Search results

  1. BmoreMoney

    One very sick pool player

    Luckily I don't get sick ( bad like this ) very often. This has been my tried and true remedy and of course it just needs time so these are just to mitigate symptoms . The codeine cough med is very helpful. Will say though often the teaspoon or whatever dose is a joke so adjust as necessary...
  2. BmoreMoney

    Pool Cue at Airports

    EZPZ- Just fly private . Really only way to do it anyhow . No worries on prices as there's quite a few charter sharing companies . Just need to find correct time, date, and location. Find a shared charter with empty seats and can be had for as little as $1000-$1500!
  3. BmoreMoney

    Suggestion for the "For Sale" sub-forum ...

    I see that you're new here. A couple years ago there were changes made to the for sale section and it almost made the for sale section go away it got so bad. All ideas; including yours, we're discussed with the owner of this site. The discussion about the for sale section was literally beat to...
  4. BmoreMoney

    Dumb derby city question

    As said, cheap enough, great experience and you have a good chance of possibly playing one of your pool idols, and then taking care of most of the door for the whole thing it's really a no brainer. Not to mention SO MANY people are always talking about what to do to help pro pool???? Well get...
  5. BmoreMoney

    Full Time Revo User Tried The Becue

    Now that you mention it, I do recall him telling me the cue I was hitting with had the " flag " butt. It was a dark reddish color. The weight was 18 oz. The shaft however I remember being a silverish color, not so much white but that could just be a matter of opinion I suppose. I tend to like...
  6. BmoreMoney

    Franks Sinatra’s pool cue

    Found this in the same auction and found it quite amusing 😊. Probably would've bid a little something on it if it had not already gone off. Even Frankie knew how to properly get down lololol😊
  7. BmoreMoney

    What did you buy and how was your experience at the expo?

    If they ceased production today ; then everyone that already bought these could have rare, limited production sets lol and then maybe they could make something that actually makes a tiny bit of sense and doesn't cost those that want a real set of cents $400-500????
  8. BmoreMoney

    What did you buy and how was your experience at the expo?

    So now even after being out for some years , I still think these things ARE HORRIBLE. Not even talking about playability but rather mixing the balls up while watching let alone playing. Saw a few f ups while watching with some hitting the total wrong ball because of the sesame Street colors...
  9. BmoreMoney

    No look spot shot

    Awesome shot my man! Question - when prop betting this in the pool room what do you ask for in # of tries and what's your threshold for betting in # of tries?
  10. BmoreMoney

    What did you buy and how was your experience at the expo?

    Thanks brother!!! For sure everything there was AWESOME ! !! I did eat WAY TOO MUCH of everything but oh well. As mentioned, the alligator was my favorite BUT, the " BACON " was out of this world and somehow I managed to limit myself to only one of them. I could have easily killed a dozen...
  11. BmoreMoney

    Cue / access. prices at the Expo - and Becue review

    Someone on here recently posted they bought a new Revolution for $1500 and sold but or tried to sell butt to one of our members for $500. I took it as the new Revo cue sells for $1500? Then I took the prices at the booth at Expo for Becue. To be a little more exact I guess it would have been...
  12. BmoreMoney

    Zero-X users? Anyone else feel it’s for beginners?

    I've never done the system but that's exactly what I've always heard and I got that impression of it. In regards to your " next level " or rather it sounds as if you've hit a plateau, there are really only a couple of real choices. As always I'm a big advocate of " earning " your way better...
  13. BmoreMoney

    Pencil marks

    High powered magnet, similar to MRI. problem solved .
  14. BmoreMoney

    Cue / access. prices at the Expo - and Becue review

    Just wondering about the cue prices at the Expo. I've always had the idear for whatever reason that prices for items ( pool related or not ) are usually offered at a discount lower than pretty much all other avenues of purchase? I only inquired on prices of two cues while there and while not...
  15. BmoreMoney

    What did you buy and how was your experience at the expo?

    I've never been a fan of purple heart but I must say your ebony / PH is gorgeous ! In fact one of the few pH cues I've ever really liked and it's by a great maker too. Great score bro!
  16. BmoreMoney

    What did you buy and how was your experience at the expo?

    Oh yeah , I also scored this custom hand turned wooden pen. Seems really nice quality and picked it up for only $10 😊
  17. BmoreMoney

    Never going to another Super Billiards Expo.

    Sure ya can, no worries! Vig fiddy a weeky☺
  18. BmoreMoney

    Rooms in Athens, GA?

    Damn! Ya got me lol. As I was reading your post, I thought you were gonna say plenty of 20 something chics...... turned out to be GC's lol. But I'd assume being close to campus there's plenty of them too ???? ��
  19. BmoreMoney

    Never going to another Super Billiards Expo.

    I agree 100 % and let's put this in perspective for any of those that don't already know ---- $20 stinkin bucks lololol!!!!! Yup, $20 bucks is all that is in question here that folks are crying over! That's nearly just a couple good coffees, 10 mega millions or power ball tickets etc ( just...
  20. BmoreMoney

    Billy Incardona is Hall of Fame worthy

    Jay, is that for a Greyhound or a Megabus???? Lolo lol Lou, initially I kinda was with you on your take about pool players. We all know if you've spent any amount of time immersed in the pool culture that "stuff " does indeed happen all the time. I can't speak to BI so I won't and will defer...