Search results

  1. J

    What hall has the best maintained tables in Hamilton Ontario?

    Shooterville in Burlington has nice Black Crowns
  2. J

    Cleaning your balls

    Hey Been a while since i gave my balls a good cleaning, what is the suggested method for a set of Centennials? I was reading that the dishwasher is a no go due to the harshness of the chemicals and the heat. I saw Aramith offers a cleaner and a polisher/conditioner. Would normal dish soap and...
  3. J

    Looking for material on Bill Werbeniuk

    from wikipedia... Some of Werbeniuk's most famous feats of drinking include: 76 cans of lager during a game with John Spencer in Australia in the 1970s;[1] 43 pints of lager in a snooker match/drinking contest against Scotsman Eddie Sinclair in which, after Sinclair had passed out following his...
  4. J

    2019 World 10 Ball - Contest - Enter Now

    Eklent Kaçi
  5. J

    Spot shot madness by 12 year old Russian kid

    How do you know she needs better CB and speed control? Do you know her? Its a potting drill, not a cue ball control or speed drill. I agree with the other guys, it just rubbed me wrong, like you couldn't just compliment her feat without simultaneously taking her down a peg. IMO Its comments like...
  6. J

    The Color of Money (film 1986)

    I always thought a cool spin on a sequel would be to have Vincent have a daughter, who becomes the protaganist
  7. J

    Diamond Ball Polisher issue...

    Reading through this it is apparent that the industry is in need of a better mousetrap, one that is more robust and durable.
  8. J

    The real reason men are better at pool than women

    Strength is a non issue in Cue sports. Don't believe me? How many World Champion female snooker players have there been? I would suspect (as been mentioned here) its a numbers game. Men still out number woman in this game by at least 10 -1.
  9. J

    Cambridge ProAm Snooker Tournament

    REsults are here:
  10. J

    DIY Blatt Billiards Restoration

    If you want the easiest way to remove the formica- i used a belt sander with 50 grit. It chews through the formica fairly easily so you need to be careful. Once i got to the backing i switched to an orbital. I was able to strip all of mine in a day. For the sights, drill a 1/8th hole dead...
  11. J

    Need a cuemaker in ontario

    Don Broos is busy with his new pool hall in Burlington, Shooterville. Justin took over his cue business.
  12. J

    Found another Anniversary for restoration

    I started playing Fallout 4 a week ago, im cruising around an abandoned building and look what I stumbled on. The guys who made this game at least had some good taste in models!
  13. J

    Sweet deal on some spectator chairs from Costo

    Id be hard pressed to find a furniture maker in this area let alone one willing to build something like this for 300 each....
  14. J

    Sweet deal on some spectator chairs from Costo

    That is cheap for a well made spectator chair. Sorry if I ruined your day.
  15. J

    Sweet deal on some spectator chairs from Costo

    Too bad its US only - exactly what im looking for. In case any of you are in the market I thought I'd post it
  16. J

    Another Anniversary Rebuild

    very cool, whats that from?
  17. J

    Another Anniversary Rebuild

    Love it. Thanks so much for posting these.
  18. J

    Another Anniversary Rebuild

    Thanks Glen. I appreciate your insights and your experience in this stuff!
  19. J

    Another Anniversary Rebuild

    I don't know what to tell you bud. I sent the rails out and had them rebuilt and cushions installed. The mechanic then came to my house and set the table up and installed new cloth. I don't know if i mentioned this but this isn't my life's work or anything. I just really like the looks of the...