Search results

  1. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    I have found the Vietnamese to be very polite and considerate in most things. In gambling, the knives come out, but their smiles only get bigger -- wonderful people and friends.
  2. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    Are Vietnamese players like this, too? I ask this because they are, as a group, the most "hair on fire" competitors/gamblers I have ever known. To my regret, I have never played billiards with them.
  3. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    I played billiards just a little, I found the players' attitudes to be very different -- the opponent was the table, not the other player.
  4. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    I want to pose this as delicately as possible lest I cause offense. Does the new breed actually have what it takes to gamble in the manner previously associated with pool, a la McCready and Roberts? It is one thing to have capacity and decline as opposed to decline when one lacks capacity.
  5. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    So what happened in St. Louis? It goes from producing one of the greatest war horses of all time to treating you like that?
  6. Biloxi Boy

    Steal of a Deal

    Too good to not tell all my friends. Play nice. No shoving. Terrible shame there is not 10 of them.
  7. Biloxi Boy

    'Old School Pool' event...??

    I would say "yes" to old stuff, except equipment*. Would never give up new cues, cloth, etc. *Must burn all jump cues in the parking lot.
  8. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    To be gambling, one must have skin in the game -- that's real skin and not some amorphous intangible requiring tortuous rationalization. In the usual player/backer arrangement, the backer has all of the real or monetary risk. The backer also takes on the included jeopardy of possibly being...
  9. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    Playing backed is not gambling.
  10. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    Move. You evidently live in a bad and evil place.
  11. Biloxi Boy

    Can't play no mo blues.

    Did you switch surgeons between the two procedures?
  12. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    What I am sensing is that we have some lock artists who imagine themselves to be gamblers. A true gambler, in pool, is seldom going to profit over time because the name of his game is adjust, adjust, adjust. Around here anyone who did not adjust was viewed in a very negative light.
  13. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    Winners require losers.
  14. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    To each his own. Everyone needs to quit evaluating by reference to the ends of the spectrum. Compulsive people gonna compulse just as haters gonna hate. What is undeniable is that pool, in America, in the 20th century, was strongly associated with gambling -- both on the game itself and most...
  15. Biloxi Boy

    Can't play no mo blues.

    When an RAF goes out, it goes out. Beware, Beware, Beware of surgery -- the procedures alone cause so much damage in and of themselves. Then there is always the issue of hardware and how your body handles it or not. Back surgery cannot be considered as a cure or relief. Intrathecal pumps...
  16. Biloxi Boy

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    Do they exist? What I am trying to determine is if a new breed is here. Are the new folks the same as the old? What can y'all tell me?
  17. Biloxi Boy

    Casino daily take during pool tourn.....??

    What other groups use the Casino? How many attend? Length of program(s)? How many years?
  18. Biloxi Boy

    Can't play no mo blues.

    The problem is if you have multiple lesions -- knock one down, another rises up to take its place. Playing pool is therapeutic. It keeps you stretched out. Too much at one time is bad. The social aspects of pool are also very beneficial. You should never quit. It may be necessary to modify...