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  1. 9

    Average cost of pick up, delivery, and set up of pool table?

    $500 to $600, plus the cost of new cloth.
  2. 9

    Johnny Archer vs SVB- Subjective Question

    If both men were in their prime, it would just depend upon which game they played.
  3. 9

    Will this shutdown finish off most pool halls in the US?

    I've gotta believe it will.
  4. 9

    Owning A Pool Table

    It is a fantastic idea. Play whenever you want to. Take a break whenever you want to.
  5. 9

    What the desired size in a shaft ? what is your prefernce.

    My Meucci has a 12.5 Pro Shaft, and that feels about right to me. No reason to go smaller, IMHO.
  6. 9

    Do you actually use a different Cue for say 9, 8, 10 Ball, 14/1, or One

    Yes. One cue. Break with a house cue if the game includes a 15 ball rack. Otherwise, break and play with one cue.
  7. 9

    Pool in the Time of Coronavirus

    Makes having a table at home, very attractive.
  8. 9

    adjusting to a new cue?

    Just play Straight Pool, until you forget you are even playing with a new cue. Looking at the layouts, and playing the game will help take your mind off of the transition. It's a beautiful game.
  9. 9

    I would like some action anytime through Saturday in Huntsville Alabama.

    I hope you find the action you crave.
  10. 9

    What's a good bridge length?

    A good Bridge, is just a little longer than the river is wide.
  11. 9

    what are your dream pool/billiards matchups?

    Strickland vs Reyes Varner vs Reyes
  12. 9

    Hello from New Member

    You will likely fail........
  13. 9

    Cue design ideas with green

    Green can look sharp on a cue. After all, it's the color of money.....
  14. 9

    Big Question - Do you break with your main playing cue or not

    There is no way I want to break 8 Ball racks with my playing cue. Use a Soft Break on a 9 Ball rack? Sure, no problem.
  15. 9

    SVB longest reign in US since Mosconi?

    Well, SVB sure does have a lot of career wins.... Hopefully he can add a World Championship to the list; but if not, he's still had a great career.
  16. 9

    Hello from New Member

    Welcome aboard!!! The membership treated me like sh** when I first joined this forum; so try not to be overly sensitive to what people say.... Don't believe me? Go pull up the first 10 or 15 threads I posted in. Members acted like they already knew me, and had a grudge against me. It was...
  17. 9

    9ft vs 7ft

    If you practice long shots on a 9' table every day, nothing on a 7' table will ever seem long to you. You get hooked more often on a 7' table. You get more opportunities on a 9' table, but they can be more challenging opportunities. I love big tables, but it's not due to my skill level.
  18. 9

    Lists of Contenders for Money Game Kings belts (Roy's Basement)

    Tell me about this Wild 7....
  19. 9

    Non-scientific chalk comparison

    I'm really surprised you weren't seeing blue spots on the cue ball, using Predator chalk? I have some, I like it and use it; and it consistantly leaves blue spots on my Aramith Blue Logo cue ball. Master's and Brunswick do not.