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  • OK, just reread the rules and it clearly states no price checks allowed. So my bad and I apologize, it was not intentional. But I still say its nicer to notify someone when and why deleting a post.
    Well, i think we may be splitting hairs here. I was certainly asking the cuemakers to sell me a break cue and i don't think you can deny that. However, its your rules and i can live by them or go somewhere else so i will submit to your rules. But i think you or someone else could have sent me a personal meaasge or something telling me that you deleted my post and why. Thats common courtesy. Nuff said.
    Please re-read the rules for posting in the wanted/sale area.
    If you make a post that has neither an item for sale or one requesting someone sell you an item...said post will be deleted.
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