Mosconi 2014. USA Vs Yorkshire


After several online discussions regarding this I was wondering about peoples opinions on here.

Basically nobody wants to see such a one-sided event as the Mosconi seems to be getting recently, so we had an idea about evening things up by reducing the geographical area (and hence population) that the opposing team to the USA can be selected from.

It's clear that it is now too much for the USA to take on the whole of Europe as, since a few years ago when we decided to actually start playing the game, we have actually got far too many good players. And also it is very unfair that Europe has roughly twice the population of the USA.

There was a suggestion that we could simply make the event USA vs UK but this was met with stiff opposition from the promoters and from the TV channels as they want to try and get the event to last until the final day if possible and the strength of the UK would inhibit this.

So narrowing it down even further would seem necessary. Our proposal, should you wish to accept it, is that the 2014 Mosconi Cup be played as USA Vs Yorkshire. (Yorkshire is an administrative "county" of England, (England being a "country" that is part of the United Kingdom.))

As you can imagine our team would be significantly weakened by reducing the catchment area for players to an area the size of a small US city. But we feel you would still have a chance of beating us if we didn't "get all the rolls" and had to "jack the cue up" every now and then.

We'd have to scrape around for players of course, but a provisional line up could include the likes of Darren Appleton, I'm sure you've heard of him. After that we are really struggling but we may be able to enlist the services of Chris Melling - that guy who was Europe's MVP last year but was dropped this year to give the USA a fighting chance. Mick Hill may also fancy it, you guys really should hope that Mick doesn't start taking 9-ball seriously as he is potentially better than the above two. To make up the numbers we'd have to look to the likes of maybe Arfan Dad and someone like Mark Lunn who can play a bit of 9-ball (which is a bit more than USA did.) The final place would be given to a snooker player just for a laugh, or maybe a darts player just to give Rodney Morris the chance of winning a game.

Anyway, let us know if you are up for it - we are ok for anytime around the beginning of December 2014 as long as we can get someone to look after our ferrets.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Chec republic has population of 10MM+ USA has a population of 317MM+
The Chec republic has won the Davis cup 2 years in a row..
I do like what someone said on another post include a Philippines team and the looser sits out. Or add 2 more teams have a playoff to play the current champ.
Anyway we (USA) have yo do a better JOB. Hopefully this is
A wake up call....


MCP - we were talking about that last night in the pub - it would be great if the Phillipines had a team and as you say it was winner stays on and the losers sit out the next year - that would be a great format.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Chec republic has population of 10MM+ USA has a population of 317MM+
The Chec republic has won the Davis cup 2 years in a row..
I do like what someone said on another post include a Philippines team and the looser sits out. Or add 2 more teams have a playoff to play the current champ.
Anyway we (USA) have yo do a better JOB. Hopefully this is
A wake up call....

There is this thing called the World Cup, funny enough, done by the same promoter as the Mosconi Cup. You should look into it.


AzB Gold Member
Silver Member
This is as funny as it gets. To be truly funny, there has to be an element of truth. This has it all. I bet we would have a chance against your "B" team. Best Yorkshire nineballer (all "A" team members excluded) two snooker players and two dart players?

On second thought maybe not.
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After several online discussions regarding this I was wondering about peoples opinions on here.

Basically nobody wants to see such a one-sided event as the Mosconi seems to be getting recently, so we had an idea about evening things up by reducing the geographical area (and hence population) that the opposing team to the USA can be selected from.

It's clear that it is now too much for the USA to take on the whole of Europe as, since a few years ago when we decided to actually start playing the game, we have actually got far too many good players. And also it is very unfair that Europe has roughly twice the population of the USA.

There was a suggestion that we could simply make the event USA vs UK but this was met with stiff opposition from the promoters and from the TV channels as they want to try and get the event to last until the final day if possible and the strength of the UK would inhibit this.

So narrowing it down even further would seem necessary. Our proposal, should you wish to accept it, is that the 2014 Mosconi Cup be played as USA Vs Yorkshire. (Yorkshire is an administrative "county" of England, (England being a "country" that is part of the United Kingdom.))

As you can imagine our team would be significantly weakened by reducing the catchment area for players to an area the size of a small US city. But we feel you would still have a chance of beating us if we didn't "get all the rolls" and had to "jack the cue up" every now and then.

We'd have to scrape around for players of course, but a provisional line up could include the likes of Darren Appleton, I'm sure you've heard of him. After that we are really struggling but we may be able to enlist the services of Chris Melling - that guy who was Europe's MVP last year but was dropped this year to give the USA a fighting chance. Mick Hill may also fancy it, you guys really should hope that Mick doesn't start taking 9-ball seriously as he is potentially better than the above two. To make up the numbers we'd have to look to the likes of maybe Arfan Dad and someone like Mark Lunn who can play a bit of 9-ball (which is a bit more than USA did.) The final place would be given to a snooker player just for a laugh, or maybe a darts player just to give Rodney Morris the chance of winning a game.

Anyway, let us know if you are up for it - we are ok for anytime around the beginning of December 2014 as long as we can get someone to look after our ferrets.


You forgot Boyes. Three of the top ten in the world are from Yorkshire, and there's a dozen or so bubbling under the surface there anyway. Our very own Pidge is no slouch either, and from Yorkshire, albeit the posh bit, so that doesn't count, on a point of principle.

I do like your idea of a darts player in the mix to make it more even, but I think the fifth member should be a whippet to truly level the playing field. All members must be lashed on Tetleys from dawn til dusk, and discuss their dislike of southerners and foreigners between shots. They must never go to the bar or pay for a taxi, ever. Not spending money cannot be stressed enough. The dog must work for its dinner, which will consist of proper food, like leftover congealed pigs blood and yorkshire pudding, washed down with six pints of mild.

And they must be professional yorkshiremen, mind, and I'm not talking about how they earn their money. They must talking lovingly about rivets, coal mining and lard, stopping to occasionally boast about how many different types of goose fat they rub into their chests at the first sign of a cold. It's posh is that. You must be contrary about EVERYTHING that is not directly pertaining to the specific part of Yorkshire you're from. You must talk loudly about how great you are to anyone who'll listen - this cannot be stressed enough.

BTW Pidge - you're not banned anymore dude, I mean lad.
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NOT Mike Sigel
Silver Member
From what I heard, they already picked the location of the next cup match up, Black pudding or something like that, the young guy that played Earl screamed it into the mic, not sure what he said.:eek:
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From what I heard, they already picked the location of the next cup match up, Black pudding or something like that, the young guy that played Earl screamed ii into the mic, not sure what he said.:eek:

I presumed that was a bet of some sorts, or a dare, although it could relate to next's years event in Blackpool, I presume.

From Vegas to Blackpool. You could not make it up. :smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Did you forget that DARYL PEACH was born in Yorkshire. Now you're motoring.
And Mick Hill just won the UK Open 9 Ball Championship last weekend.


NOT Mike Sigel
Silver Member
I presumed that was a bet of some sorts, or a dare, although it could relate to next's years event in Blackpool, I presume.

From Vegas to Blackpool. You could not make it up. :smile:

Blackpool: This places looks pretty scary, they have a Dungeon, and supersize the amount of hecklers.:angry:


  • blackpool_tower.jpg
    92.6 KB · Views: 413


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
MCP - we were talking about that last night in the pub - it would be great if the Phillipines had a team and as you say it was winner stays on and the losers sit out the next year - that would be a great format.

I like the previous year's champions play in the finals automatically. The other two teams play a shorter race and maybe even on two tables. Could get it done in a day and then get on with the show. Maybe that would water down the event too much though.

Silver Member
2007 - 11-8
2008 - 11-5
2009 - 7-11 (USA WIN)
2010 - 11-8
2011 - 11-7
2012 - 11-9
2013 - 11-2

You act like we get blown out every year...this is the first year it's ever happened.

Leave it the same...make us work to get better and win next year.


NOT Mike Sigel
Silver Member
That MUST have been photoshopped. Looks nothing like the Blackpool I know and, er, love.
Blackpool is no stranger to those that have been supersized. :eek:

The losing team has to go to the dungeon for a few nights, and when they get out, they have to pay for the extra days at the hotel to get their cues back.:grin-square:
The losing team has to go to the dungeon for a few nights, and when they get out, they have to pay for the extra days at the hotel to get their cues back.:grin-square:

Ah, there speaks a man who's never been on a night out in Blackpool.

The winning teams gets a free night out on the town. The losers get two nights.


AzB Gold Member
Silver Member
2007 - 11-8
2008 - 11-5
2009 - 7-11 (USA WIN)
2010 - 11-8
2011 - 11-7
2012 - 11-9
2013 - 11-2

You act like we get blown out every year...this is the first year it's ever happened.

Leave it the same...make us work to get better and win next year.

Let us count since 2007: 6-1 Europe in Mosconi Cups won, 62-42 Europe matches won and 594-483 Europe in racks won

Last seven years doesn't look close to me. Sad part Team USA seems to be aging while Europe seems to have plenty of young players ready to step up.

USA vs Yorkshire isn't that farfetched.


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
I don't see why we can't just annex the Philippines. What do they have, like 5 airplanes and a truck?
If we can take Hawaii we can take the PI. Our 51st state vs. all of Europe. Bring it.