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  1. mjantti

    GOAT Hunt

    So during their prime, who would win? Sigel or Filler? Race to 100. BO5.
  2. mjantti

    GOAT Hunt

    I counted 24 Eurotour titles for Ralf (1992-2017 !! That's 25 years.) Ortmann has won 14, Niels 11 and interestingly Nick v/d Berg quite impressive 10. FWIW, Filler has won 8 ET's starting from 2021.
  3. mjantti

    2025 AZB Ghost Challenge - Official Thread

    Glad to have another Finn around :cool:
  4. mjantti

    Funny pic/gif thread...

  5. mjantti

    GOAT Hunt

    I agree with Ralf being often overlooked in GOAT discussion. He is the most decorated player in European Championships with 20 European titles. It's mind-boggling that Ralf played in 12 consecutive 8-ball EC finals from 1989 to 2000 and won 8 of them...
  6. mjantti

    Attention 60" cue fans!

    I'm in! Currently shooting with a 60" cue and always looking at long available cues.
  7. mjantti

    Predator is doing Eurotour events

    Payne McBride also made the trip to ET. One interesting name is the grand coach Alex Lely also on the tournament chart.
  8. mjantti

    Predator is doing Eurotour events

    Match results:
  9. mjantti

    Battle of the Generations at Amsterdam Billiards

    It’s all HRs for the Pearl!
  10. mjantti

    Battle of the Generations at Amsterdam Billiards

    Or a bat.
  11. mjantti

    A night in the life...🤷

    Only way to justify delaying inevitable wife/family responsibilities with playing pool is to create a significant cash flow while playing. That helps when applying for any pool playing extensions in the future. I have a habit of sharing my profits with the Missus as a negotiation tactic for...
  12. mjantti

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Ah climbing ladders are like politics. Never consensus. Always left or right.
  13. mjantti

    Opinions: what is the best playing wood for a cue?

    Makes high squirt shafts
  14. mjantti

    Funny pic/gif thread...

  15. mjantti

    BUTTERFLY EFFECT CHALLENGE - fullsplice cue for donation

    Donation sent. Slava Ukraini!
  16. mjantti

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    And boy have these been used with a bridge and practice strokes a lot in school :love:
  17. mjantti

    time for stu SJM to get some kind of award

    Agreed 100%! :love: Here's my $.02 Hope to meet this fine gentleman one day.
  18. mjantti

    Funny pic/gif thread...

  19. mjantti

    Derby City- Where’s my chair?

    When you need to go, your stool might move.
  20. mjantti

    Magic Rack and Joshua Filler's 7-pack

    Just my personal opinion: allow the rack to be moved up and down a few inches and also tilt it randomly by an inch. Template is good way to get a perfect rack on a worn cloth, but it is the standardized position of the rack that creates the predictability of the break. I'd like to see old school...