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  • I've been well, thanks for asking, Kevin. I lost my wife of 47+ years Jan 1 this year after an extended illness. Now I've been re-evaluating everything in my life. I do come here almost daily but seldom post because it will be disregarded by the people it's intended for, they just regurgitate shamelessly. As far as the good guys on this forum when I do post it's a sign of support. Be well, my friend.
    I am indeed well my Friend, thanks for thinking of me. Keep firing Bubba, keep firing.........
    Hey Kevin, thanks for the green. I've been laying low in retirement. Spent the last 3 years making my home comfortable and organizing a billiards club in my retirement community. They didn't know how to spell billiards when I got here in Jan 2014. Hope you and yours are well. Happy elections!!
    Thanks for the Rep Kvn. Hope you and yours are well. We just bought a house in Tucson and plan to retire there at the end of this year if all goes to plan. Having a garage sale as I type this, trying to clean out some stuff. This moving thing sucks big time. Can't wait for 3:30, then a Cold COORS my friend.
    Yes I did miss your posts...Glad u are back and reenergized to post common sense to these dumb ass progressives...Hope all is well Kevin...I really do....
    Thanks kvn for the rep. I am closing in on 2.4 Billion. I am well as is the wife. Hope you and yours are well also.
    Hey CO... hope is all and well too ! These libs don't know if they are coming or going. Not very consistent with the thought process...see ya, RJ
    I'm trying to be honest! I wonder if he knows there's a difference between being wrong and being dishonest? Hope you're doing well.
    Happy Birthday to one of AzBilliards' best members. Hope you enjoy today!

    Thanks Kvn. I am doing well. I hope you are too. Did you ever see Mike Deshane (sp) play? I just saw him for the first time. He's good! Take care!
    Thanks man. I try hard to keep things from getting personal. Nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree. It would be a boring world if we all agreed all the time. I'd love to have a cold one with you sometime! Maybe you could give me some pointers in pool too!
    Thanks for asking Kev....Doing very well for someone closing in on the official "old age" category...Turned 64 today....keep that mum though...! The next one is the big one....!
    Hope you and the family are also well and happy...cheers....your
    Thank you for the well wishes Kevin. Our store is hanging on. Difficult times to be sure. The smoking ban had minimal effect on us so far so we are lucky in that department. Less than 2% difference. Only can mean a positive future. That is how I am viewing it. Peace!
    Have a great Christmas, Kev-

    Looking forward to hearing your new stuff after the holidays.

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