Who makes the best 7 foot pool table for a home?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Will want a ball return table for the home..

I do not think GCs come in that size so am i right that Diamond Pro-Ams are the best in this particular size category??

I have not seen any talk w respect to this table size.

Haven't heard of anyone raving about Olhausen or Brunswick 7 footers??

There are threads about the Diamond and Gold crowns banking "better" but what is THE table to get for a 7 footer???

I am assuming that Valley's/black cats (converted away from coin ops) are NOT the same caliber of other above-listed.

I understand that single thick slate is better than 2 or 3 piece.


New member
I bought an Olhausen 7ft. It's being delivered Tuesday. I will let you know after that. Best is everyone's opinion. Find something you like and get it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks. Would love to know how it works out. Will it have are ball return? Or traditional drop pockets?

Did you think of getting a Diamond?

Would love to know if your decision was based on economics or other?? i.e. perhaps you don't care for the commercialized look of "diamond" emblazoned on the side of a table in a living room.

I am not a fan of that... Thanks... and I am sure you will have a great time on your new table.
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I have a 7' Olhausen and am very pleased with it. Best piece of furniture in my house and it plays way better than I do.


"What's in your wallet?"
Silver Member
I'm not an astrophysicist but as far as I know Diamond makes the best bar box in the known universe.
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I also have a 7 foot Olhausen. I just love it. Have heard many of my sons friends say they like it over there's at home. I do know that none of them have Diamonds though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I own a Diamond pro-am 7'. I will tell you it is as stated above the best table in that size money can buy. I will also tell you that there are a few things that bothered me after purchasing mine. I feel like Diamond manufacturing is not straight forward when it comes to their product. The rails are NOT made of the same materials on the 7 foot table as they are on the nine foot within the same model. The website only depicts the colors of the dymondwood which is not available. Instead they use real walnut and stain it. I ordered the rosewood color and my table looks like a rich deep cherry finish. I am told the shelf size is different as well between the sizes for playabuility. The beauty of it is being made from real wood it appears more like a piece of furniture then the GC would and it is about half the retail price of a GC-V. If I had to order another 7 foot table from them personally I would definitely special order the cushions to be Artemis not the black diamond. I would also either wait for the dymondwood to come back or insist on them creating the table with actual Brazilian rosewood because their website indicates they use all the finest materials in the world. That is just me though. I would not even consider a Valley or Dynamo. For the record I grew up in a house with a 6 foot Brunswick coin op Bar table in it. They may not still be made but I am sure you can still find them around and restore it.