Rules Question


Addicted to the Sport
Silver Member
Okay, playing 14.1 today. At the end of the rack the 15th ball was square on the foot spot.

At first I thought: fine, I'll rack 15 balls. But, then I thought: no, the 15th ball is 'in the rack' and spotted it on the head spot.

I'm still not sure what the proper placement of the 15th ball should be.

Help ?


straight pool nut
Silver Member
You had it, on the headspot, cueball remains in position if not in the rack too. If the cue ball was also in the rack then the 15th ball would rack with the others and the cue ball would go in the kitchen. If the cue ball position was interfearing with placing the 15th ball on the headspot then the 15th ball would be placed on the center spot (between the side pockets), and cue ball would stay in position.
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