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  1. Bumper

    i got a question for all you apa bashers

    One other reason people do not play APA is that they do not truly want real pool players. If you are there to play well and better your game then you will be out of the league soon. The 23 handicap starts to eliminate good players as they have to have terrible players around them just to play...
  2. Bumper

    New Pool Table

    It is there. Just cannot see it in this picture.
  3. Bumper

    32 Men Left Standing: Friday 2013 U.S. Open 9-Ball Thread

    Corey wins... Come on Rodney!!!
  4. Bumper

    32 Men Left Standing: Friday 2013 U.S. Open 9-Ball Thread

    One more Corey!!!!!!
  5. Bumper

    32 Men Left Standing: Friday 2013 U.S. Open 9-Ball Thread

    Rodney first to advance....
  6. Bumper

    32 Men Left Standing: Friday 2013 U.S. Open 9-Ball Thread

    Morris is trying to pull ahead.. 7-5
  7. Bumper

    Grudge Match - Columbus, Ohio August 20,21

    Good playing Chris..... Fun to watch over the last 2 nights.
  8. Bumper

    Master Teams

    Mark, I have waited and thought about this question for a couple of weeks now. As a women that has been in the masters division for the last 15 years in VNEA, I have to say there are many reasons that the division is getting smaller and smaller. But I would say that the main reason is that your...
  9. Bumper

    Anyone shoot with Predator blak?

    I have shot with a P3 and I own a blk first gen 4. I would have to say the blk 4 shoots better. I have a 314 shaft on it. I do not care for the 314/2 that much though.