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    Earls starting earliy this year

    The end of Part 2 "If they (team europe) had to each play me indiviually in this event they would loose" Classic Earl
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    The BEST hustler in Chicago

    CHICAGO (AP) - Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday on charges he brazenly conspired to sell or trade President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder as part of what federal prosecutors called a "political corruption crime spree." Prosecutors did not...
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    Tapping in the balls

    Ive never heard of anyone doing it, so i was wondering if there is a negative side to tapping in a full rack on a table that is mainly used for one pocket??
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    one pocket weight ??

    How much heavier do you think it is to fade giving out 9-8 and the breaks opposed to playing 10-8 9-8. Do you think you need to be winning the 10-8 9-8 game more than 75% of the time, 65%? Just wondering ive been palyign this guy 10-8 9-8 for a while and have been winning at it consistently...
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    newbie....kind of

    Been a reader here for a long time , but have been waiting for awhile to get my account activated. I have talked and met alot of you on TAR's ppv coverages. Id like to thank whom ever it was i was talking to on there last night that got my acct activated for me. my name is travis and im...