call me crazy,but I think its not a good idea to rate or compare cues".Why ?" do you say.Because I know how hard it is to make a living selling cues,and how very difficult it is to make a cue that is this nice.All 3 of these cue makers are probably in the top 10 in the world and each one still sells cues to earn a living
The comparisons are subjective,and really unfair because the cue makers were not competing to show their best work,the cues were probably influenced by the customer.By price restrictions and maybe personal preference.
Personally I have owneda lot lot of nice cues,mostly Balabushka,Szamboti ,Scruggs,and others,
in other words the best traditional cues,I am still having trouble getting my mind open to the newer styles,but I must say"All 3 of these cues are great looking cues that I would like to own"
Please do not think I am criticizing those who make comparisons,nothing morally wrong. I just think the cues speak for themselves,and if you are considering buying from cuemaker "a" and you really like the other 2 cues more,that is really not sufficient reason to abandon your initial cuemaker.The one he makes for you may be the best cue you ever saw.Make your decision based on the cuemakers overall reputation and the complete body of his work.
I am not knowledgeable first hand of all 3,I owned 2 of them and each was nice,but not this nice.