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  1. Rusty in Montana

    how are ya'll doing in league ?

    The JV , I feel your pain dealing with teammates ! I play on two different leagues a city league and a seniors league with basically the same teammates in a small town so it's slim pickings for replacement teammates . On both teams I'm the young guy on the team along with the only one now...
  2. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Or if you lived close to me just a short walk outside we've got plenty of ice because of some more sub zero temps ha ha
  3. Rusty in Montana

    Battle of the Generations at Amsterdam Billiards

    Thank you for sharing with us , that had to be a fun evening of watching some great pool playing !
  4. Rusty in Montana

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    I have gambled quite often after the divorce to make enough money to buy groceries and other necessities of life like shoes for my kids and school supplies ha ha This was in a tournament setting at a local pool hall or the occasional bar down town . I was also working 3 jobs part time to try...
  5. Rusty in Montana

    Fix the Foot ...

    Bob I never knew you lived in Montana before ha ha sorry poor attempt at humor . I feel it would be great to play on a 10' table on a regular basis , if I had the room for it darn sure would .
  6. Rusty in Montana

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    A life long family friend once told me that I should only gamble with money I won while gambling ! I enjoy playing in tournaments but rarely ever gamble outside of a tournament . Between the friend and my family they convinced me not to get to carried away , I know how boring !
  7. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    I've had my neck fused twice then had my tonsils removed when the Dr's found a cancerous lump on them , then I had 35 radiation treatments aimed at my neck . So if you were to hear my voice it can be deep and gravelly or relatively high and squeaky and can and will change depending on a variety...
  8. Rusty in Montana

    Fix the Foot ...

    A chance to play pool on a 10' non snooker table is a longtime dream of mine , I hope it can happen without a trip to a far away big city . If I had the room for a 10' table I'd love having one with some fast cloth and lively rails with tight pockets .
  9. Rusty in Montana

    Fix the Foot ...

    Another way to look at it is how long does it take to play the average game of 8 or 9 ball at a cost of let's say .75 ¢ or even a dollar , compared to how long that will last in the average poker or keno game , sadly that's what brought down the Corner Pocket Billiards organization the original...
  10. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    That's a guarantee for someone to be that foolish
  11. Rusty in Montana

    Fix the Foot ...

    I sadly agree that public big tables are becoming a thing of the past as most places are concerned with making money the sooner the better and a lot of poker and keno machines can fit into the same space a 9' table takes up or even a 7' bar box for that matter . I also have spent a great deal...
  12. Rusty in Montana

    Fix the Foot ...

    Granted I'll probably never get to attend or play at the Derby , however I'd love a chance to play a double elimination race to 11 of 8 or 9 ball even with no real chance of winning . It's difficult enough to find 9' tables here in Montana for public use much less a 10' table that isn't a...
  13. Rusty in Montana

    Cue wraps

    I'm sure if you spoke with Mike he could rewrap your cue or build you one to fit you're needs .
  14. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    ^^^^^ A Darwin Award runner up ha ha
  15. Rusty in Montana

    Cue wraps

    Check with Mike Gulyassy's website , his hammer cue has a linen wrap that goes down close to the bumper of the cue , my main shooting cue has that also and I really enjoy it a great deal and I'm sure you will also !
  16. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    That tire needs around 230 psi and in the neighborhood of 130 - 150 gallons of calcium chloride , if you see a colored substance coming out of the thread or sidewall stay away from it and call for a tire service repair person to where you're parked . There are 64 lug nuts that hold the tire...
  17. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Meatloaf ha ha
  18. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    ^^^^^ The Hamburgler ha ha
  19. Rusty in Montana

    Has anybody done this?

    A in law of mine used to team rope with the Camarillo brothers many years ago , these two were professional ropers who both roped at the National Finals Rodeo and they tried roping at different Indian Reservation Rodeos with him and they were caught in a hurry , this was before tube and the...
  20. Rusty in Montana

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    This reminds me of the story a friend shared with me , he was at a local tire store getting a tire repaired when the phone rang and it was a Air Force personal on the other end calling to get a tire ordered for a Humvee , a few minutes later the phone rang again , same as the first call for a...