OB Cues DigiCue Pass Around Reviews


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This thread is designed for the posting of reviews by the OB Cues DigiCue passaround participants.

If you haven’t heard, Shane at OB Cues was nice enough to provide a prototype DigiCue to a group of 11 of us for the purposes of a passaround test. In addition to the DigiCue we were also each given a 2pc box of the new OB chalk to keep and review as well.

DigiCue Link:

OB Chalk Link:

Initial Impressions -

I received the box of test gear on Friday but was unfortunately heading out of town to visit family. I was able to open it up on my return Sunday and do a brief test that evening and then on the following two evenings as well.


The DigiCue is a very simple device to install, just slip it on the butt end of your cue until it’s snug against the bumper and that is it. It holds in place firmly and feels solid while adding a minimal amount of weight.


To remove the DigiCue you just slip it off the back and you’re done. Because of the slight suction created by the snug fit, it’s not going to slide off accidently. And for those concerned about their cue, I installed and removed it multiple times from my Runde and it left no marks at all. Before installing I would run my finger around the inside of the cup to make sure there was no debris there and then just slip it on.

Now, onto the function –

I started out with it in the easy setting and immediately was setting it off! Hmm….interesting. At this point I really started working on stroking it smooth and was successful in getting it to not vibrate on my for most of my standard strokes. I was still setting it off when using side spin or draw, but I was able to stun and follow no problem without tripping the vibration sense.

This was interesting and I was curious why, especially with the draw I couldn’t seem to put an acceptable stroke on it. I started wondering if this was an issue with the device or some unknown flaw in my stroke that I had just never noticed before. This is where it helps to have other people around! So, with no other changes, I handed my cue off to a guy who has a beautifully smooth stroke. Not surprisingly he was able to fire off just about any shot and not set of the vibration. Big spin or draw strokes were no problem for him at all. So yeah…it’s me and my stroke is worse than I knew! I take that as a good thing though because now I know something to work on as well as knowing that there is room for improvement there!

I realized that I get a little "jabby" with my draw stroke sometimes and I believe I'm steering my side spin shots a little rather than stroking through on a straight line. I had no idea I was doing this and would have sworn I was stroking straight through so this was very enlightening.

Having a tool that really lets you know how your stroke is doing vs just what you think it’s doing is really valuable. I think sometimes we assume things are good enough when we’re making balls but then when we have a bad night we’re not sure why we’re not making balls. The underlying cause is deficiencies in the stroke which lead to inconsistency and some nights of being “on” and others being “off”. Having a stroke training device like this for practice sessions seems incredibly useful to work on building a consistently sound stroke.

I see myself using it for practice sessions but leaving it off when playing matches. However, should things fall apart during a match I could see wanting to pull it out to reinforce focusing on stroking properly because that is likely what has broken down on me.

Bonus Chalk Review –

I’ve used Blue Diamond, Russian Magic Chalk, and Masters. Always been a Blue Diamand fan if I have it on hand as I find it goes on the best with the least mess while providing the best grip of the above. But I think I may have found a new favorite chalk!

It’s very unique…dry but not powdery at all and very hard. It wears like iron, so much so that at first I wasn’t sure I was even getting much on my tip, but in my testing I never miscued once. After a few racks I started trusting it and just chalking like normal, which for me means if I get on a roll of making balls I can forget to chalk until I get to the end of the rack sometimes and this chalk just kept working. As a glove user and a bridge hand chalker I loved that it was the least messy chalk I’d ever used. I also really prefer using fresh cubes of chalk, replacing them way earlier than many people might…the fact that this wears incredibly slowly means I’ll get a lot of life from a piece of chalk! Look forward to being able to keep using this chalk and will definitely be buying more!

The DigiCue will be heading out to the next passaround participant later today!

Huge thanks to Shane at OB Cues for giving us the chance to test this out and including a sample of their chalk for everyone to keep!!
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Follow Through
Silver Member
Great review. Thank you for being honest (which is what we want) and I am happy that you had a great experience with both the DigiCue and the chalk. We worked very hard to get both of them right!

Looking forward to reading the rest of the reviews.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great review Chris.I can't wait for my turn to test it out.I have been using the OB chalk for awhile and agree with your assessment of it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am one of the participants on this field test but much further down on the list.

For what it's worth, if you have questions of any reviewer, try to frame them in a Pm.
There's going to be more reviews on the thread and one should not have to sort
through pages of posts trying to locate the actual reviews.

This thread would be better served by not bombing it with spurious comments and
just allow Shane, slide and the other field participants to post and comment for at
least the first few reviews.......the chit chat can happen via PM with the posters
otherwise this is going to turn into one of the endless threads on the Forum......IMO.


Silver Member
At the same time, if one has question, other may too have the sameone.

Although the thread may become very long, if we make sure we stay on topic, and not an opinion war about how it should be used, we should be fine!

It would give more information for someone to decide to purchase it or not!

Just my thought!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
(Part of the problem with no one else posting aside from the reviewer is that it falls back and no one sees it.)

Thanks for the review slide13. I'd like to see a test like this: Shoot a series of table-length straight-in shots at medium to hard speed. Is there a relationship between buzzing and missing?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
(Part of the problem with no one else posting aside from the reviewer is that it falls back and no one sees it.)

Thanks for the review slide13. I'd like to see a test like this: Shoot a series of table-length straight-in shots at medium to hard speed. Is there a relationship between buzzing and missing?

That sounds like it'd be an interesting test, wish it had occurred to me to try but hopefully one of the other testers can give it a go!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great Review. I hope to give a DigiCue a try one day. I have been using OB Chalk since it came out. I love it.


Silver Member
Any new reviews coming soon? I'd assume the digicue has been shipped to someone else by now :)


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
i just received it today......:thumbup:
review in the near future...:)


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
i received the digicue already assembled
it fit easily over the butt of my cue
i started with the beginner level and tried all 3 levels
before i discuss my experience
i gave it to my house pro to try on level 3 (advanced)
using vertical axis shots follow/draw/stun at various power levels it vibrated only occasionaly
on spin shots it went off alittle more frequently
conclusion..he has a great stroke....:wink:

as for my experience

i must say my review is more of a mixed bag

on beginner i was able to get more strokes that did not vibrate than the more sensitive settings

the digicue got me really focusing on going straight back and straight forward

however even when i thought i stroked perfect it would sometimes vibrate

i purposely did not get up on a shot for at least 2 seconds to eliminate that as a reason for it to vibrate

also i was sure to follow thru ....again to eliminate that as a cause for vibration

so i decided to try it only doing the cue ball up and down the table back to your tip drill

when i hit a perfect up and down shot on some it would not vibrate (which i expected)

but on other perfect up and down shots it would vibrate

so i am left confused because i have no clue where the flaw in my stroke occurs back swing off line or forward swing offline

also no way to know if the flaw occurs AFTER contact

also if i hit a perfect up and down shot doesnt that mean my stroke is straight right before contact and thru the cue ball?

so although the digicue does force you to focus on your stroke which will definitely help

it didnt give me the information i need to correct a flaw

perhaps if i had it for more time and kept using it while focusing on a straight stroke

the flaws would work their way out

as for ob chalk
i am not a real good discriminator of chalk having tried magic chalk/ blue diamond/ masters / kamui and now ob chalk
(i use masters chalk and chalk up very frequently)
for me no chalk made a noticeable difference in gripping the cue ball
the differences were more in crumbly/stickiness etc
so the ob chalk performed well
gripped the cue ball fine
i liked its consistency as it didnt crumble to get all over my shaft or on the table if someone were to chalk their cue over the table
it was a "clean " chalk which i liked
i would recommend it
i hope my review is helpfull
and i was able to explain the pros and cons of the device from the perspective of an intermediate player
since it was suggested not to have a discussion in the thread
if anyone has a question feel free to PM me

thanks to shane and OB CUES for allowing this product review to happen and for the 2 pieces of ob chalk......:thumbup:
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Silver Member
Hey everyone, I had my sample time with the OB Digicue, I think it is a well made product and a fantastic training aide. The Digicue would vibrate when I faltered somehow in my stroke, I was able to figure out what I was doing incorrectly and solve the problem. I did not have it long enough to see how long it would take to work that problem permanantly out of my stroke but I will find out because I plan to buy one. For those concerned about the Digicue causing any damage to your cues I just do not see how that would be possible. Like OB claims you just slip on to the end of your cue. The Digicue appears to be made from a nice flexible silicon rubber that is memory resistant and soft, it is not a hard, stiff rubber piece. Since it slips on to the butt of the cue I was a little concerened about bouncing my cue on the floor, something I frequently do but I am aware of it because I also own a bumperless cue so it was not difficult for me to adjust. I was unaware if this would cause damage to the Digicue and I did not want to be responsible for ruining it for anyone else. If I could make changes to the Digicue I would prefer it to be Bluetooth capable where you could send the cueing info to a laptop or other device and possibly even see a graph of your stroke. It did take some experimenting to find out what I was doing to cause the Digicue to vibrate. I also understand this would push up the pricing but to me I could see it being worth double the price if it had this capability but Im sure OB would also lose many sales because as it stands I think the price point is pretty freindly. Maybe in the future we would have this option and OB could offer 2 models, that would be outstanding.
I also received a sample of the OB chalk. I think OB have outdone themselves on the chalk, I have yet to try Russian Magic chalk and Great White but most people seem to like Blue Diamond, I think the OB is even better than Blue Diamond. It is not as dry or gritty as BD and it adheres to the tip very nice but what I like best is that it is very clean. It seems almost dust free yet I know its on the tip because it would leave a noticable blue dot on the cue ball when breaking with a leather tip. That was the only time I noticed any chalk on the cue ball, table, or my hands. I have definitely found a new favorite chalk in the OB!!! Previously I prefered NIR or Blue Diamond. 2 great products from OB, great job guys!!!!!

I also started on new thread on this, someone can delete it if I made a mistake, thank you


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I received the DigiCue this week and tried it out. I think that it is a good product. It's simple and effective. For around $100 you can get some feedback on your stroke. Of course it is no substitute for lessons with an instructor, but the simplicity and transparency of the device are appealing.
I tried it on several cues and the device slipped on and off fine with no movement on two cues. I see no way that it would cause any damage. According to the website you get two "sleeves" when you purchase. The larger was a little loose on one cue, a Roadline LE3. The smaller version was included in the pass around but it was very tight on the Predator.

I played with it mostly set on intermediate. Center ball, follow or draw were no problem, the DigiCue stayed "quiet". When I attempted some longer shots with inside or outside english it vibrated more than I'd thought it would. There were also some strokes that felt very good to me and yet it vibrated. Mostly the vibration was late, I tend to move at the end of my stroke. Initially, before receiving and trying the device out, I was disappointed that there is no indication for what type of flaw was detected. I now think that it is fine as is. The slight vibration saying there was a stroke error is enough for me. It forces you to feel your body a bit more and think of the whole stroke, including finish. I purposely jabbed and/or muscled a few strokes and the response was immediate. Slowing down and being very conscious of having a fluid stroke resulted in a few balls hanging up in the jaws. These were balls I'd normally make, so I must be steering a bit.

I tried the free OB chalk and liked it. I didn't spend much time on the chalk though. It covered easily and like Magic Chalk was very clean. It is not lipstick and left no marks on the cueball.

All in all I will likely purchase the DigiCue. It seems like a reasonably priced tool that gives me enough feedback on my stroke to make it worthwhile.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
my review

Received the Digicue this Monday.
Due to work etc., I did not have as much time to test it as I would have liked.I did not want to hold on to it over this weekend as I know other people are looking forward to trying it out.I mailed it out to the next tester this morning.I was hoping to have some friend test it as well but did not have the opportunity to do so.

I was surprised to find that the added weight at the butt end was not very noticeable while stroking..

As others had mentioned it fits snugly on the end of the cue.Because of the rounded bumper on the butt at times it seemed a little off center. I wonder if this has any effect on the accuracy of the Digicue's reaction.

I feel I have a fluid smooth stroke although I do have a tendency to pop up on more difficult shots.

I set the Digicue on the middle setting for my testing.I tried to focus hard on keeping my body quiet, staying motionless after the shot and stroking smoothly.

On long straight in shots using no english using a soft and medium speeds the Digicue remained silent. Using a harder stroke the Digicue vibrated about half the time. On long straight shots using english I noticed more reaction from the Digicue using even medium speed strokes. It might be that I am steering a bit. I would need more time with the Digicue and someone watching my stroking to see what I am doing wrong.

I also spent some time trying spot shots with the cue ball 1 diamond off the rail at the headstring. Again I found that without any english the Digicue only vibrated on medium hard to hard strikes. Using english The Digicue even vibrated on some softer stroked shots.I must be doing something wrong and would need more time to figure it out.

I look forward to purchasing one for myself as I would like to improve my stroke even more, and I feel it will be a great tool to assist me in doing so.

I have been using the Chalk since it first came available and like it as much as Magic Chalk. It applies smoothly and is quite clean to use. I recommend it highly.

Many thanks to OB for the opportunity to test out the Digicue and to Chris for organizing the pass around.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I had my turn with the DigiCue this week. Its a pretty cool piece of equipment. I don't think that I can add anything more to the technical discussions that others have presented in this thread, or the other threads that have been posted. Here are my thoughts....

It works as described. The three settings are fairly distinct, meaning each setting is much more sensitive than the previous one. Not surprisingly, I found that I couldn't keep it quiet on the advanced setting save for the most basic of shots. After working with it some on each setting, I would not only try to keep it quiet by really concentrating on the mechanics of the shot, but I would also try to see how much I could get away with, too.

I did try at least one thing that Hu (Shooting Arts) suggested, the "gate" method instead of just hitting the cue to the end rail and back. What I found very interesting was that just hitting the cue in that fashion, I had a lot of leeway before setting off the device, but when I struck the cue ball to an object ball in a similar test, it was far more sensitive. Couldn't quite get my arms around that one...

I didn't have an issue putting it on or taking it off my cue, and cannot imagine how it could harm anyone's cue. As I'm no expert,so don't take that as gospel, but it was rather functional for me. I didn't notice the extra weight at all.

Here's my dilemma with the product. I think this product really is best for someone who has a table of their own (or a regular place to practice) and is fairly disciplined in their practice habits. The one common reply that I got from other players in my room when I had them try it was "it's cool, but how do I know what I did wrong?" And this was from players far more advanced than I am. So it seems to me it would be best used by someone who can really work on their shot processes on a regular basis. I realize that might sound funny, but I know a lot of folks that play a lot of pool, and perhaps "practice" some, but not in a real structured sense. I believe that the DigiCue is far more helpful to someone that will be able to take the time to think about and analyze what they are doing on a regular basis. Of course, if you have someone helping you, coaching and/or instruction wise, those folks might be able to help you zero in on the flaw quicker with this tool.

Its really neat. I think its an amazing product, and I'm glad I got the chance to play with it. Thanks for the opportunity!

The OB chalk seemed very similar to Russian Magic Chalk to me, and that is a good thing. I have really liked Magic Chalk for some time, and the OB went on and behaved very much like what I'm used to. Perhaps more discerning folks might note some difference, but it works great for me.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think it could be ideal for a pool buddy system .....like having a gym buddy.
You team up and see what you can observe when the other player uses it.

The goal would be to figure out what sets the device off and how to quiet it.
Hopefully incorporate that knowledge into improving your cue stroke deliver
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Brief review

I received the digi cue yesterday. Got home late last night so I only ran a couple of racks with it. I have league both tonight and tomorrow night so I'll put it to a better test and also ask a couple team mates to give it a whirl. I am a five in both 8 and 9 ball; my teams have skill levels 2-7 in eight and 2-9 in 9 ball (APA); so I'll get feedback from several levels and relay the info accordingly.

My first impression is with the design, fit and feel. The black rubber is rather soft and pliable so it fit on the cue rather easily; I used the larger sleeve. Admittedly, I was a little concerned before I put it on my cue, so I first tried it on a lower end cue. It went on easily so I then hit a couple and put it on my more expensive cue. The butt is ivory with bushka rings; went on and off fine, no marks etc. My apprehension with using it on expensive cues has subsided. I like the design also, it is sleek and very easy to use. Just slide on and press the rubber where indicated. I'd of left it on, but my cue didn't fit in the case with it on. I actually like the look of it on the cue.

Once on the cue it is not even noticeable. You could play with it and unless someone is looking for it, it blends right into the cue.

On the first setting-beginner- I hit about 5 or 6 straight in shots with only stop and mild follow; it didn't vibrate at all. Then I purposefully stood up on my stroke and it went off. On the same level; it did vibrate on a couple draw shots and a few with sidespin. On this level I was able to concentrate and keep it from vibrating on long follow and most draw shots. But, anything more than a tip to tip and a half of side spin and it vibrated most of the time. Now I know what to work on.

I tried the next level and had about the same results. But, I think I was paying more attention to my stroke and follow thru.

So far, I like it.

I've been reading some comments that it really doesn't have the capability to connect to a device to tell you exactly what you are doing wrong or give a chart; but I think its' main objective is to let you know when you did "something" wrong. It's really up to the shooter to try the same shot again and concentrate on the fundamentals to eliminate the vibration. Kinda like those electric dog fences.

This is a very fun tool and I'll follow with a more in depth review in a couple days.

I'll mail it out Thursday morning to the next guy on the list.

Haven't tried the chalk yet, but will do so tonight.

Thank you Chris and Shane.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great first impressions Dave!

I've been reading some comments that it really doesn't have the capability to connect to a device to tell you exactly what you are doing wrong or give a chart; but I think its' main objective is to let you know when you did "something" wrong. It's really up to the shooter to try the same shot again and concentrate on the fundamentals to eliminate the vibration. Kinda like those electric dog fences.


I agree with this! I don't want to have to go grab my phone every time it goes off and see what I did wrong. I really don't think I would use it much if that were the case, I just want an indication that I did something wrong and I think I can pretty much figure it out from there and it tells me to really focus on stroking straight through the ball with a smooth stroke and follow through.

Knowing that I sweep 6mm off line on rh spin shots and 7mm on lh spin shots is useless information to me as I don't know what more I would do to correct that then focus on stroking straight with proper fundamental technique.