***Who would win this ring game ???***

Who would win this ring game ???

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Accu-Stats Messenger
Silver Member
Taz, Sylvester, Daffy or Bugs !
taz ring game.jpg


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i'd put my money on slick, suave sylvester- the epitome of hustle.

Anyone always outsmarted by a tweety bird has zero chance. Taz is all offense, he would sell out too much rather than playing defense. Bugs and Daffy in the finals....Bugs wins 11 to 9.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Taz- wins ring game cause he can put that much spin on the cue ball
Daffy- will probably spit in your chalk
Bugs Bunny- will shark ya by biting into those loud crunching carrots at the right time of your pulling the trigger

Sylvester- the hustler who is waiting for the winner so he can challenge him


Free T-Rex
Silver Member
Taz is all offense, he would sell out too much rather than playing defense. Bugs and Daffy in the finals....Bugs wins 11 to 9.


You're thinking of a mini tourney, not a ring game...There's no defense in a ring game, so I think Taz's blitzkreig type offense would be too much for the others to handle...:grin:

Then again, I lost some money betting on Johnny Archer in one of the DCC ring games a couple years back...He was the first man out, and never had a legitimate chance to win a single game...The favorite doesn't always cash...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Taz is the man in this ringgame he can swirl up some super suction to suck the 5 and 9 into the pockets from any position, hands down no competition.--Leonard

ps only bugs and sylvester will have 1 foot on the ground


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
bugs,paws down

I hate the arrogant , self centered S.O.B. but I have to admit Bugs has got a helluva stroke and he's the one shooting now. Daffy's a lot of fun to play with but he's got a big mouth and can never focus for long. Sylvester is
pretty cool when he has a roll but he's light in the wallet and will fold
because of money pressures. Taz is pretty wild and doesn't pay that much attention to position, Hits the ball too hard and is constantly riding the nine.

Without a doubt, tonight Bugs got the nuts.
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WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I'm up Doc!

The rabbit's given name is Alfred.He acquired the nick name 'Bugs'
'cause he banks like Leonard Rucker.
How do you like it now?