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  1. C

    Adam Cue Bandit Series Catalog Pictures

    M/A-6 is the Frank James
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    Adam Cue Bandit Series Catalog Pictures

    Return of the Adam Bandit Cue Catalog -
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    Adam Cue Bandit Series Catalog Pictures

    From billiardsforum: 1973-1974 Adams Catalog under Bandit Series. M/A-1 Sam Bass -2 Jesse James -3 Jerry Slade -4 Butch Cassidy -5 Doc Holliday -12 Billy the Kid...
  4. C

    Adam Cue Bandit Series Catalog Pictures

    Hello learned AzBilliards members! Picked up an early 70s Adam Bandit series M/A20 cue, the black on black one with plastic notched diamonds. I know it is a Bandit series cue but could not locate a list of the series names...Google-Fu is weak. I've seen some pictures of the earlier #s and...
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    Top custom cue makers who's cues appreciate over time.

    Well it is nice to see an OG Bill Stroud Joss West 1st catalog cue going for twice the sticker price on ebay. Bill Stroud OG Cue Sold on ebay 05/19/24
  6. C

    Doc Frye Pool Cues

    Sorry for the late reply...bought it from the owner along time ago, I can dig up his name. After reading the Billiards Encyclopedia and learning about the great cues/makers in PA, I recognized it instantly and needed to cool my jets to get a mutually agreeable offer/deal.
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    Doc Frye Pool Cues

    Yes indeed. Los Angeles based. Used to visit Hard Times-Bellflower, Hollywood Billiards, and frequented Dave Chartier's Breakzone in Torrance before it closed. Now every evening at home. I have many cues as a collector and don't use the Doc Fry as frequently as others.
  8. C

    Doc Frye Pool Cues

    Well here is my Doc Fry with 1973 penny under the bumper. Pretty good for a 51 year old cue. I love all the plastics!