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    Kamui break tip

    I tried the Kamui SAI control. It’s a good tip but nothing to rave about. Kamui SAI hard is a much better tip.
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    Mezz Air Drive 3 released today!

    Truth is, the jump cue has made my safety play much better. I learned to lock the cue ball or object ball to other balls or the rail to make the jump shot a less viable option. I like the jump cue to punish my opponent if he’s playing weak safes too Jump cue is here to stay. People that do not...
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    Any Suggestions For a Break Cue Tip?

    Kamui sai hard or odega Tried the kamui sai control and it eas in the soft side of the spectrum of the hybrid leather tips
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    Wanted: 3 Seconds, JB B&W Rugged or Predator case

    3 seconds 2x4 in black if interested I can send pics tonight after I get back from a tournament tonight. It’s not regular black.
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    Should All Skill Levels Have an Equal Chance to Win a Weekly 9-Ball Handicapped Tournament?

    As a player, I prefer to get better and win. I do have to ask, how many good players will keep playing when the dead money is gone? Eventually, good players will drop off because they don’t want to play each other for the money. It’s a tough job to trying to keep the balance.
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    Mezz AirDrive 3

    I can’t imagine Mezz making the same mistake again.
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    I don’t even bother with FB. I buy and sell here.
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    WTB: Nice soft case 2x3 or 3x5

    I have a Becue 3x4 leather butterfly case. It’s a very well designed case. Leather is soft and overall compact light case
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    3 seconds case butterfly

    I like the case a lot. The case has a really small profile but the pockets hold a lot. Light and doesn’t have that bulky feel when full
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    3 seconds case butterfly

    You best bet is the super billiards expo on the first day if you want color of your choice. I actually got the limited edition from that site posted. It’s a 4x4 with a slim profile. Light too.
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    3 seconds case butterfly

    Have you considered a JB rugged butterfly case?
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    3 seconds case butterfly
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    TRADE BK Rush J/B butt for BK Rush butt

    I have a blue wrapless BK Rush J/B butt that I would like to trade wrapless for BK Rush break butt. Only colors I’m interested in are red, gold, grey, or blue. No sport wraps
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    WTB BK Rush Jump/Break - Wrapless

    PM sent
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    Tsunami cues

    Agreed. He signs his cue with his name. Only his kielwood shafts are called Hsunami
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    Air Rush, what different tips have been used?

    I use the Horo White Storm jump tip. Jumps effortless. Better than the original.
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    3 seconds 3x5 case

    I use this for storage. Barely used
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    LTT My BK Gold rush with sport wrap for wrapless bk rush

    I have a BK Rush gold rush with sport wrrap. Only 2 weeks old but sport wrap is just not my thing. I am looking for a wrapless bk rush butt in either Gold or the Redline. I also have 30“ Bk rush shaft for possible trade
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    Is their a difference in revo shafts The front end is slightly diffeent. Before the rush came out, a lot of people used the 12.9 to break with.
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    Molinari Gloves

    Second that