Rubik's Cube

The Ashford Collection.

The effort sir Rupert Ashford made not only to compile a wonderful collection of pool balls from all over the world but also make special cards with descriptions, this effort is enormous and highly valuable. Accurate and neat design, great idea overall. Appreciate sharing the info with the pool community!
The effort sir Rupert Ashford made not only to compile a wonderful collection of pool balls from all over the world but also make special cards with descriptions, this effort is enormous and highly valuable. Accurate and neat design, great idea overall. Appreciate sharing the info with the pool community!
Hello, Mr V.

I’ve only just noticed this most kind and generous message. I’m humbled by your comments, sir, and would like you to know they are deeply appreciated.

It really does mean a lot, dear chap, and motivates me to keep going.

Thank you so much.

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The effort sir Rupert Ashford made not only to compile a wonderful collection of pool balls from all over the world but also make special cards with descriptions, this effort is enormous and highly valuable. Accurate and neat design, great idea overall. Appreciate sharing the info with the pool community!
Hello, Mr V.

I’ve only just noticed this most kind and generous message. I’m humbled by your comments, sir, and would like you to know they are deeply appreciated.

It really does mean a lot, dear chap, and motivates me to keep going.

Thank you so much.


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Rubik's Cube
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Rubik's Cube

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