Places to play in Littleton, CO?


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member

I'm currently spending the holidays with my folks in Littleton, Colorado (they recently moved here from Denver). I'll be out here until the night of Dec. 30th -- I've a red-eye back to NY on that date. After the busy hub-bub of the holidays themselves has finally waned, I finally have the ability for some time for myself, and I'm itchin' to play.

I've tried to use but I also know that this site's database hasn't been updated in a very long time. (Many times I'd used this site to locate a pool hall, only to find out that the places it recommended to me were l-o-n-g closed-down.)

What are some good rooms out here in Littleton -- or the close surrounding area -- preferably with 9-footers? (As a NY'er, I know out here it's technically "barbox country," but if there's a nice room with 9-footers -- or even a snooker table[!] -- I'll be in my element. But if nothing else [worst-case scenario], I'll do the barbox thing, as long as the tables are in good condition.)

Looking forward to the replies, and finally shooting some stick again,

P.S.: I'm sans my cues. (Because of the travel restrictions and already burdened-down with bags coming back, I decided not to take my cues with me this year.) Thus, I'll have to play off the wall -- hopefully the Wall-abushkas (house cues) are in good condition?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Probably Rack'em is your best bet. Or Hanks. Or Wynkoop downtown. Everything else is closed. might give you some more info.


I'm currently spending the holidays with my folks in Littleton, Colorado (they recently moved here from Denver). I'll be out here until the night of Dec. 30th -- I've a red-eye back to NY on that date. After the busy hub-bub of the holidays themselves has finally waned, I finally have the ability for some time for myself, and I'm itchin' to play.

I've tried to use but I also know that this site's database hasn't been updated in a very long time. (Many times I'd used this site to locate a pool hall, only to find out that the places it recommended to me were l-o-n-g closed-down.)

What are some good rooms out here in Littleton -- or the close surrounding area -- preferably with 9-footers? (As a NY'er, I know out here it's technically "barbox country," but if there's a nice room with 9-footers -- or even a snooker table[!] -- I'll be in my element. But if nothing else [worst-case scenario], I'll do the barbox thing, as long as the tables are in good condition.)

Looking forward to the replies, and finally shooting some stick again,

P.S.: I'm sans my cues. (Because of the travel restrictions and already burdened-down with bags coming back, I decided not to take my cues with me this year.) Thus, I'll have to play off the wall -- hopefully the Wall-abushkas (house cues) are in good condition?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The two main rooms here in the Denver area have both gone out of business within the past 2 weeks, so I visited Hanks for my first time last week and was very impressed. For sure a pool players room. I would say that you can find all the action you would want if that's what you're looking for (golf, big table 9 ball ect)
It's right at the intersection of 38th and Sheridan. Big tables are kept in pretty good shape, balls were clean, and the atmosphere was great.
A little far from my place compared to how close I was to Charlies, but for the time being, most likely my new home.
I'm planning on heading there sometime this week if you'd like to meet up.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I'm currently spending the holidays with my folks in Littleton, Colorado (they recently moved here from Denver). I'll be out here until the night of Dec. 30th -- I've a red-eye back to NY on that date. After the busy hub-bub of the holidays themselves has finally waned, I finally have the ability for some time for myself, and I'm itchin' to play.

I've tried to use but I also know that this site's database hasn't been updated in a very long time. (Many times I'd used this site to locate a pool hall, only to find out that the places it recommended to me were l-o-n-g closed-down.)

What are some good rooms out here in Littleton -- or the close surrounding area -- preferably with 9-footers? (As a NY'er, I know out here it's technically "barbox country," but if there's a nice room with 9-footers -- or even a snooker table[!] -- I'll be in my element. But if nothing else [worst-case scenario], I'll do the barbox thing, as long as the tables are in good condition.)

Looking forward to the replies, and finally shooting some stick again,

P.S.: I'm sans my cues. (Because of the travel restrictions and already burdened-down with bags coming back, I decided not to take my cues with me this year.) Thus, I'll have to play off the wall -- hopefully the Wall-abushkas (house cues) are in good condition?

Sean-You have been to Hanks the last time you were out here. We played 14.1 and you were very sick. Northwest corner of Sheridan and 38th next to the Casemans auto repair shop and across the street from a King Soopers grocery store.. I am also available to play.
Call 303-944-9644


Mini cues
Silver Member
Well Sean it looks like I am going to miss you again I am on the Colorado Kansas border helping my two boys chase Pheasants. My oldest is home from Cornell and we are having a blast. They have done all the shooting cause I am still sporting a cast. Good luck in Denver and take it easy on these guys;).

Cuebuddy typing on a farmers PC.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool hall database does get updated...


I'm currently spending the holidays with my folks in Littleton, Colorado (they recently moved here from Denver). I'll be out here until the night of Dec. 30th -- I've a red-eye back to NY on that date. After the busy hub-bub of the holidays themselves has finally waned, I finally have the ability for some time for myself, and I'm itchin' to play.

I've tried to use but I also know that this site's database hasn't been updated in a very long time. (Many times I'd used this site to locate a pool hall, only to find out that the places it recommended to me were l-o-n-g closed-down.)

What are some good rooms out here in Littleton -- or the close surrounding area -- preferably with 9-footers? (As a NY'er, I know out here it's technically "barbox country," but if there's a nice room with 9-footers -- or even a snooker table[!] -- I'll be in my element. But if nothing else [worst-case scenario], I'll do the barbox thing, as long as the tables are in good condition.)

Looking forward to the replies, and finally shooting some stick again,

P.S.: I'm sans my cues. (Because of the travel restrictions and already burdened-down with bags coming back, I decided not to take my cues with me this year.) Thus, I'll have to play off the wall -- hopefully the Wall-abushkas (house cues) are in good condition?

You are right the database is not as up to date as it should be. But we do update it when we get feedback, so if anyone lets us know of out of date information we will make the changes. I was making several changes just tonight. If you check out the poolhall website link, you can check to see if the website is up, that is a good clue on the status of the room.


Looking to play in CO
Silver Member
I'd be interested in meeting a couple of the local folks here in Denver. I'm pretty sure i'm not anywhere near your level but wouldn't mind shooting around a bit.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm always up for meeting with fellow AZers regardless of level. For many of my Colorado AZ friends, I've known via the forum since way back many years when I still lived in Japan, so it's kinda cool to finally meet some people that I've exchanged messages with over the years and to get a chance to finally put a face to the AZ handle. Measureman and I met, and even hit balls together once only to find out later that we've known eachother for quite some time via the forums.


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
Sean-You have been to Hanks the last time you were out here. We played 14.1 and you were very sick. Northwest corner of Sheridan and 38th next to the Casemans auto repair shop and across the street from a King Soopers grocery store.. I am also available to play.
Call 303-944-9644

Bruce! Yes, I do remember, and yes, I was in the midst of what I later learned was a bad case of the flu. I sure hope you didn't get sick. Gosh, I'd feel terrible if you did!

From what I recall, that place -- Hank's you call it? -- had some decent tables, and I recall two 10x5 snooker tables there against one wall ("six-leggers", not "eight-leggers" as 12x6s are), that you told me got a lot of golf action on it on certain nights. I'd like to take one of those tables and play some genuine snooker on it, something they'd probably not seen in a while.

I'm in better health this year, so I'll give you a call for sure. Sounds like Hank's is the place. I'll have to GPS it, to see how far a drive it is for me (doesn't sound like it's all that far). Would love to play some 14.1 with a knowledgeable ex-NY/NJ'er as yourself! Sounds like you still have your Lucasi cues?

Thanks for the reminder, and I'll give you a call tomorrow!


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member

Probably Rack'em is your best bet. Or Hanks. Or Wynkoop downtown. Everything else is closed. might give you some more info.

Thanks Sal! Yes, I know of quite a few good rooms in the Colorado area that closed down. I'd heard that Table Steaks moved or some such? Not sure if Cherry Bomb (Samm Diep) still plays -- at the new location, and the fact she just tied the knot with Mark "Spain" Vidal presumably changed some things as well.

From the other posts here, sounds like Hanks is the place -- I played there last year at the same time with "measureman" here, albeit I didn't know it until later in the evening, but I was very, very sick with the flu. I'll check out Hanks again. Would be cool to meet Melissa Little at Wynkoop, but I'm not sure I'll have the time. We'll see.

Thanks again!


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
I'd be interested in meeting a couple of the local folks here in Denver. I'm pretty sure i'm not anywhere near your level but wouldn't mind shooting around a bit.


I'm always up for meeting with fellow AZers regardless of level. For many of my Colorado AZ friends, I've known via the forum since way back many years when I still lived in Japan, so it's kinda cool to finally meet some people that I've exchanged messages with over the years and to get a chance to finally put a face to the AZ handle. Measureman and I met, and even hit balls together once only to find out later that we've known eachother for quite some time via the forums.

I'd be up for an impromptu "Colorado AZB'er meet-n-greet." I don't care about skillsets, abilities, etc. If anyone's worried about that, I can self-impose a "50 or no count" handicap or something. It won't be an issue. I'm just itchin' to play, after nearly a couple weeks without playing and instead doing the "Uncle Sean" nieces-and-nephews-riding-your-back-like-a-horsie thing. :D Just being able to play pool and satiate the pool bug, is enough for me.

Let me know,


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
Well Sean it looks like I am going to miss you again I am on the Colorado Kansas border helping my two boys chase Pheasants. My oldest is home from Cornell and we are having a blast. They have done all the shooting cause I am still sporting a cast. Good luck in Denver and take it easy on these guys;).

Cuebuddy typing on a farmers PC.

<tisk, tisk> Cuebuddy, I'm gonna start thinkin' you're dodgin' me, man. :D

Seriously, have fun with the boys. I hadn't done any pheasant or woodcock hunting since I myself was a little boy. I used to have a single shot .410 shotgun that was a great brush-gun. Instead, I'd been doing the Montauk (Long Island) charter boat deep-sea fishin' thing, and some good lake trout fishin' up in upstate NY where I live.

I'm sure we'll meet up in due time. Do try to make it out to Super Billiards Expo next March if you get a chance. It's a blast! I'll be there for sure, most likely in the Open 10-ball event, and in Charlie Eames' 14.1 Challenge for sure.

Take care and have fun. Oh, and ignore the key-caps on the keyboard of that farmer's PC -- they're probably labeled with pictures instead of letters (e.g. a pic of a chicken for the letter "c", a pic of a bull for the letter "b", etc.). :p :D



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The two main rooms here in the Denver area have both gone out of business within the past 2 weeks, so I visited Hanks for my first time last week and was very impressed. For sure a pool players room. I would say that you can find all the action you would want if that's what you're looking for (golf, big table 9 ball ect)
It's right at the intersection of 38th and Sheridan. Big tables are kept in pretty good shape, balls were clean, and the atmosphere was great.
A little far from my place compared to how close I was to Charlies, but for the time being, most likely my new home.
I'm planning on heading there sometime this week if you'd like to meet up.

I was there tonight with my uncle visiting from California and I felt the table we shot on was like shooting in mud. The cloth was slow and the rubber on a couple of the rails seemed off. I don't know if it's a change in ownership or lack of funds, but the place seems a little more run-down than how it used to be.

There used to be a great tournament at Hank's on Thursday nights with many of the Denver heavy-hitters. Not sure if there still is but I haven't heard about it for awhile.

Unfortunately, Denver is sucking right now for pool halls. I was caught in the same dilemma with my uncle, trying to think of where to play since he was visiting in Lakewood. I live north of Denver, so Charlie's was what came to mind first but not as close as I would like. Charlie's also took out a couple of big tables which sucks.

We played at the Wynkoop yesterday. I love old Brunswick tables, but I was very disappointed in the shape of them. Our table didn't have a straight roll, the cloth was so-so, a side board was loose, and the pockets didn't hold dropping balls. You also have to be careful of the many support posts adorning the room as some tables are unplayable for serious pool. Sadly, this is Melissa Little's home room (house pro, I presume) and I would have expected more pull from her in keeping the tables in good shape. The main table (Gold Crown?) was already being played on and I would guess it's her table of choice as it seemed to be the only decent table in the joint.

Littleton area? Maybe The Break Room or The Mirage? I haven't been in either of them so I don't know what the have for real (regulation) tables. Or maybe I have been in The Break Room and it's all small tables. Can't quite recall.

Man, Colorado just blows for pool rooms right now. Perplexing for a town of 1-2 million and no real quality pool rooms. Look at Fargo. That's a hell of a pool hall up there and a tenth of the population.

Boulder is also perplexing. Over a 100K of people and a college town and not one decent pool hall. There used to be a couple of big table pool hall choices, but no longer.

Right now, in my opinion, Match-Ups in Fort Collins is the best place to play in terms of ownership and quality of play in the Denver/northern Colorado area. I don't know anything about the Colorado Springs area but I heard things are sparse down there also.