
Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member

I picked some fresh green beans from my pitiful garden (it was my first attempt at planting green beans). Most of the time I just plant some tomatoes and a couple of plants of sweet banana peppers. I thought the green beans would go good with the blackened salmon that I had purchased from Sam's, in those sealed juices that the individual pieces of fish come packaged in. I decided to throw in a couple of baked sweet potatoes and to say that I had a sumptuous meal would be an understatement. Oh yeah, I picked a couple of banana peppers from the garden and stuffed them with some cream cheese and all I can say is yum. The fresh green beans were fantastic. Fresh anything is fantastic. There should be a restaurant that picks their vegetables that morning and serves them that day. I would frequent that restaurant.... They could call it Fresh is Fantastic. :D

I know by now some of you are wondering where the heck is CJ's ultimate pool secrets. I'm getting to it.

The mailman delivered CJ's DVD to my door and after that delicious meal, I was trying to nod off as I usually do after a big meal. I put CJ's DVD in the player and right off the bat I could tell there was something special about this DVD. My desire to take a nap was replaced by an instantaneous desire to learn some very unique secrets of pool.

CJ has always dressed in style and he must have changed suits three or four times during the taping of the DVD. I don't remember ever giving a review on a DVD before I went out and tested some of the things that they shared on the video but this time, I knew it would be the exception and not because CJ was dressed to the nines. :)

I don't remember any pool player sharing such detailed and UNIQUE secrets in any video. CJ's information is BRAND NEW information, at least for me and I have seen a lot of videos in my time. I don't have to go out and practice CJ's techniques and SECRETS because I already know they work.

As the ESPN World 9 Ball Champion CJ has created a unique one of a kind instructional video. You will learn NEW techniques NEVER BEFORE SEEN in any video.

CJ's is a real athlete, playing many, many sports at a high level. Hell, you should hear the guy play the piano. That really tripped me out. He sounded great. (Rufus Carter look out.) :wink: CJ is a black belt martial artist and when you watch the video you can tell that his martial arts training has helped him to become one of the best players on the planet.

The 135 minute video (one DVD) covers the both the physical and the mental aspects of pool.

There are "secrets" upon "secrets" in this video. I guarantee that anyone who views this video will be happy with it. I am thrilled with it. If I can come close to using his SIMPLE systematic banking system, the one pocket players had better look out.

CJ's approach to MOST things is UNIQUE and I haven't seen any other professional player talking about many of the things he does so even though I haven't put into practice any of the things he talked about in the video, I can guarantee that you will learn things you don't know and it will help your pool game.

CJ has always been known as a shot maker, a gambler and has put fear in the hearts of many professional players who have tested his ferocious, competitive, spirit. You'll like what he has to say about how well he plays pool and you'll be surprised at what he says. :wink:

His techique in envisioning the zone of shape for the cue ball is also unique. Heck, the video is filled with unique perspectives and I can tell already before I use any of them that they work.

CJ Wiley is the real deal.

The video is filled with GREAT INFORMATION, including CJ's breathing techniques for relaxation and clearing the mind. I'm interested in sharing the commentary booth with CJ in the near future and if he has any more "SECRETS" left, I will squeeze them out of him, one by one. :D

The price of the video is only $38.45 which includes the shipping. That is an INCREDIBLE value. You can order it by clicking here. and don't be cheeky and just read his POOL SECRET "articles" that are free on his web site. Buy the video, you will not be disappointed.

CJ's DVD gets TWO thumbs-up from me. :thumbup::thumbup:

Lucky Joe


Work Hard, Be Humble. jbk
Silver Member
JoeyA, I agree. I got mine several weeks ago and have since shared a couple of e-mails with CJ.. He is a super nice guy and the DVD is FULL of new information that definitely woks. CJ shares so much in this DVD, it's sick.

Gotta say, of all of the instructional material that I have purchased over the years, this is by far the best bang for my buck, hands down. Trust me, I have spent many $$$$ too.

As you said, CJ is definitely the real deal!

Peace, JoeyK


Joey A. nailed it. The dvd is all he said, the biggest bang for the buck. I just gave it to my grandson , I know Wiley can teach him a lot better than gram-paw. Man it would have been great to have had something like this when I started. :thumbup: Skip


Silver Member
Joey, you should put on the blue button-down shirt and comb your hair back--- you could be on an infomercial!! ;)

Just kidding-- I've seen that video too and it's super. Highly recommended!


Silver Member
I just ordered one. I feel like I still owe CJ something (besides the fact that the DVD is probably gonna help my game).

My very first post on here did CJ a cruel injustice. The forum was all abuzz, still reeling from the death of Steve Mizerak. I couldn't figure out why in all the threads/posts talking about the Miz, that not one person has mentioned the recent passing of CJ Wiley. So my first post was an inquiry as to why no one was mentioning his death. I kinda got me a new a**hole ripped for reporting that piece of false information. Oops!!!

It took me a day or two, but I finally figure out what had happened. I had just gotten home from the hospital from my second shoulder surgery. My wife said that while I was in recovery, I was tossing and turning in the bed complaining vigorously of pain (to this day, I do not remember ANYTHING that happened in the recovery room). So, the staff gave me a SECOND dose of morphine. I musta been seriously dazed and confused (la-la land :thumbup:) and must have dreamed about CJ's passing. It was so realistic that I even remember seeing it in the obituaries of the Dallas Morning News (which I didn't take or have any access to). Anyway, thank goodness it wasn't true! I do still feel bad over the incident though.

So, once again, sorry CJ!!! I bought your video and if I ever run into you in person, I want to shake your hand and offer a "live" apology.

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Lion or the Lamb
Silver Member
my opinion

I think his videos are the best i have ever seen. My nephew is only six years old and he has learned alot from cjs techniques. He definitely seemed like a class act and a guy who would show you a thing or two. I give it a ten. I recently purchased mikas 3 part dvd and fell asleep half the time. BORING!! My next purchase will probably be max eberle's dvd set. I know him personally, and i would think his dvds are very informative like cjs.
Jay Winne


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Went to the site and was enjoying reading but perhaps someone should advise CJ to proofread....think he means "swanky"

Now 38 and more than a decade removed from his poolroom cons, Wiley is still hustling—but in the business world. Today, he owns a 24-hour poolroom and a $3.5 million sports bar. He lives in a three-bedroom home in the skanky suburb of Lake Highlands, outside Dallas.




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Read the thread while waiting for the ferry to arrive and just purchased it. I had his 3 part series and loved it but this sounds better. Just watched the Mika DVDs too and thank God it was a loaner and that I was at work. High hopes for this one though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
CJ was down a few weeks ago. I was going to stake him in a game he was offered awhile back.He had went a week without being in any action and refused to play because he admitted he was out of stroke and didn't won't to blow my cash when he didn't feel he could win.How many players do you know that would be that honest? Also a friend of mine that has been around pool for 40yrs "he invented the porkypine tapper" told me its the only video he has ever watched that taught him things that really worked for him.


Silver Member
Read the thread while waiting for the ferry to arrive and just purchased it. I had his 3 part series and loved it but this sounds better. Just watched the Mika DVDs too and thank God it was a loaner and that I was at work. High hopes for this one though.

I could be wrong but I do believe that CJ's DVD, the one you just ordered, is the same as the three part series in which you once had.


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
I could be wrong but I do believe that CJ's DVD, the one you just ordered, is the same as the three part series in which you once had.

I think Luxury would have seen the cover on the new DVD when he ordered it and known whether it was the same as the other one he had.

Either way, he could easily sell that one to someone interested in improving their game.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Does he go over a fractional aiming system called the ultimate aiming system? Does he hold a sword? Do they show footage of him playing a match where he asks the camera man to scoot back cause it's "kind of a big shot?


Pool maniac
Silver Member
Does he go over a fractional aiming system called the ultimate aiming system? Does he hold a sword? Do they show footage of him playing a match where he asks the camera man to scoot back cause it's "kind of a big shot?
Yap it's all in this DVD...his older 3 videos put together in one DVD.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well I never paid for the old VHS. Just borrowed from a friend so I'm happy to pay finally and it will be nice to watch after all these years. It really is great.


Ret Professional Goof Off
Silver Member
Is it redone for DVD or just copied from VHS?

How is the picture quality?

Is it broken down into chapters?

I have some VHS that were put onto DVD and if you stopped you could not continue from that spot. You had restart from the beginning.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
That's ok, but the only "dead" I want to be is in DEAD STROKE!!! I assure you I'm alive and well here in Dallas, but getting the "itch (not scratch)" to get back to competing. I have watched my DVD's a couple times and I THINK I've GOT IT AGAIN...LOL


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member

That's ok, but the only "dead" I want to be is in DEAD STROKE!!! I assure you I'm alive and well here in Dallas, but getting the "itch (not scratch)" to get back to competing. I have watched my DVD's a couple times and I THINK I've GOT IT AGAIN...LOL

Welcome to the forums! Hope you post in some of the technical threads and tell a few stories too.
