Regarding Dominant Eye


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

That is an excellent short video on sight alignment. Good find, thanks.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lots of posts on dominant eye. I say it is less important to know that than it is to align to the shot properly.

Please check this video and forget dominant eye and concern yourself with this.

I believe this is most important.

Sir, thank you for this good video. Although I may not agree with everyone, I respect all opinions.
I was recently told by a fellow AZ-poster that I can "believe anything I want about dominant eye."
To me this suggested that I was wrong to believe that dominant eye is an important factor in pool.

The video YOU provide however proves the pro-dominant eye theory.
I agree with you that proper alignment is necessary in order to produce that "unbroken line" as Steve Davis suggests.
However, in order to get to that position a player (I believe) has to rely on his/her natural vision center.
That's why every player sights (seemingly) differently.
Some use more of their right eye, some use more of their left, and some use more of both.
In other words, relative to their shooting hand, some are cross-eye dominant, same eye dominant, and others neutral.

Perhaps the concept is not quite understood by some so they simply advocate a forget-about-the-dominant-eye theory philosophy.

It really doesn't matter in the big picture. I don't want to beat a dead horse either.
I say as in other posts, just approach the shot whichever works best for you.
Whether one focuses on dominant eye to set up (and then forgets about it) or one simply uses whatever produces a straight line so be it, right?

Anyways, thanks for your video. Let's all just keep shooting straight!:thumbup:


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
Knowing the dominant eye is part of how you align to the shot properly.

If you have perfect form you can certainly still make balls but if you ever find yourself
unable to judge just where to aim a cut, it may be your head is just a few inches out of position
to see the shot well.


Clear the table!
Silver Member
<------------------- Left-handed. I use both eyes to get line of aim on a shot, & it depends on the shot. IF you wanna call it "dominant eye," hey that's fine, but it is LINE OF AIM that sinks the ball. :)



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What happens if I don't have a dominant eye?


Then both eyes are dominant?

All I know is I am extremely left eye dominant. In the past few weeks, I started putting the cue under my right non-dominant eye, and have been shooting lights out.

Someone explain that to me please.


Clear the table!
Silver Member
Popeye the sailor had a dominant eye. Lesse, which one was that ??? :scratchhead:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You will never ever be able to align correctly all the time if you don't know if you aim with both eyes ( binocular vision) or with one eye! The picture you perceive has to be true or you won't get what you are looking for!

In case you aim with one eye, which most of the players do, you have to know the perfect position for your dominant eye!
I am a righty and left eye dominant !

It took me a decade!!! To find the specific eye position for me personally!

I play at semi pro level! My high run in straight pool is 132, and
8 consecutive racks in 9ball were my highest runs...

I developped a tool that helps any player ( no matter if one eye dominant or having binocular vision)

I see the shot perfect when having my left eye over the shaft and having my head straight OR having the cue CENTERED under my chin while having my head tilted slightly to the right!!!

Anyone I ever worked with said that this tool helped him more than anything else regarding theor exye position!!

Feel free to watch the video:


Petros Andrikop

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What happens if I don't have a dominant eye?


In that case both eyes affect vision "equally" or "almost equally", thus leading to a different alignment considered as "appropiate".
Eye dominance is an important factor in stroking, although even medical science has yet to determine a complete theory about this phenomenon.
An important clue here is that good stroking starts from properly aligned stance, proper stance is so important that it is more essential even to aiming than any aiming system..
However we should always remember that all these are just average rules, I wonder what William Hope would comment here.. :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I read where the eye dominance can shift from one eye to another over time/session.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You will never ever be able to align correctly all the time if you don't know if you aim with both eyes ( binocular vision) or with one eye! The picture you perceive has to be true or you won't get what you are looking for!

In case you aim with one eye, which most of the players do, you have to know the perfect position for your dominant eye!
I am a righty and left eye dominant !

It took me a decade!!! To find the specific eye position for me personally!

I play at semi pro level! My high run in straight pool is 132, and
8 consecutive racks in 9ball were my highest runs...

I developped a tool that helps any player ( no matter if one eye dominant or having binocular vision)

I see the shot perfect when having my left eye over the shaft and having my head straight OR having the cue CENTERED under my chin while having my head tilted slightly to the right!!!

Anyone I ever worked with said that this tool helped him more than anything else regarding theor exye position!!

Feel free to watch the video:

I like that tool. It seems like a great training aid, but $32 for a piece of plastic? Wtf are you smokin? Thnx for the idea I'm gonna go make 1 for $2.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Knowing the dominant eye is part of how you align to the shot properly.

If you have perfect form you can certainly still make balls but if you ever find yourself
unable to judge just where to aim a cut, it may be your head is just a few inches out of position
to see the shot well.

Great advise. But truly at the end of the day straight stroke is what matters more, just IMO


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great if you can make some for that money I gonna buy 500 ;-)
The tool is made with a CNC machine and I pay more than 6 dollars a piece
All rills have less tolerance than 1/1000 of a mm the form for the rubber alone costed 1500 dollars plus each bumper costs 2.80 dollars oh yeah and shipping to the US costs around another 9 dollars from Germany to the US not counting the money and time to invent develop and produce.a prototype... Oh sorry forgot about taxes :)
Whatever ... save the money try to learn all on your own ... Believe me I will survive although you won't buy any but just tell me when you made some for me for two dollars a piece!

By the way:
You always need both-
Perfect perception and a flawless stroke to master the game!
There is not one without the other!

But don't you ever go to an instructor or he might charge you some money for some lessons!...

It is the idea, the knowledge and the ability to recognize flaws in the student's game and finally the ability to teach in a way that the student understands what specifically to change to get to the next level that you pay for! Its not the crappy piece of plastic!

Enough said!
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