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  1. Michael Andros

    Bad news

    hey... when i get get steered, i get steered.
  2. Michael Andros

    Bad news

    ty Freddie. please let me know when we can get together. that's very important to me. Very.
  3. Michael Andros

    Bad news

    ty, Chuck, you're a good man. - you all are invaluable to me. some of you are just that much more invaluable. you're one of them.
  4. Michael Andros

    Bad news

    youre my friend, Jay... invaluable to me. thank you.
  5. Michael Andros

    Bad news

    ty larry .
  6. Michael Andros

    Bad news

    god bless you, sir.
  7. Michael Andros

    Bad news

    Pet scan shows bad news, still large hot mass, terminal, 4 - 6 weeks. More as energy allows.
  8. Michael Andros

    New Pet Scan

    We'll take good news all aound, Bill ans Jay and everyone else
  9. Michael Andros

    New Pet Scan

    God bless her and you as well. Thank you.
  10. Michael Andros

    New Pet Scan

    New scan is today long comingggg.
  11. Michael Andros

    Lazy - no energy

    No Gar th'at tha I need! run downs...
  12. Michael Andros

    Lazy - no energy

    Some will get it, some won't. NO energy to even browse. Lease help me chearp What is happening?
  13. Michael Andros

    One Of The Most Messed Up Things I've Ever Seen

    If you're from Cambridge...
  14. Michael Andros

    Walking into a Pool Room (for the 1st time)

    First week between 7th and 8th grade: @ June 6th, 1967. Stayed out in the parking for over 2 months. The owner finally told us to come inside. By end of Summer? Every night...
  15. Michael Andros

    Hurricanes Suck

    Keeping fingers crossed but looks like it will miss us. We need the break...
  16. Michael Andros

    Hurricanes Suck

    Take her with ya.
  17. Michael Andros

    Hurricanes Suck

    Ty, sir... lots of bumps in the road but getting better with time. Thnx again.
  18. Michael Andros

    Florida & Georgia AZ'ers Storm Check In Thread

    They'll be fine, Brian... keep them in my thoughts.
  19. Michael Andros

    Hurricanes Suck

    We'll see, Z... right now, it looks like it will be hugging the east coast, heading north.
  20. Michael Andros

    The Hustler / What age? Influence?

    How old were you the first time you saw The Hustler? Had you begun playing yet? Started because you saw it? ( If you HAVEN'T seen it, stop reading this, right now, and go see it. Now. No matter how far you gotta go, even if it's playing at some "art" theater in Shanghai. It's THAT important )...