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    Is azb censoring posts?

    Your posts weren't deleted, for, nothing. It was closer to pool related than any NPR thread. I do agree with Chicken on this. Pass it over, simple enough.

    Is azb censoring posts?

    Reference point. All you want to post about is NPR. Look at your own posts. The bigger picture is poor moderation.

    Is azb censoring posts?

    This isn't an NPR thread. Don't drag it down.

    Is azb censoring posts?

    If it becomes too much of your time, yes. If indiscriminate cancelling of conversation continues without merit or cause, that's a problem. It's not as if that topic isn't under nationwide scrutiny. And for good reason. But for sure I'm not paying to experience it. (y)

    Is azb censoring posts?

    Either way, my point was the effect that issue has had on the regular forums. Peace and harmony in anything like the NPR forum ain't gonna happen anyway, right? It doesn't on any other website forum and certainly not the likes or Twitter or Fakebook it's just that they are the Cancel Kings...

    Is azb censoring posts?

    Your post was awesome and I agree that it was all in fun. Apparently some Karen has decided humor or sarcasm about any govt decisions is taboo. Someone has taken the issue of how much the NPR forum sucks too far when it comes to regular discussions in other forums. Might be because too many...


    I'm thinking around $1,500, maybe a little more, if it has a case.

    New tax laws may effect cue sellers.

    The g'bment is finally focused on those selling Thom Pyro chalk.

    New tax laws may effect cue sellers.

    I'm not sure you can claim more loss than you won though. Not many win more than they lose.
  10. HNTFSH

    Brunswick sold to Escalade

    Worked for lawn darts.
  11. HNTFSH

    New tax laws may effect cue sellers.

    I try to take the macro view on these things. Sure, some cue maker may make 10's of thousands building cues while some old dude scratching by on social security to stay alive (and insure he gets what's owed him every month...ya know, his own money) is gonna get a Zelle payment from some...
  12. HNTFSH

    Your Hierarchy of TS sneaky petes

    That's ego dreamin'.
  13. HNTFSH

    Your Hierarchy of TS sneaky petes

    The guys that got poked fun at on the duck hunting site are the ones the list their "season totals" in the signatures. As if anyone really cared.
  14. HNTFSH

    Dennis Orcullo banned from USA for five years

    I heard from the friend of a friend that they got him at the border trying to sneak in an undocumented Westwood Southwest.
  15. HNTFSH

    Can you I’d this cue

    Yes, but on PayPal F&F only! Seller provides letter.
  16. HNTFSH

    Can you I’d this cue

    Well...because it's the ONLY Westwood/Southwest cue on earth, I up my estimate from 15K to 150K, IF it has a case.
  17. HNTFSH

    What Recourse Do I have?

    I don't have/use any payment app largely because I don't buy/sell much of anything as normally buyers (of anything) are trying to get things far too cheap. I just can't reward that cheap-ass behavior. Would rather trade or sell something locally or gift it to a friend that appreciates it...
  18. HNTFSH

    Can you I’d this cue

    I'm thinking maybe 15K, or a little more, if it has a case.
  19. HNTFSH

    Brunswick sold to Escalade

    Uhm...maybe "will be poor"? :sneaky: Electric Vehicle market would be the better buy. Even if you hate 'em.
  20. HNTFSH

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    If you get in trouble for that, I quit.