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  1. BRussell

    The importance of warming up

    I’ve been playing the ghost and recording the results, hoping to see a trend upwards over time. But one thing I’ve noticed for sure is that I improve as I play a couple sets, over the course of an hour or so. It sounds obvious, but it’s the degree to which I improve that‘s been surprising...
  2. BRussell

    Predator Pure chalk

    As Predator seems to be making absolutely everything in pool these days, it looks like they’re coming out with a Taom competitor called Pure chalk. There seem to be soft, medium, and hard versions, maybe something like like Taom’s regular and V10? And they‘re octagonal, which is probably an...
  3. BRussell

    Any tips for success with this shot?

    I have a lot of trouble with this shot. You need to follow a straight-in ball when it’s less than about a half ball width away. I more often screw it up by failing to hit it solidly than by double hit. I’m too afraid of the double hit. I’ve been practicing it but it’s still tough. Any suggestions?
  4. BRussell

    Russian athletes (e.g. Gorst) banned
  5. BRussell

    Jeremy Jones taking over for Earl on team

    They just announced this. Possible COVID exposure for Earl. Devastating.
  6. BRussell

    How good were you when you first picked up a cue?

    My guess is that most decent players were pretty good shooters when they first picked up a cue. It’s pretty easy to see where you need to send the cue ball to pocket the ball you’re shooting, and if you have decent hand-eye coordination it’s not too hard to send the cue ball where you’re aiming...
  7. BRussell

    Resources for three cushion?

    I’m looking for recommendations for learning three cushion billiards. I have a couple of Byrne’s books that have billiards sections. Any other suggestions for books, videos, websites?
  8. BRussell

    Deciding between corner and side

    For the shot below, would you shoot it in the corner or side? Assume it’s the last ball and so position doesn’t matter. What if you shift over? The balls are still aiming right between the side and corner, at the middle diamond. And what if you shift the OB closer to the rail, like...
  9. BRussell

    Shane's draw break

    Shane has been using this draw break in the World Championship. I wasn't able to get a video from the World Championship but he was practicing it last week and it looks like this. He's drawing the cue ball back to the middle of the rail between the side and the corner where he's standing...
  10. BRussell

    Do you use stun run-through?

    I’ve been working on hitting my follow shots firmer and a little lower on the cue ball. I think I’ll be less likely to get roll-off and cling, and I see pros shoot a lot of their shots like this, so I’m trying to emulate them. Damn it’s hard, especially at a distance. If I misjudge the speed or...
  11. BRussell

    Pool players are poor.

    At least we’re not as poor as people who watch TV or relax and think.
  12. BRussell

    Put Justin on the Mosconi Cup team!

    No disrespect to Max or Corey, but Justin has Mosconi Cup experience, has beaten Shane and Alex in this tournament (and several other good players), and has a Fargo rating that should make him a lock for the team. Come on Johann and Jeremy, shake things up and get people talking!
  13. BRussell

    Ouschan vs. Kaci live now

    On the EPBF Facebook page, Eurotour.
  14. BRussell

    US Open draw and rules

    It’s up on cuescore:
  15. BRussell

    Tournament videos showing players' heart rates

    There's a pool tournament right now in Bucharest Romania being streamed on Facebook: Mark Gray is playing as I post this. They must have gotten the players to wear some kind of heart rate monitor, because they're showing their heart rates on the screen as...
  16. BRussell

    Three US v Europe events over next 2 weeks

    1. Team USA vs. Team England (prep for Team USA Mosconi Cup), Nov. 28 in London Streamed live, free on the Mosconi Cup Facebook page 2. Atlantic Challenge Cup (juniors’ “Mosconi Cup”), Nov. 29- Dec. 1 in Vegas Free streaming, On the wire creative media 3. Mosconi Cup, Dec. 4-7 in London To be...
  17. BRussell

    The New Yorker: Pool players relive their most memorable shots The New Yorker magazine has a series of videos, including “Poker players relive their most memorable hands,” and now they’ve included pool players. There’s a lot for pool players like us to nitpick, but I’ve never seen anything quite like this in the general media.
  18. BRussell

    SVB foul vs. Kaci? Here is the finals match in the Netherlands, SVB vs. Kaci. Great comeback by SVB. But look at SVB’s shot at 50:30. He uses the bridge and pulls it away quickly as the cue ball comes back at his stick after the shot. Turn the volume up and you can hear a noise that...
  19. BRussell

    Can anyone make this shot? I've tried the shot about 25 times since I saw it a couple weeks ago, and I'm getting worse at it.
  20. BRussell

    Best template rack?

    There are several template racks available. Any preferences on which is the best - longest-lasting, holds them tightest, easiest to use?