Those Two Undercover Monster players are real. I have photographic evidence!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not too bad on time, considering the horrible position "play". Still, I see that in the APA. If you're actually headed to the West coast, and not just to spectate, feel free to come up to OR afterwards with whatever you've got left and I'll find you a game or two.

Actually, these two guys play so good they do this on purpose to irritate an experienced opponent like yourself.

"Damn, did you see how he got that lucky shape!"

"Again. COME ON MAN!"

That is about the only stall you'll see with these guys.

Playing the wrong shape on purpose to piss off their opponent and actually have them thinking they have a chance once he "messes" up shape once too often.

Look at that "accidental shape" on the eight ball.

He looks at the eight right before he shots and is looking at behind the eight. Just to piss off his opponent.

And he got that "wrong shape" perfectly.

You guys honestly don't have a clue.

But when that twelve rack run hits. Lots of ice cream will be coming my way. Yeeeehaw!

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Actually, these two guys play so good they do this on purpose to irritate an experienced opponent like yourself.

"Damn, did you see how he got that lucky shape!"

"Again. COME ON MAN!"

That is about the only stall you'll see with these guys.

Playing the wrong shape on purpose to piss off their opponent and actually have them thinking they have a chance once he messes up shape once too often.

Look at that "accidental shape" on the eight ball.

He looks at the eight right before he shots and is looking at behind the eight. Just to piss off his opponent.

And he got that "wrong shape" perfectly.

You guys honestly don't have a clue.

But when that twelve rack run hits. Lots of ice cream will be coming my way. Yeeeehaw!


14 second mark. LOOKS BEHIND THE EIGHT.

Priceless how "good" these guys are!



Actually, these two guys play so good they do this on purpose to irritate an experienced opponent like yourself.

"Damn, did you see how he got that lucky shape!"

"Again. COME ON MAN!"

That is about the only stall you'll see with these guys.

Playing the wrong shape on purpose to piss off their opponent and actually have them thinking they have a chance once he messes up shape once too often.

Look at that "accidental shape" on the eight ball.

He looks at the eight right before he shots and is looking at behind the eight. Just to piss off his opponent.

And he got that "wrong shape" perfectly.

You guys honestly don't have a clue.

But when that twelve rack run hits. Lots of ice cream will be coming my way. Yeeeehaw!


Yawn. :boring:


AzB Member
Silver Member
Actually, these two guys play so good they do this on purpose to irritate an experienced opponent like yourself.

"Damn, did you see how he got that lucky shape!"

"Again. COME ON MAN!"

That is about the only stall you'll see with these guys.

Playing the wrong shape on purpose to piss off their opponent and actually have them thinking they have a chance once he messes up shape once too often.

Look at that "accidental shape" on the eight ball.

He looks at the eight right before he shots and is looking at behind the eight. Just to piss off his opponent.

And he got that "wrong shape" perfectly.

You guys honestly don't have a clue.

But when that twelve rack run hits. Lots of ice cream will be coming my way. Yeeeehaw!


Ok...I suppose that might make sense. But I think the "accidental" shape stall gig probably runs it's course after the first 5-pack.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok...I suppose that might make sense. But I think the "accidental" shape stall gig probably runs it's course after the first 5-pack.

Yeah. Suppose so.

I do apologize to everyone I might have needled about stuff.

It's just I WAS THE ONE who first discovered these guys.

And outside of that, I just want people to believe they exist.




Club a member
Silver Member
dude, you are working this pitch HARD. I mean, I know we are in the 11th hour and all, but maybe its time to pack up the snakeoil?

Has even one person decided to do business with you?

Eric >d'int think so, either


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
dude, you are working this pitch HARD. I mean, I know we are in the 11th hour and all, but maybe its time to pack up the snakeoil?

Has even one person decided to do business with you?

Eric >d'int think so, either


Yeah, I think you're right. WIll pack it up and head the RV North to Hard Times.

I have been pitching this pretty hard. But it is all true.

1) I broke the story

2) Longhaul grabbed a pic.

3) That YouTuber a video snippet.

4) That twelve pack security cam footage is gonna hit.

It just keeps building and kinda pisses me off nobody will get in bed with me on this for seriously large lumber.

Ok, gonna fire up the RV and head north.

Signing off.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

But the above will be nothing compared to the twelve rack run that will soon find its way online.

Seriously, first I broke the story about New York and Arizona. Nobody believed me.

Then Longhaul got an actual picture.

Nobody believed me. Nobody believed Longhaul.

Now some YouTuber gets a video snippet.

Nobody believes me. Nobody believes Longhaul. Nobody believes the YouTuber.

What is gonna happen when that twelve rack run gets online.

Nobody will believe that either.

People lack so much faith nowadays.

Doesn't anybody believe in anything anymore?

This makes me sad.



Equal Opportunity Gadfly
Silver Member
Horse $#!+

Well the "rest of the story" (RIP Paul Harvey) is clear now. This @$$hat can barely run four balls, takes a picture and then a video of himself proving he's about as sporty as a Fast Larry student and decides to conjure up this B movie script and cast himself as the main character. Trouble is anyone who's played more than a year can tell that if he was shooting for $#!+ he'd go two turds in every pocket. Grow up man. Come back when you can actually run a full rack. By that time maybe everyone here will have forgotten about this idiotic thread.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Can't wait for that twelve rack run!!!

The above will be nothing compared to the twelve rack run that will soon find its way online.

Seriously, first I broke the story about New York and Arizona. Nobody believed me.

Then Longhaul got an actual picture.

Nobody believed me. Nobody believed Longhaul.

Now some YouTuber gets a video snippet.

Nobody believes me. Nobody believes Longhaul. Nobody believes the YouTuber.

What is gonna happen when that twelve rack run gets online.

Nobody will believe that either.

People lack so much faith nowadays.

Doesn't anybody believe in anything anymore?

This makes me sad.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nobody believes you still, this is idiotic.
You already admitted you made this up
in post #120 in this very thread.

You're own words "there are no monster players"

What's you're point?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
47 seconds to clear that rack. Set those balls up. Put fifty on the rail and see if you can clear them in under 47 seconds.

Heck, I know some pros that take 47 seconds to look over a shot and chalk their cue.

I can't wait till that twelve rack run out drops online.

You'll owe me an ice cream!


Why does it matter how fast he shoots? He grips the cue with his thumb out, clearly he has no idea how to play properly. Post at least a full rack runout. He plays like someone that has been playing for a long time by learning the wrong way and just makes balls because he's been at it for so long, not because he knows how to play.

Either way, looking forward to your "Excuses why no-one saw those guys there" post. I'll help you a bit. "They lost the keys to the car" "Really bad menstrual cramps" "They are playing the King of Shlamasta for $100,000 a game" "Dang Apple GPS app!! This isn't California!!"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Actually, these two guys play so good they do this on purpose to irritate an experienced opponent like yourself. "Damn, did you see how he got that lucky shape!".."Again. COME ON MAN!"

That is about the only stall you'll see with these guys. Playing the wrong shape on purpose to piss off their opponent and actually have them thinking they have a chance once he "messes" up shape once too often.

Look at that "accidental shape" on the eight ball. He looks at the eight right before he shots and is looking at behind the eight. Just to piss off his opponent.

And he got that "wrong shape" perfectly. You guys honestly don't have a clue. But when that twelve rack run hits. Lots of ice cream will be coming my way. Yeeeehaw!


Well Mr. Built, you had a chance to come clean, and admit you didn't see the 'wrong way shape' he was playing, 'til we called it to your attention !.. But you chose to try and bluster your way through, with a silly explanation !

This thread was mildly amusing for a while, but you have lost me this time, for sure ! :boring2: :boring2: :boring2:

No cookies or ice cream for you....



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nobody believes you still, this is idiotic.
You already admitted you made this up
in post #120 in this very thread.

You're own words "there are no monster players"

What's you're point?

Read the whole thread. I did this to get the Russian heat off me and Bobby.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well Mr. Built, you had a chance to come clean, and admit you didn't see the 'wrong way shape' he was playing, 'til we called it to your attention !.. But you chose to try and bluster your way through, with a silly explanation !

This thread was mildly amusing for a while, but you have lost me this time, for sure ! :boring2: :boring2: :boring2:

No cookies or ice cream for you....

View attachment 345458

Not true. I knew the "wrong shape" all along stall thing but choose not to mention it because I didn't want to show my true knowledge.

I dig your sense of humor with that photo.

But I know, and you know, when I stick my fork in that is just some tasty chocolate ice cream!


What guy pushing 80 doesn't like ice cream!?

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This thread reminds of a Twitch gaming girl, who says she is a pro gamer just to rile up guys. They continually call her stupid, when in fact they are the stupid ones. She's playing them like a fiddle, and reportedly makes a ton of money from donations. She is downright hilarious, but what is even funnier is the dumbbells don't get it.
The OP is playing you like a fiddle just to amuse himself. But...I think this thread is like Seinfeld...if you don't get don't get it.
Carry on.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This thread reminds of a Twitch gaming girl, who says she is a pro gamer just to rile up guys. They continually call her stupid, when in fact they are the stupid ones. She's playing them like a fiddle, and reportedly makes a ton of money from donations. She is downright hilarious, but what is even funnier is the dumbbells don't get it.
The OP is playing you like a fiddle just to amuse himself. But...I think this thread is like Seinfeld...if you don't get don't get it.
Carry on.

I love Seinfeld. And I don't work for Azbilliards. And I don't work for POVPOOL.

Although I am sure they love the traffic I am driving to their sponsors.

New York and Arizona are real!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I love Seinfeld. And I don't work for Azbilliards. And I don't work for POVPOOL.

Although I am sure they love the traffic I am driving to their sponsors.

New York and Arizona are real!


Well azbilliards has a little traffic, but it sure isn't twitch.
Anyway have fun with the "monsters", but are sure they aren't "beasts",,,and are they going to "snap it off" or "take it down"?

You weren't a Phil Hendrie fan by any chance?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
well azbilliards has a little traffic, but it sure isn't twitch.
Anyway have fun with the "monsters", but are sure they aren't "beasts",,,and are they going to "snap it off" or "take it down"?

You weren't a phil hendrie fan by any chance?

Love Phil Hendrie!!!!