Training you brain to be able to imagine the shot .

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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I think there's a such thing as mirrors that install under your rails for this purpose.

I saw them at a BCA trade show.

They are in the wrong place and at least for the rails on that table they are not far enough under the rail to avoid being hit sometimes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great IDEA... one thing I would like to know & Bob Jewett brought up that point.... The center of the object ball does not go back to that point in the rail, where the mirror reflection plane is. Is the shot pictured in your mirror correct or is there a modification required.

I had plans to make myself one of these, but business doesn't allow me to do much else.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am sorry the league was coming in to play which I didn't know.
I didn't have time to photograph the set of 3 mirror's .
The picture of the one mirror is one of 3 mirrors .

So I just post a picture of one mirror being used.

3 mirrors makes it possible to see up to 3 rail kick and bank shots .

Are you going to shoot that egg, in picture 6 & hit the 14 ball, 3 rails into the corner. Please take a video of this shot.


Silver Member

Great IDEA... one thing I would like to know & Bob Jewett brought up that point.... The center of the object ball does not go back to that point in the rail, where the mirror reflection plane is. Is the shot pictured in your mirror correct or is there a modification required.

I had plans to make myself one of these, but business doesn't allow me to do much else.

We were under the gun, the league was coming in and the mirror didn't get properly lined up for the pictures.


Silver Member

2nd hand store sales mirrors dirt cheap ,
I started off with a mirror off a semi truck and had people hold the mirror on the rail for me .