamonds or what.
  2. OnePocketChamp

    BCA Southwest 8 Ball League-Dallas Area

    Just interested if any AZ'ers are members for this league and if anyone has been paid? Rumors are flying that the league has no money and the players are being left "high and dry".
  3. OnePocketChamp

    Jim Murnak case and the long wait.

    I ordered a GL2122 from Jim on July 10 of last year with a 6 to 8 week lead time and I'am still waiting. Anyone else having to endure this kind of a wait. I have contacted Jim on numerous occasions and he is always very polite and seems to be a truly class guy but has never met his new ship...