Search results

  1. crawf

    DANZ Mosconi Cup Question

    For those of you have watched the Cup on DANZ. Are you only able to watch it live or are the matches available afterwards? Thanks
  2. crawf

    Pechauer Black Ice Break Shaft

    Has anyone tried the Pechauer Black Ice Break Shaft? Looking for a review or any feedback on it. Thanks, John Note: I did a search, but didn't see any threads about it.
  3. crawf

    Cory Deuel's Cue

    While watching the 2017 US open 10-Ball on YouTube, I saw Cory using a cue that looked different. It has a long forearm and at the very end (last four inches or so) of the cue it is looks like it has a thick handle or extension. He was holding that part of the cue when shooting...
  4. crawf

    Allison Fisher - Lomax Cue

    Allison Fisher just posted picture on Facebook of her, Steve Lomax and her new Lomax cue. John
  5. crawf

    Pool on ESPN2 Now

    There is three hours of women's pool and three hours of trick shots on ESPN2. Starting at 10:00 am CST. John
  6. crawf

    On Q Cases

    I am do research to purchase a 2x4 cue case. I came across a website for On Q Cases, The cases look great and there is a lot of excellent feedback on the testimonials page. I was wondering if anyone owns one of these cases or knows someone that owns...