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  1. SpotOn

    Break Cue queries

    My experimenting at home on my table turn up interesting results: By going 4oz. lighter my break speed increased by 2 mph and the ball spread was much better than with a 24oz. cue.
  2. SpotOn

    Any Reason Not to Use a Brush or a Vac With a Brush Attachment on Cloth?

    I have solved this problem by changing to Taom V10 chalk. I used to use a battery operated vacuum with a clear canister and would get lots of chalk out of the cloth when using any chalk other than v10. Now I get NO chalk out of the cloth thus I don't find a need to vacuum it any longer.
  3. SpotOn

    10 ball rule verification

    So your down to the ten ball, you call the corner pocket and accidentally make the 10 ball in a different pocket. So what happens now? The 10 ball gets spotted and you play the cue ball where it lays or is it ball in hand with the cue ball , or do you just lose the game?
  4. SpotOn

    K66 vs. K55

    I have lifted the slate, cleaned all the glue off the bottom and top, recovered it and the K66 rails are still 1/8" to high. I have to conclude that all Pacesetter tables use the K55 rails not the K66 rubber rails. Next time the tables are recovered I will use K55 rubber and it will turn out...
  5. SpotOn

    K66 vs. K55

    Pacesetter tables.
  6. SpotOn

    K66 vs. K55

    I am having an issue getting the nose height of the rails down to between 1 3/8" & 1 7/16" above table top with K66 rubber. They end up a little high no matter what I do to lower them. They are about 1/8" to high.
  7. SpotOn

    K66 vs. K55

    Here is my question: If I have an 8' table that is 44" wide and designed for K66 rubber. My rail nose is 1 7/16" off the cloth. What would be width be and what would my nose height be if I changed to K55 rubber?
  8. SpotOn

    Dynasphere balls

    Are Dynasphere Silver Set balls a good deal at $155/set. Going into a semi busy public type pool environment on freshly recovered tables using Championship 3030 cloth. If not what other choices at a similar price should I consider.
  9. SpotOn

    Glen, when recovering a Pacesetter table is there a torgue setting I should use to tighten the...

    Glen, when recovering a Pacesetter table is there a torgue setting I should use to tighten the rails once recovered?
  10. SpotOn

    Railing torque spec's Pacesetter tables

    Hoping RKC see's this: Glen I am wondering if there is a torque spec to shoot for when tightening down the rails on 8' Pacesetter tables? We are going to have Sheldon recover them for us.
  11. SpotOn

    Gulley boot and pocket liner

    Six rails.
  12. SpotOn

    Gulley boot and pocket liner

    We have the 6 individual rails.
  13. SpotOn

    Gulley boot and pocket liner

    I am looking for recommendations as to which products to buy and from what supplier. I want to replace the pocket liners and boots on two Pacesetter 8" tables when I have the tables recovered next month. The balls tend to get black marks on them real easy right after I clean them so I suspect...
  14. SpotOn

    Diamond table Facings

    Can anyone tell me what thickness of facings are used on Diamond tables from the factory? I suspect they are either 3mm or 5mm.
  15. SpotOn

    Cloth inside plastic pockets

    Pacesetter tables.
  16. SpotOn

    Ring material do's and don'ts

    Thanks so much for the correct process for assembling these products correctly so as not to have any issues.
  17. SpotOn

    Feather strip installation

    So tell me if I am wrong but I think when you cover a rail the feather strip should be installed flush with the wood rail so that when the cloth is pulled over the feather strip the cloth is: one cloth thickness above the wood rail so that you never have your cue shaft touching the wood rails...
  18. SpotOn

    Cloth inside plastic pockets

    Has anyone ever glued worsted cloth to the inside of the plastic pockets to eliminate the black marks that the plastic pockets leave on the balls? If so how well did it work or did you figure something else out?
  19. SpotOn

    Ring material do's and don'ts

    So what your are saying is the sandwich the metal ring in between phenolic material for the best results as it will not expand or contract like wood might?