PM me your UltraSkin Layered Cue Tip Story


Best Tips For Less
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I need some true stories or experiances that have occured since using or applying UltraSkin Layered Cue Tips for my Web Site. Storys used must include the wording Layered Cue Tips. Only your first initials of your name and State will be published.

I don't want people to do something I use for nothing so if picked for the Web Site you will get your choice of 10 UlatraSkin Layered Cue Tips for free. Stories must be true and your PM is consent for me to use your story.

I am currently on Page 2, bottom of a Google search which is not bad for limited time site has been up under Layered Cue Tips. I wanna be number 1 page 1 of the search and need your help to get there.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know the question has been asked but I have not been on the forum much recently, so:

Do you manufacture these yourself, in the USA?

Or are they manufactured by a third party, either USA or overseas?

I ask this question because I have seen similar layered tips from my far east contacts and would like to know for certain, before buying, that yours are different, specifically that the quality is consistent and guaranteed.

Thank you.


son of 3 leg 1 eye dog ..
Silver Member

I am getting a cue made starting in February (when my pension starts) with 2 shafts and I was planning on putting a Moori on one of the shafts. Now, with all the talk that Moori isn't making any more cue tips, I am looking at putting one of your Ultraskin Layered Cue tips on it. Before I do that though I would like to know the durometer reading on your medium and hard tips?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know the question has been asked but I have not been on the forum much recently, so:

Do you manufacture these yourself, in the USA?

Or are they manufactured by a third party, either USA or overseas?

I ask this question because I have seen similar layered tips from my far east contacts and would like to know for certain, before buying, that yours are different, specifically that the quality is consistent and guaranteed.

Thank you.

No answer to this question TomHay?


Best Tips For Less
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Silver Member
Well, since it seems for some reason you have yourself duded up like the town Marshall I would like it to be known that I had thoughts I needed to wait 48 hours due to AZB rules. Than it came to me, I am not selling anything in this thread, I am/was giving it away so it does not apply.

Lets start down and work up. You say your Far East Contacts have similar looking Tips. Hmmm, are you trying to say they are Black and Round??? I find that amazing, that sort of Detective work probably got you the code name Agent17. Which brings me to what is your real name? I mean your calling me Tom Hay, thats my real name.

Now the hows and the whys on my Tips. They are made in the same Tree The Keebler Elves make the cookies. In other words why should I tell you any of my trade secrets?

It takes my money to produce them. Out of the thousands of tips I have sold has one person been burnt? No! Has anyone said they didn't hit the way they expected? Yes, 3 people and I hit the refund button within 5 minutes.

This means if there is a hint of a problem I just make it go away by making it right. I do know many are not happy with my low prices but thats not my problem, I am not raising them.

I like my customers, if I truly had my way I would sell to them exclusivly.

Soooooooooooooo, you can buy my Tips for $3.20 or if your worried about my quality you can buy elsewhere, thats your choice. Go near my tree and a bunch of elves are liable to pelt you with cookies.

You have a good day but before you leave don't forget to ask every vendor and CueMaker in here to tell you their trade secrets, they will probably send you to the same tree.:smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well, since it seems for some reason you have yourself duded up like the town Marshall I would like it to be known that I had thoughts I needed to wait 48 hours due to AZB rules. Than it came to me, I am not selling anything in this thread, I am/was giving it away so it does not apply.

Lets start down and work up. You say your Far East Contacts have similar looking Tips. Hmmm, are you trying to say they are Black and Round??? I find that amazing, that sort of Detective work probably got you the code name Agent17. Which brings me to what is your real name? I mean your calling me Tom Hay, thats my real name.

Now the hows and the whys on my Tips. They are made in the same Tree The Keebler Elves make the cookies. In other words why should I tell you any of my trade secrets?

It takes my money to produce them. Out of the thousands of tips I have sold has one person been burnt? No! Has anyone said they didn't hit the way they expected? Yes, 3 people and I hit the refund button within 5 minutes.

This means if there is a hint of a problem I just make it go away by making it right. I do know many are not happy with my low prices but thats not my problem, I am not raising them.

I like my customers, if I truly had my way I would sell to them exclusivly.

Soooooooooooooo, you can buy my Tips for $3.20 or if your worried about my quality you can buy elsewhere, thats your choice. Go near my tree and a bunch of elves are liable to pelt you with cookies.

You have a good day but before you leave don't forget to ask every vendor and CueMaker in here to tell you their trade secrets, they will probably send you to the same tree.:smile:

Lol. Well thanks for clearing that up. Made in the Far East is my guess from that answer.

Actually, I have no problem with that. Quality of product is all that really matters. But you could have stated politely that you do not wish to divulge any information, and that would have been fine with me. It is, as you correctly say, your business and you are free to do what you want.

Btw, "Do you make them?" is not the same as "How do you make them?". I have no particular desire to know your 'trade secrets', nor any other vendor or cue maker here.

Some things take my interest on this forum and so I may ask question or two. But that's it. I'm not a secret agent trying to infiltrate yours or anyone else's business :rolleyes:

Black and round? Yes, I have seen many tip samples from the Far East, some very similar to yours. Black and round. Doesn't make me a detective, but it does make me want to know if your product is unique and different to what I could buy elsewhere, at a cheaper cost.

Anyway, enough of this. I have no desire to start, or get dragged into, a war here.

Good luck with the tips, people seem to like them. And that's all that really counts eh? :wink:
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Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
Lol. Well thanks for clearing that up. Made in the Far East is my guess from that answer.

Actually, I have no problem with that. Quality of product is all that really matters. But you could have stated politely that you do not wish to divulge any information, and that would have been fine with me. It is, as you correctly say, your business and you are free to do what you want.

Btw, "Do you make them?" is not the same as "How do you make them?". I have no particular desire to know your 'trade secrets', nor any other vendor or cue maker here.

Some things take my interest on this forum and so I may ask question or two. But that's it. I'm not a secret agent trying to infiltrate yours or anyone else's business :rolleyes:

Black and round? Yes, I have seen many tip samples from the Far East, some very similar to yours. Black and round. Doesn't make me a detective, but it does make me want to know if your product is unique and different to what I could buy elsewhere, at a cheaper cost.

Anyway, enough of this. I have no desire to start, or get dragged into, a war here.

Good luck with the tips, people seem to like them. And that's all that really counts eh? :wink:

Okay lets break this down real easy. You "Called me out" with your second posting. You not knowing the 48 hour rule, thats not my fault.

You start this post out with "Quality of product is all that really matters." yet you finish it with "Good luck with the tips, people seem to like them. And that's all that really counts eh?" This means you already knew I had the quality.

The kicker is " Doesn't make me a detective, but it does make me want to know if your product is unique and different to what I could buy elsewhere, at a cheaper cost." That says it all and you still don't know for sure so you have to gamble.

You call me out by your second post because you want to see if you can obtain the same results cheaper than my $3.20.

To me this was a thread to give some people $32.00 worth of tips for free, (10 Tips freight free) which they could put on for $25.00 or make $250.00 for free. The second part was to teach people who did not know about SEO on Web Sites.

What? I am going to worry about you or a Far East Tip selling for less than $3.20 when my soul goal is to have tips available in the industry that don't make the applicator a 50/50 partner? I came into this because I am fortunate enough to have money not to make big bucks.

Oh and if you want to ask someone a personal type question you PM them not ask and than put there back to the wall in front of all their peers making an azz of themselves. You can sugar coat and assume what you want but don't BS a BSer.:wink:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Okay lets break this down real easy. You "Called me out" with your second posting. You not knowing the 48 hour rule, thats not my fault.

Ok, if you insist on continuing this, let's break it down.

Correct, I do not know anything about a 48hr rule. I apologise for not knowing this and assumed that because you were posting elsewhere on the forum, you had not seen my question. Or were avoiding it as you had avoided answering others who had asked before.

You start this post out with "Quality of product is all that really matters." yet you finish it with "Good luck with the tips, people seem to like them. And that's all that really counts eh?" This means you already knew I had the quality.

It means nothing of the sort.

The reason I was interested in your tips was because some people had posted good comments.

How you come to the conclusion that this translates into - "this means I already knew you had the quality" is wishful thinking to say the least.

It means it alerted my interest to a new product that may have potential.

The kicker is " Doesn't make me a detective, but it does make me want to know if your product is unique and different to what I could buy elsewhere, at a cheaper cost." That says it all and you still don't know for sure so you have to gamble.

Correction, the kicker is:

I still don't know for sure if you manufacture a your tips in the USA, but the evasive nature of your answers tells me they are not.

So, there is no gamble involved here. You either make a unique product or you do not.

From your comments I do no think you do.

Does it matter to the consumer? Not really if the quality is right. Does it matter to me? Yes, if the product is not better, and cheaper, than I can buy elsewhere.

You call me out by your second post because you want to see if you can obtain the same results cheaper than my $3.20.

Lol. At the risk of repeating myself:

I was solely interested in a potentially new, unique product.

Why are you finding that so hard to comprehend?!?

To me this was a thread to give some people $32.00 worth of tips for free, (10 Tips freight free) which they could put on for $25.00 or make $250.00 for free. The second part was to teach people who did not know about SEO on Web Sites.

Yes. I apologise for detracting from this.

As I said, I have not been on the forum for a while and when I returned, I saw another tip thread started by you so I thought I would ask the question that nobody seems to have got an answer to.

Oddly enough, with the intention of possibly doing some long term business.

Not now lol :grin:

What? I am going to worry about you or a Far East Tip selling for less than $3.20 when my soul goal is to have tips available in the industry that don't make the applicator a 50/50 partner? I came into this because I am fortunate enough to have money not to make big bucks.

And good luck to you sir.

But when did this become about me or anyone else selling for less?

I have no interest in competing at your price point nor in your market.

Oh and if you want to ask someone a personal type question you PM them not ask and than put there back to the wall in front of all their peers making an azz of themselves. You can sugar coat and assume what you want but don't BS a BSer.:wink:

Forgive me, but is it really such personal and sensitive data to ask if you are the manufacturer of you tips? Especially when you have used this forum to generate interest and market them?

Why you feel the need for a "back to the wall" moment is beyond me. A transparent answer is all that's required.

As I said before, whether that be a straightforward yes/no, or 'mind your own business" is irrelevant. But evasive ramblings that descend into a personal attack on the asker do you no favours whatsoever.

but don't BS a BSer.:wink:

That's the straightest thing you've said in all of this :wink: :grin:

Listen TomHay, you have misread this situation. I was looking to do business, that is all.

I will now leave this thread to it's original intentions.


Best Tips For Less
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Silver Member

I am not a master of the computer nor is my grammer as good as yours. My only smarts come from the streets.

If I said no, I don't manufature the tips the next question brought to me is "Where do you buy them?"

If I said yes I manufacture the tips the next question brought to me is "Where, I want to see them being made?"

Eventualy we go right back to the Tree and the Elves, not a question of if we do, only a question of when.

You say I have lost a chance at a big order with you, I say I avoided a headache because I would not enjoy being involved in anything that involves you.

You write as though I only come here to spam my wares. I however try to contribute on many differant threads.

I have asked your name, where you live etc yet I get no answer. Based on your keen logic I must assume you don't have a name nor do you live anywhere because you don't answer the question.

You have nothing to lose as you are nameless, I have everything to lose as my name is up there for all to see.

Now comes the "Big" shocker. I spent a lot of money having samples sent from overseas. I picked some that were good and after testing them sent to each place picked for more samples to see which were consistant. When I was satisfied I chose the best of the best. My cost, $1.50 a tip in large quantitys. Using paypal to pay, freight etc that brought me to $1.85 a tip. Than I must package them, print labels put them in a padded envelope and pay $1.95 postage. I almost forgot the part about with each order I Re Tip to make sure all is the same.

I could have easily gotten $6.00 to $8.00 a tip and compared to the market value of $21.00 a tip the repair people would still have gotten more than their monies worth. I didn't though, I have Heart and Love of the game and everything around it.

Oh, I forgot. I get my packaging from Uline and the stamps I get from the Post Office, profits I sponser Pool Tournaments with.

Now Agent 17, if you have no more questions I will dust myself off and decide if I should keep UltraSkin going or do something else as a hobby for retirement. Ya can't hurt a retired wealthy person with heart but you can sure hurt a lot of others that depend on him.

Any more questions Agent 17, or am I free to go now?


Thanks for the samples . Not only did I test each grade, but my 2 sponsored pros plus my employee tested them as well. Now I have been making cues for 20 yrs, and playing since the 60's. I have traveled to Japan many times and have a strong following there, and have been able to be around since the Moori's 1 and so on until now. I have tried and tested them all!! In my learned opinion your layered tips are the best most consistent playing tips available. The fact that you only charge what you do tells me that you really care more for the game than the money. I would really like to use your tips on all my cues, and promote them as well.
Thanks for the fine job.
Mike L.


Best Tips For Less
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Mr Mike Lambros, I am speechless. You honor the game, always have always will. Thank you for your kind words.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

very nice honest post Mr. Lambros. Tom I received the tips from you I bought, and will give a review asap. -Bryan


The Grinder
Silver Member
If Mr. Lambros endorses them enuff said.

Glad to read that elves have other skill sets besides cookies and yard standing....oh wait....those are gnomes:rolleyes:

Whats the differance a wheel barrow?


Silver Member
I've only done a few of these for players and found it a bit difficult to sway them from what they initially wanted(a more expensive tip that was made HOWEVER, they were VERY happy with the results once they started playing.

Agent17, I'm not really sure what your trying to do here. Maybe Tom has his tips made here, maybe not. If you want to buy tips that are made here, then you can cross several options off your list.

Tom has been very generous in everything I have seen him do here. He, by all accounts so far, is offering a tip equal to or better that everything else for a fraction of the cost.

You are certainly free to pay 4 times as much and either eat the profit or pass the extra cost on to you customer.

Hits 'em Hard

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If I said no, I don't manufature the tips the next question brought to me is "Where do you buy them?"

If I said yes I manufacture the tips the next question brought to me is "Where, I want to see them being made?"

Eventualy we go right back to the Tree and the Elves, not a question of if we do, only a question of when.

I got to ask, why are you being so secretive about your tips? It's not like we're looking to copy yours. Just trying to be informed. Look at all manufacturers of tips, they tell you what the tip is made out of and where it's made. Besides that, they don't let you know shit. But you, your different. You seem to think that keeping a cloud of secrecy over your tips is good, but really it's causing some people unneeded skepticism, and making some people not want to buy your tips.

What's the durometer say for hardness on all tips?Soft: 64.8, Medium: 72.1, Hard 76.6
What's the leather from? Pig, cow, calf, buffalo? Something even more exotic?Pig
Where are the tips manufactured? No need to go into details, but the city of manufacturing is warranted.

Just give us that information and keep all that proprietary shit to yourself.

Edit: Gotta dig through your site to find answers that should be on the front page. Also, has the durometer numbers been confirmed by independent tests?
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cue accumulator
Silver Member
Now that I know the gold-white-red sequence, we will be trying them very soon.
I can't wait, they look like terrific tips



Silver Member
I got to ask, why are you being so secretive about your tips? It's not like we're looking to copy yours. Just trying to be informed. Look at all manufacturers of tips, they tell you what the tip is made out of and where it's made. Besides that, they don't let you know shit. But you, your different. You seem to think that keeping a cloud of secrecy over your tips is good, but really it's causing some people unneeded skepticism, and making some people not want to buy your tips.

What's the durometer say for hardness on all tips?Soft: 64.8, Medium: 72.1, Hard 76.6
What's the leather from? Pig, cow, calf, buffalo? Something even more exotic?Pig
Where are the tips manufactured? No need to go into details, but the city of manufacturing is warranted.

Just give us that information and keep all that proprietary shit to yourself.

Edit: Gotta dig through your site to find answers that should be on the front page. Also, has the durometer numbers been confirmed by independent tests?

Let's see. The man who has given away more free tips than anyone I can recall places another thread which offers even more free tips.

Mike Lambros and nearly everyone else gives his tips GREAT reviews and now, on HIS thread offering more free product, we get DEMANDS for info and criticisms about his website(that he asked for constructive advice about in another thread btw).

Why don't you start a thread DEMANDING Kamui disclose their formula for magic chalk, see how far you get, and leave the guy who chooses not to gouge for a quality product alone?

BTW, I can't find anything on Kamui's site regarding any durometer testing. I see they use Japanese pigs though.

Tell you what, I'll buy you some of his tips and you can try them out for free...

How would that be?
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Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
Since this will be my last post in AZB I wanted to take the time to thank the 90% that make up the AZB Forum family for your time and kindness, you guys are the best.

Time to get to the other 10% such as Agent 17 and Hit Um Hard. I am just an older guy that did good that wanted to give back to the Sport he fell in love with when he first hit a ball on a Bumbper Pool table at about age 5. This thread was about nothing other than giving free tips away. I thought it was the right thing to do, give back to those who gave. I think it was a week, maybe a couple where I premiered my Web Site (at least the started makings of it) It was not done than and its not done now. You might note I asked for suggestions and have already put some of the suggestions in. I am not done but I find it truly a mystery why someone would complain about having to go to several links in the site to find the information they are looking for, I mean this is why Web Sites have more than one page.

I would like "these people" to do a Google search and type in Address of Kamui Cue Tip Maunufactureing and than do the same on Morri. After I would like them to post pictures from the last or even first time they visited the factorys as this would be the closest to true way to prove either has one and with PhotoShop Etc that does not truly make it real.

I had specials coming up, even have 250 hand stitched real leather chalk holders in White and Black put togeather for give aways (Yes I believe the same quality as the ones you find on Kamui's site.

I didn't come on here and say I had something that hit like a Kamui or Morri that would never mushroom and rarely needed chalk. Mine is a differant hit, some will like, some will not. You will never hear this guy say anything but chalk your cue after every shot. On mushrooming or slight mushrooming expect it on my tip. If someone says they have never had a Kamui mushroom I say great, it will mean it would be stupid to press them because they already are as compressed as you can get.

I could have put the ML post on my Web Site or any of the other Gods of Cue Making that use my tips. I won't though. In this economy I want the guy that worked 60 hours this week trying to save his home and put food on the table that budgets so hard just to go out and play in leagues because they love the game so much to say WOW, I love this tip and can afford it. I wanted the guy that has a passion for going to tournaments, sitting all day putting tips on to be able to go home to his wife and say put the groceries away, I made a LOT extra this Tourney we are going out for steak and wine.

You have a section on here called ask the Cue Maker who has a lot of Cue Makers that do post but you get very little if any postings from the cue makers that get the biggest ooooooooooooooooos and awessssssssssss. The reason and only this mans reason is the 10%. The guys you would like to hear from the most don't want or need the stupid ignorant negativity that the 10% I write of offer.

Well 90% love you guys, can't thank you enough. 10%, misery loves company so always have fun playing with yourselves.


Silver Member
Since this will be my last post in AZB I wanted to take the time to thank the 90% that make up the AZB Forum family for your time and kindness, you guys are the best.

Time to get to the other 10% such as Agent 17 and Hit Um Hard. I am just an older guy that did good that wanted to give back to the Sport he fell in love with when he first hit a ball on a Bumbper Pool table at about age 5. This thread was about nothing other than giving free tips away. I thought it was the right thing to do, give back to those who gave. I think it was a week, maybe a couple where I premiered my Web Site (at least the started makings of it) It was not done than and its not done now. You might note I asked for suggestions and have already put some of the suggestions in. I am not done but I find it truly a mystery why someone would complain about having to go to several links in the site to find the information they are looking for, I mean this is why Web Sites have more than one page.

I would like "these people" to do a Google search and type in Address of Kamui Cue Tip Maunufactureing and than do the same on Morri. After I would like them to post pictures from the last or even first time they visited the factorys as this would be the closest to true way to prove either has one and with PhotoShop Etc that does not truly make it real.

I had specials coming up, even have 250 hand stitched real leather chalk holders in White and Black put togeather for give aways (Yes I believe the same quality as the ones you find on Kamui's site.

I didn't come on here and say I had something that hit like a Kamui or Morri that would never mushroom and rarely needed chalk. Mine is a differant hit, some will like, some will not. You will never hear this guy say anything but chalk your cue after every shot. On mushrooming or slight mushrooming expect it on my tip. If someone says they have never had a Kamui mushroom I say great, it will mean it would be stupid to press them because they already are as compressed as you can get.

I could have put the ML post on my Web Site or any of the other Gods of Cue Making that use my tips. I won't though. In this economy I want the guy that worked 60 hours this week trying to save his home and put food on the table that budgets so hard just to go out and play in leagues because they love the game so much to say WOW, I love this tip and can afford it. I wanted the guy that has a passion for going to tournaments, sitting all day putting tips on to be able to go home to his wife and say put the groceries away, I made a LOT extra this Tourney we are going out for steak and wine.

You have a section on here called ask the Cue Maker who has a lot of Cue Makers that do post but you get very little if any postings from the cue makers that get the biggest ooooooooooooooooos and awessssssssssss. The reason and only this mans reason is the 10%. The guys you would like to hear from the most don't want or need the stupid ignorant negativity that the 10% I write of offer.

Well 90% love you guys, can't thank you enough. 10%, misery loves company so always have fun playing with yourselves.

If this is truly you last post I hope you will find time to read my thanks.

I really cannot understand the animosity that has been shown towards you....

All you ever asked was that people try your tips and give their opinion....FURTHERMORE, you gave many away to obtain just that....

I would ask that you try and ignore those who have been hostile. That is a selfish request on my part, as I would rather use your tips and drop my price a bit to make replacement more affordable....