Hal Houle Point and Pivot System
The Hal Houle Point and Pivot system is a billiard aiming system that uses the geometry, layout, and design of a pool table, as well as some common assumptions to help you determine the appropriate spot on the object ball to strike with the cue ball. This method may not be for everyone, as it takes an analytical mind to wrap your head around some of the theories.
Hal Houle Point and Pivot System
To begin, lets examine some of the assumptions that are made about the pool table, the cue stick, the cue ball, and the object ball:
•You must know where your pivot point is. (Cue)
•All proper billiard tables have a 2:1 ratio, meaning that they are exactly twice as long as they are wide.
•The corners of the table are always 90 degree angles.
•A 45 degree angle is formed when a cue is placed from the side pocket to the corner pocket.
•A 30 degree angle is formed when a cue is placed from the side pocket to the middle diamond on the same end rail.
•A 15 degree angle is formed when a cue is placed from the side pocket to the first diamond on the same end rail.
•When you add up these 3 angles, they total 90 degrees, which is the same angle formed by the table corners.
•The cue ball relation to object ball relation shot angle is always either 15 degrees, 30 degrees, or 45 degrees.
•There are only three angles for any type shot, on any table, no matter where the balls are placed. (I know this sounds absurd, but reserve this judgment until you read more.)
The Hal Houle Point and Pivot system uses these assumptions to deduce the proper angle you should take when shooting, but before we can complete the equation, there are a few more points to keep in mind here:
•There are exactly two edges on the cue ball to aim with, and they are always located in exactly the same place on the cue ball.
•There are exactly three spots on the object ball to set your aim toward, and they are always in exactly the same place on the object ball.
These two assumptions can lead us to calculate that two points on the cue ball multiplied by three points on the object ball totals six, which coincidentally is the same number of pockets on the table. From this we can reason that depending upon how the cue ball and object ball lie on the table in relation to each other, you can either pocket the object ball directly into a pocket or calculate a bank shot and sink it in any one of the remaining 5 pockets. The exact opposite is also true.
The balls may lie on the table in such a way that blocks certain shots, making a bank your only option. The Hal Houle point and pivot system takes this in to consideration. In fact, it provides that you will never have to look at any pocket or cushion while lining up the edge on the cue ball to the exact point on the object ball that needs to be struck. How can this be you ask? Well, you have only the three angles and so your only requirement at this point is to recognize whether your shot is a 15, 30, or 45 degree angle shot. This can be determined quickly and easily by aiming the edge of the cue ball to one of the three spots on the object ball. It will be obvious which object ball spot is correct, and there should be no doubt. You can be confident that any time one of the two edges on the cue ball is aimed toward any one of the three spots on the object ball, the object ball will surely be driven to a pocket.
Finding the Hal Houle Spots
At this point you are probably asking where these points are located, and how the heck you can find them. Good question.
On the cue ball you will find the spots on the left edge, and on the right edge. Which one you use will depend on whether you are cutting the object ball to the left or to the right.
On the object ball the three spots are the two quarters, and the center. Each of these spots face straight toward the edges of the cue ball, not facing toward the pocket.
Here is where it gets tricky so read this five or ten times so that you completely understand what is being said. When cutting to the left for 15 degrees, aim the cue ball's left edge at the object ball's left quarter. When cutting to the left for 30 degrees, aim the cue ball's left edge at the object ball's center. When you cut to the left for 45 degrees, aim the cue ball's left edge at the object ball's right quarter. When you cut to the right for 15 degrees, you aim the cue ball right edge at the object ball's right quarter. When you cut to the right for 30 degrees, you aim the cue ball's right edge at the object ball's center spot. When you cut to the right for 45 degrees, you aim the cue ball's right edge to the object ball's left quarter. Alright, now read this paragraph again.
When you aim the usual way, you will generally be coming close to these angles, but will usually be slightly off. Sometimes you'll be off enough for you to miss the shot. With this technique, you should be able to pocket any ball without looking at the pocket, or actually seeing it at all.
Hal Houle Point and Pivot System
The hal houle point and pivot system article was posted on 10/2/2006 12:40:36 PM and updated on 10/2/2006 12:40:36 PM. The hal houle point and pivot system article was edited by Billiards Forum Webmaster.
Hal Houle Point and Pivot System
The information for the hal houle point and pivot system article was sourced from Hal Houle.
Hal Houle Point and Pivot System pool playing tip belongs to the aiming and execution tutorials for billiards category. Billiard and pool playing tips around shot making, aiming, and execution.
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