Search results

  1. D

    Choices, choices!

    I love the looks of those and have seen pictures of some refinished. He does a good job for sure.
  2. D

    Choices, choices!

    I think I’ve decided to go with the diamond.
  3. D

    Choices, choices!

    I had a 1956 Sportking I refinished and had Barry Emerson from the DFW are install for me about 12 years back. This summer a bad storm came through and wrecked my man cave and did a lot of damage to my table. Insurance, unable to find a replacement, basically wrote me a blank check. My question...
  4. D

    Has anyone heard of Shuriken Cues?

    I’m in !
  5. D

    2022 DCC attendance

    Is the players meeting mentioned on the flyer the same as a Calcutta?
  6. D

    2022 DCC attendance

    Thanks so much. Idk why I couldn’t find it!
  7. D

    2022 DCC attendance

    I I got a room for the week. What I can’t find is online registration.
  8. D

    Good cues for kids

    Thanks for the replies. I am looking for some short and some full length. My son, for example has the shorter ozone cue but he is really tall for his age and now plays with a normal length cue. I’ll check into some of these. Thanks agaij
  9. D

    2022 DCC attendance

    Great! Thank you
  10. D

    Good cues for kids

    We started a juniors league. The operator has decided to return all proceeds to the kids by giving them their own cue. Does anyone know of an inexpensive cue that is not total junk? I would imagine there is $100 or less to spend per child, but am not sure. I was looking at the Lucky cues by...
  11. D

    2022 DCC attendance

    Got a room reserved all week. Will be my first time going. Does anyone know if I am a player, do I get free entry to watch after I lose?
  12. D

    Looking for someone near Tyler Texas

    Need three diamonds covered, 7 leveled. Looking for recommendations.
  13. D

    SVB vs Chang Update Thread

    And if they called it even at 115 and split the money, people who bet straight up break even but those….ah forget it :)
  14. D

    SVB vs Chang Update Thread

    Seems like if you bet on whoever gets to 120 first you still have a bet. If you bet on one side to “win” you still have a bet. I have no action btw and see both side of the argument but I think you either let it ride to the 155 total or call it null and void completely.
  15. D

    Just saw this from 5 years back

    Just saw this from 5 years back
  16. D

    Send me your email and I will send you some pics

    Send me your email and I will send you some pics
  17. D

    Can this be fixed?

    Good thought! I think it’s solid and will probably hit ok. Using the refinish as a reward is a great idea
  18. D

    Can this be fixed?

    Joel Davidas. I never got to play with it, sure seems like a waste if I can’t get it fixed
  19. D

    Wanted: longer than 58” cue

    Would like to be under $1k
  20. D

    Wanted: longer than 58” cue

    Would like to have a cue around 60-62”. What you got?