JAMSGOLF Jul 14, 2011 For anyone considering Steve for doing a refinish on your cue (or any work for that matter), they don't come any better...He's a great guy to deal with, he does FANTASTIC work and one helluva a guy to talk to...
For anyone considering Steve for doing a refinish on your cue (or any work for that matter), they don't come any better...He's a great guy to deal with, he does FANTASTIC work and one helluva a guy to talk to...
ROB.M Jun 26, 2011 Steve I just wanted to thank you again on the awesome job you did on my cue' Thanks a TON! - Rob.M
JimS Aug 6, 2009 http://forums.azbilliards.com/showthread.php?t=150850 Here's the thread and cue I was talking about. Mine needs to look this good. :) Jim
http://forums.azbilliards.com/showthread.php?t=150850 Here's the thread and cue I was talking about. Mine needs to look this good. :) Jim