Three Scruggs Cues!

nick serdula

AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
Here are three sweet Scruggs cuews. The middle cue is signed! The other two are unchalked and unhit. Not even one test shot! I will try to get a better group shot. The ivory joint cues have the flat face radial pin. The steel joint cue is piloted! !:D
Thanks for lookin!




Great cues Mr. Tim!
Nick :)

Kevin Lindstrom

14.1 Addict
Silver Member

How is it possible to own cues this nice and not use them or even test hit them. I can't understand this, can someone please explain this to me so that I understand.



Dakota Cues

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That bottom one is probably my favorite Scruggs.

I really like the ebony/burl combo, and the green veneers and wrap really set it off.

Great diversity of cues in such a small sample, and they really show off Tim's different styles!

nick serdula

AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
Thanks guys!

I haven't posted any of my Scruggs cues in a while. When I saw my Cochran cues in another thread I thought why not show the Scruggs cues too!
Thanks for the kind words gentlemen.
Nick :)

nick serdula

AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
Nice Avitar!

Kevin Lindstrom said:
How is it possible to own cues this nice and not use them or even test hit them. I can't understand this, can someone please explain this to me so that I understand.


Call me if you get a chance. I sold the Titilist to a friend. He has 17 now I think. So now I guess the new title for this thread should be hay stop offering to buy my stuff guys!
Dakota you are right about the ebony front cue. It is like a big piece of eye candy!
My favorite of all time is the signed cue. One of the only cues sold out of HighRun's collection. I feel honored. Then to get it back out of the black hole collection of Mr. John !!! Thanks you two!!!:D
Anyone I have offered to sell the signed cue to please kindly forget I did so.
Nick :)


AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
Love that signed Scruggs, it's definitely a keeper. I also like the Whitten 1 X 2 leather case you keep it in!! (<:
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let's roll
Silver Member
hi nick,

i know how intelligent you are. so can you please explain to me how you can have such wonderful cues and 'hold yourself back' and not play them?

are you a closet masochist?

you're unbelievable, g-d love you!


nick serdula

AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
Hay Smokey

Good question.
I have a hard enough time playing with one cue. All my cues except my player are around 19 ounces. My player is closer to 21 ounces. Mike and Timi gave me all the stuff I need to reweight all their differant weighting systems that they have used. And it is not hard for me to reweight them. Only because Mike has told me exactly how to do it and some of it is secret and I would advise no one to reweight a Scruggs or Cochran cue unless they know exactly what they are looking at because you may frick up the cue, I just don't. Also they make a special tip for my cue that most people wouldn't like unless they are Philipine(hint).
So the tip and weight differances take alot of the fun out of switching around. Also when I go to sell a cue I really like it to be new and unchalked. I did played with the signed cue for a bit. It is 18 3/4 ounces with 12.9 ferrels.
But for the last year and a half I only play with my 8 point Cochran. I just like a 21 cue ounce with 13.25 ferrels for my player. It gives me alot of control.
And Mr John, I really like that case you gave me with the signed cue. Very nice of you. I was just looking at a picture of the ebony nosed cue I sent you with another Scruggs cue. I forgot about the veneers!
Thank you buddy!
Nick :)
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let's roll
Silver Member
hi nick,

thanks for taking the time to completely answer my question. i clearly understand. for me, i don't have the money to collect fine cue art and if i did, i don't think i would have the decipline to not try them.

i feel i need 2 cues; 1 for home/friends homes - which i think i have now, my new southwest; and 1 for poolhalls - which i haven't found yet though currently it is a recently bought carmeli full splice, but i am still looking. i must have bought 6 or more cues in the last few months in this effort, most pretty good and most full splices and a few plain janes, merry widows. but what i really would like is an somewhat less expensive clone of my southwest so i am 'almost using' the same cue always. maybe a friend here on az will make exactly this for me. then i hope i will finally be settled in with cues.

i wish i could just always just use my sw, just one cue like you; but playing in halls/league i would be too worried every time i get the beers, use the restroom or just waiting my turn to play and keep looking back at my cue to certify it is still there. the anticipitory fear of the despair others have experienced of a stolen loved cue would be to much to worry about and still play well. and i am not a very good player and really play my best when i am nice and relaxed after a few beers, so for sure i can't always keep an eye on it.

i wonder if you have a secret to secure your cochran when at halls?

thanks again,