Search results

  1. P

    Name this tip

    Seems like it's a knowledgeable group, I reached out to my old cue guy and it was indeed a triangle tip. Just ordered a bunch.
  2. P

    Name this tip

    Would like some help identifying the tip on my playing cue. It's from 2008 or so and I'd classify it as medium-hard to hard. I stopped playing for a long time but really like the way these tips play.
  3. P

    CBSA - What A Joke !!

    ok, let me get this straight......Pool is in such a sad state of affairs because of Yet it was is such great shape before the internet. Just because you don't know what websites to use for results you are throwing a little fit, lol.
  4. P

    who has the hardest break?

    Jay mentioned Jeff Deluna, he gets my vote. I know its not that hard, but you don't see it in many pro events, he broke and knocked the 1 ball of the table a few times. Not the smartest player I ever seen, but breaks like a monster.
  5. P

    Any Turning stone results

    Yeah, gambling/poker sites are afraid of Mr. Bush.
  6. P

    Any Turning stone results

    Looks like a good field, odds are up on I like Pagulayan, but might be a little biased.
  7. P

    Luong Chi Dung - Viet Nam player.

    I really like this kids game. Is real smart with the break controlling the cueball and one. Reminds me of a young Fong-Pang Chao. Commentator mentioned he was up and coming Asian player who knocked Pagulayan out of a tourny there recently, and defeated Yang and Reyes I think in another...
  8. P

    TV streaming players to watch WPC by.

    Here is a link to a TV Guide, just select a channel such as ESPN Asia
  9. P

    A house cue pro

    I thought it was CC Liu who was using the house cue. He was a qualifier winner, and nobody seems to know much about him.
  10. P

    Do you think Wu will win again?

    Souquet has the best chance I would say, as he has the easiest path to the finals.
  11. P

    I, Manila, am a song

    I agree, mute is a must when this song comes on. Watching real tired this morning, I almost threw my laptop out the window it was so annoying.
  12. P

    Final 36 by Nationality

    Just to make a point the American's will never have a huge percentage at this points simply because they make up such a high percentage of the field. If 94 Filipinos or Germans entered there might not be many if any more in the last 18.
  13. P

    Friday's Streaming Video Matches - Possible error

    Nothing happened they didn't stream the match. Didn't even show another match in its place, so must be having technical difficulties. Pretty disappointed as this is the only match i was really interested in today. Not to mention I took a lunch break to watch the match. lol. I don't mind...
  14. P

    The Magician and The Lion.........

    Whats with this message saying this match will not be streamed?? That won't make me, and probably a few other to happy :mad:
  15. P

    The Magician and The Lion.........

    This match should be worth a good chunk of the membership fees alone. Probably my two fav. players
  16. P

    Thursday's Streaming Matches

    I didn't think it was so bad, was done by Gabe Owen, and Aaron Czetli (SP?) they were actually showing a little personality and having fun with it. Was a little rough around the edges and maybe said a few things they shouldn't but some people are just to sensitive, maybe need to buy some...
  17. P

    Who will make the FINAL 6?

    Picks: Group 79--Busty/Dueul; this is where is gets to tough for Boyes Group 80--Souquet/Immonen--top 2 players, records. Group 81--Efren/Pags(will need a huge day, but think he can crank it up, needs to beat both Germans)
  18. P

    Thursday's Streaming Matches

    Haha, I havn't heard Sigel yet, so maybe I should just deal with Allison. My only problem is after watching her play 8-ball, I still think she has alot of learning to do herself, so a commentator with more knowledge of the game would be ideal.
  19. P

    Thursday's Streaming Matches

    god can't believe I paid money to listen to Allison Fisher commentate. You would swear she has never made a mistake in her life.
  20. P

    Quinten Hann to win Reno

    I don't see how you can say he won a World 8-ball tourny, when the game is only played in the UK. So he has won a tourny against kids, and a UK 8-ball title, and was top 16 in snooker. I don't see where this gets him anywhere close to best overall player, he wouldn't even be on my short list.