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  1. soyale

    Break cue.. the most over hyped cue in our bag?

    if you cant hit em square a break cue makes an unnoticeable difference
  2. soyale

    AZB Participation

  3. soyale

    The struggle is real

    filming yourself is a great way to find out where and why you make your mistakes. i say film every time you play and watch it back when you are done. you’ll notice things that you otherwise cannot while playing
  4. soyale

    weight in one pocket,what to do?

    play lefty
  5. soyale

    Mark Haddad Fatally Injured in Car Crash

    mark was the first guy i ran in to at my first tournament ever. he had one of the silkiest strokes ive ever seen, and he stomped me with grace and class. i walked away thinking i want to play more like that guy.
  6. soyale

    Drop pocket vs. gully... what is your preference and why?

    I think you are right. i leave the balls in the pockets, but if somebody politely asked me i would happily use the holder. I think most reasonable people would as well.
  7. soyale

    Drop pocket vs. gully... what is your preference and why?

    conversely there are also drop pocket tables with ball holders
  8. soyale

    Drop pocket vs. gully... what is your preference and why?

    drop pockets. dont have to bend over or kneel down to get balls. Dont have to stand there and wait for the ball to come out to get it. dont have to hear the clunks of the return system, or put your balls through that unnecessary abrasion. Balls cant get stuck. You dont have to deal with a...
  9. soyale

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    there is a lot of that going on. im constantly thinking about my feet and my approach and my stroke already, as ive mentioned here. im familiar with the process though so misses arent bothering me as much, just trying to learn from them. oof. i cant imagine you have an hour to watch me...
  10. soyale

    Did Mark Wilson finally kill "aiming systems" ?

    i don’t think it would make much of a difference for me
  11. soyale

    Gay tournament update at Felt

    as someone who has played you both, that would be a good match.
  12. soyale

    Gay tournament update at Felt

    advertising for and hosting a gay tournament is not the same thing as shoving their lifestyle at you. you can’t complain about people telling you how to live or what to believe while simultaneously telling others how to live and what to believe. give it a rest fellas. its a pool tourny. Its...
  13. soyale

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    my thinking was to take care of everything uptable so i didnt have to go back up there, but you’re right, those balls could have potentially given me more options for safely negotiating the problems in the rack. i tried to think it through more today, high run was 17. Missed a lot of easy...
  14. soyale

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    alright, i finished my homework. Here are the links if anyone reading is interested i have experimented with many different styles over the past couple years in my quest for 3 racks. I have tried the mario he approach where you walk the table on every ball. I have tried the jayson shaw...
  15. soyale

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    I don't do it on purpose, it’s just a byproduct of my loose grip. it feels as though i hold it as simple as possible. When it isn't loose or if i put more effort into the grip i seem to steer the cue. im sure there is an attainable middle ground somewhere. running 100 balls is nowhere on my...
  16. soyale

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    you are right. i try to muster up confidence from nowhere when im shooting and i often get too big for my britches, thinking i can do more than i actually can. that window didnt even “feel” small when i was shooting that ball, yet i managed to hit the key ball pretty full anyway. You’re...
  17. soyale


    I, too, had a bumper that screwed into the weight bolt. i removed it, then plugged the butt of the cue with a dowel. I tapped threads in the dowel to match up with my extension bumper, then grinded down a bolt to fit through the bumper and screw into the weight bolt. It works just fine.
  18. soyale

    Did Mark Wilson finally kill "aiming systems" ?

    in this link (time stamped) mark wilson talks about his super expensive tape and that you shouldn’t cross the shot line with your foot. i have always stepped directly on the shot line and i feel like i have plenty of clearance from my ribs. thoughts on how important this is or isnt?
  19. soyale

    My New Billiard Room!

    oh hey can i come over?