Before and After Restoration Photo's of an Adams N/B-12 Pan American Cue Mid-1970's


Silver Member
Here are some photo's of a N/B-12 Pan American cue. This was Adams top of the line model for that time frame. These are really Traditional style cues, and the craftsmanship / Hand inlay work was outstanding. Please let me know what you think!!!!

Before Restoration
Adam forearm before.jpg

Cue restore whole.jpg

After Restoration
Adam forearm.jpg

Adams Butt use.jpg

Cue use.jpg

Thanks and have a great night

Hit Man

Silver Member
Looks like a full splice rosewood.That's sharp! A wonderful specimen you chose to restore. Great job Craig.


&#9829; Hippie Hustler &#9829;
Silver Member
Awesome job, Craig! Really brought some new life back into that old cue!! I bet it looks better than new now...excellent.


Cue Freak

Why the stupid man suit?
Silver Member
Outstanding work!!!!! I knew they'd come out golden! You wanna redo a sneaky of mine :D



AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Very nice job. This cue has a classic, timeless look. The length of the points, while not unusual these days, was a novelty back then.



Silver Member
Thanks for the kind words everyone. The other cue pictured above should be done a little later today. I will post photo's of it also when it is done.

Have a great day!!!!!