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    Lysol Spray on Simonis Cloth. Will it disinfect? Damage to cloth?

    Just be happy you have an actual table and can hit billiard balls, while the other 99,8% of players screw their cues and hit imaginary balls on their desk.
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    Pay for the Mosconi Cup stream

    You're welcome
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    Pay for the Mosconi Cup stream stream 2 works for me.
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    Do you consider yourself an athlete b/c you play pool?

    This is a definition problem. Since I am from Greece I think of these words from the greek grammar's and etymology's perspective. According to the ancient greek etymology, âthlos “contest, struggle” (source) Pool doesn't seem like a struggle to me, but it is a contest... Even by modern...
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    US open| Wu vs Can?

    it isn't available in my country
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    US open| Wu vs Can?

    I saw the score, I heard the commentators saying that Can didn't even pot a ball!! Does anyone have a link to the match? I've looked on Youtube but it seems that no one uploaded... Sadly I missed it live, so now I want to watch it!!
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    US Open stream...............

    Well, Filler played amazing the whole tournament, so well deserved. but.... what a shame to end that way... I was starting to believe that we were about to witness something special... Come on Wu!!
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    Remember the World Cup of Pool 2018 when the ref failed to rack with the 9-Ball in th

    the thing is tho, if Spain did notice it and break anyway hoping to pot the 9, the commentators would be exvited and show a replay for 5-6 times, and they would notice it because they would be looking for the 9. Then, they would probably say that this was unsportsmanlike... (if they really...
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    Predator balls....??

    I don't like them... Too big numbers... are they aimed for people who can't see and don't know the colors? I don't like the predator logo on the other side as well.... Are they balls or rolling advertisement? If they play good that would be the only ad they need. On the aramith tournaments...
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    Mezz Bucharest Open (22-24 March2019) -9 Ball (9 ft tables)

    Huge congratulations to Fedor!! He is transitioning from a great talent and good player to a champion. Betting he'll be lifting a WC in the next years.
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    Ronnie O'Sullivan 1K Centuries - Contest!!!

    In the 500th the ref is Paul Collier. He is a well established ref. He was in the 2016 Word Championship Final as well. Ronnie is definatelly sarcastic about the ranking points. In short the story is that O'Sullivan doesn't feel like entering all the ranking events, as he thinks that there are...
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    This is how pool should be...imho of course.

    I hate handheld cameras on pool matches with a passion. "Oh, the player seems to be talking on a pot on the corner, let me just run directly in front of him, staying in his exact eye line and try to hold a camera still which is impossible, just so the viewers have a pointless angle, and get...
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    Kristina Tkach in action on FB.

    That's just different exposure settings on the camera.
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    ORCOLLO v BIADO (Race to 100/ 10 Ball) $40K at stake (15-17March2019)

    Is Orcollo allowed to wear slippers? If yes, I'm betting for him.
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    A few short pool vids

    Videowise, I much prefer the steady camera. POV is somewhat nauseating for me, we can't see the shots anyway.
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    Illegal use of bridge?
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    Ronnie O - Sportsman at The Masters 2019

    Every time you make a foul and the ref calls a "miss" your opponent takes 4 points (or more if you hits the blue, pink or black) and he has the option to play on, make you play from where the white ended up or reset the table and make you shoot again. If he gets so many points that there aren't...
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    Is this product obsolete?

    I don't know if you were joking about getting laughed at for using it... I personally have a screw on type of extension for my cue, but only because I have a poison cue and it already had the treads on the butt to accept the Predator extension and I thought that I would use it more just because...
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    My favorite referee moment

    Bustamande would be a great ref as well! (3:12)
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    Dr. Dave falls victim to his own to his own experimental bias?

    I have to agree with you on some of your points, but disagree on others. While yes, drDave has stated that "would be better if a much larger data set existed" and all the other things you said, he did avoid to comment on my hypothesis on why his testing methodology on this particular subject...