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  1. MapleMan

    Tournaments in NJ?

    I haven't lived in Jersey for over 5 years but I do remember Elite Billiards in Edison having a good weekly 9 ball tournament. NJ has some good pool halls. How far are you willing to drive for weekday tournament?
  2. MapleMan


    I've used dazn for a few years mostly for boxing and have not had any issues. It's hard to use pissed off consumer as a measuring stick because it's a site for bad reviews
  3. MapleMan

    Would it be possible for a Remake of The Hustler to be good?

    I guess it depends on a few things. They probably make a good movie for people not familiar with the hustler/non pool players. I cant imagine them making the movie about straight pool in 2020. Could try and modernize it and tackle things that affect todays players. What if they make it about...
  4. MapleMan

    Pool in need of another great ambassador

    With gambling becoming more available to the average person i think that a minnesota fats type would be the best ambassador. On a side note i think pool needs a bump from social media and celebs. Dazn streams boxing and one of the biggest fights last year was between 2 youtubers.
  5. MapleMan

    Is SVB currently a top five "pool" player...worldwide?

    Are we talking tournament play, gambling,or both? His match with Orcullo will answer some questions. I would like to answer yes. I believe that he is a threat to win any event he enters
  6. MapleMan

    Strategy when not in top form

    When i have a bad night at the tables it is all mental. I get down on a shot and think about my grip or stoke and ask myself "am i doing this right"? For those nights I try and just get down and shoot. I guess it just depends on why you are off that night
  7. MapleMan

    Great Sports Quotes That Could Apply To Pool

    The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. ALI
  8. MapleMan

    What will be the next area in pool where the bar gets raised?

    I like 9 ball but i do agree that it should not be the premier game. That being said i think the next level is creativity. I want to see somebody make shots that have never been made before if that is even possible
  9. MapleMan

    Gold Crown Paint codes

    Oils are a lot harder to get these days. Those paints should work. A waterased enamel like proclassic would provide a harder more durable finish but on a home table i doubt it would be necessary
  10. MapleMan

    Gold Crown Paint codes

    Promar 200 and duration are wall paints. They level out with a brush but best results are to spray. Try proclassic from sw. Levels out great but can't over work. So dont go back into spots painted as they dry
  11. MapleMan

    What is the most neglected aspect in amateur pool?

    I agree that we should strive to improve being able to run out but i think amateurs often neglect playing a safe at the right time. A great player will get out and maybe even make the shot does not mean it was wrong to play a safe. In my experience in these moments i take the ill advised shot...
  12. MapleMan

    What is the most neglected aspect in amateur pool?

    I think its safety play. I think we find ways to stand and make balls that work but suffer from attempting shots that give the other guy the table. I am not a runout player by any means but i see the value in bih and can get out with a favorable layout. Pattern play i think is number 2. It helps...
  13. MapleMan

    Does taking stripes in 8b offer an advantage?

    I don't know about you but I always miss the 9 ball I'll go with solids
  14. MapleMan

    this is why I hate 9 ball

    I like 9 ball but sometimes I want to play a game where I have to earn the W. I have won short races against guys who choke on the 8 or 9 in every rack. When I was a beginner it was nice to win but it doesn't help you to win and pocket a handful of balls. 8 ball, straight pool, 1 hole and...
  15. MapleMan

    Non team or handicap leagues

    The upa does offer singles leagues but they are handicapped
  16. MapleMan

    Bar Rules Like Wildfire Part 28

    I love the bangers who say "well this is how the pros play" I like the puzzled look on their face when you ask which pro told them that?
  17. MapleMan

    The UPA?

    In my old neck of the woods they had a singles league
  18. MapleMan

    There are Majors like US Open,China Open, All Japan. Why is there no Major in Europe?

    I think that the world 9 ball should leave Qatar and rotate like the Olympics to places like Europe, Asia etc. That being said I would guess that the promoters in Europe just aren't putting together the right kind of tournament. It could be lack of money or lack of organization
  19. MapleMan

    Problem with non-players in the pool room

    Can always jump the ball at them
  20. MapleMan

    Junior player Honored by local paper

    The cover story of the Hillsborough Beacon, my hometown local paper, featured junior pool player sam hoffman. It is great seeing pool in the local paper. Any positive publicity is great for the game, shows pool in a positive light. I'll post a pic of the article later. Figured I would share...