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  1. F

    standing up as you age??

    I’m 78 and still get down. That’s because I’m bent over from old age. Still can run a rack once in awhile. lol.
  2. F

    For the guys who play with glasses

    Contact lenses. And never looked back. I’m lucky I’m 78 and don’t have cataracts.
  3. F

    what causes so many shots to hang

    We bought two new Olhausen Pro 8’s for our Veterans club. I’ve never heard so much bitchin about pockets in my life. The pockets are tight and the shelf is deep.
  4. F

    How long does POOR play keep you down?

    One nights sleep gets me fired up. The last ball was history,the next is what matters. I’m 78 shooting poorly one day and running racks the next. Life goes on.
  5. F

    It's the Indian not the arrow.....and what I learned

    The best player where I shoot,takes a cue of the rack and kicks ass.
  6. F

    The official what pool stuff did you get for christmas thread

    Nothing. But I don’t need anything.
  7. F

    Vietnam Vets Shooting Pool in Vietnam During The War

    Not once. Never saw a pool table in Vietnam. Infantry Scouts didn’t get into base camp to often.
  8. F

    Etiquette question

    How about leaving war veterans out of this. Till you walked the walk. Don’t blame PTSD on an asshole that shoots pool.
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    Can a soft tip be hardened while on the shaft?

    People don’t you know if you burnish your tip with a Hundred dollar bill,you will never miss a shot again.
  10. F

    Veterans...Thank you~!

  11. F

    Pool hall pictures

    Holiday Lanes Claymont De.
  12. F

    Caiden tip and product review

    Seller is sending me a new one.
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    Caiden tip and product review

    My friend installed two Caiden soft tips on My Carbon fiber shafts. One went on fine The other fell apart. It looks like it delaminated.
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    Caiden Gloves

    I’d like to get a PM. As I was the one that started this thread. Seyberts and Pooldawg have all Caiden products,except gloves.
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    Caiden Gloves

    Don’t do Facebook
  16. F

    Caiden Gloves

    This is the problem,can’t seem to get them in theUSA.
  17. F

    Caiden Gloves

    Does anyone know how to buy Caiden gloves?
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    Humidity in Florida

    It’s hot in Florida today. 84. With 70%humidity.
  19. F

    Burnishing tip

    A dollar bill works,if you use a hundred dollar bill you won’t ever miss a shot.