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  1. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    It's been a year and three months sense Glen Hancock, under contract to rebuild my GC at the end of a two month period, took my GC rails and money (fact). I've continued to hope and pray for his well-being and return to making our business agreement proper (fact). I haven't heard from Glen and...
  2. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    My GC3 is finally done. It's plays as good as any table I've ever been on. Thank you everyone for giving my tough story a happy ending. If anyone is thinking of reconditioning a GC get a hold of Jerimy Chambers, if he's willing to take on your project your GC will be better than new. I wish...
  3. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Yes, I posted pictures of the rails in this thread on page 40.
  4. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    No, it's not back together yet. I have all the parts sitting here, brand new Jerimy Chambers rail components (again I'm beyond grateful), new castings, levelers and felt, all waiting to be assembled, but our social distancing orders have us all on lock down. I couldn't even take yard waste to...
  5. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    No, I haven't talked to him directly, other locals have, he's real close to Glen, family maybe? Glen has a brother that used to do a lot of billiard business in our area, his name was Leo and I think this other Mechanic came up under Leo's direction. Leo left our area years ago and he did good...
  6. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Yes, correct they left my home July 8th, 2019, with my rails and my $1750.00. As far as a fair amount of time, I think Glen as had plenty, I'm going to error on the giving RKC every opportunity... No, I'm still waiting to have a playable table, it's very difficult considering I have everything...
  7. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    No I didn't send my money and rails to Glen, we talked our agreement to rebuild my table for about a month. Another local Mechanic (whom had worked on my table prior) drove Glen to my home, where I wrote a contract with Glen, with the other Mechanic as a witness, Glen and I signed the...
  8. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Hope everyone is staying well and away from the sickness! No, I haven't heard from Glen (RKC) sense very early January... It has been said "to error is human, but to FORGIVE is divine"! I've said it before in this thread, I didn't create this forum topic to slander Glen, or to at this point...
  9. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    My new rails showed up yesterday afternoon! Thank you Jerimy Chambers! His craftsmanship is as professional as it can get! These rails look to be as good, if not better than, what band new GC3 rails would have been OME. I can't wait to feel how they play and if they play like they are...
  10. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Jerimy Chambers finished my new GC rails this last weekend and they are scheduled to arrive tomorrow, Friday!!! I'm stoked, pictures to come soon...
  11. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Update! Jerimy Chambers text middle of last week and said the new rails he's created for my table are close to being done, and he'd be shipping them soon. April last year is when I had to take my table apart because of water damage caused by a failed dish washer sump (upstairs above my table...
  12. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Jerimy Chambers called today to let me know the rails he's making to replace the ones Glen took 8 months ago are ready for veneers!!! To say its nice to hear about progress is a huge understatement... Jerimy has been great keeping me informed, and I'm grateful. Thank you everyone! Thank you...
  13. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Hello Everyone! Thank you for keeping this thread alive. I still haven't heard anything from Glen. The proverbial ball sit's in his court. I'm "being still before the LORD and waiting patiently for him; not fretting when wrong carries out their wicked schemes." I'm "refraining from anger...
  14. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Just to keep everyone up to date on my end. Glen still hasn't contacted me at all. Jerimy Chambers called me today to check in on the situation and says he'll have me up and running soon. Thank You Everyone. God Bless!
  15. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    I talked with Jerimy (J.Chambers) this afternoon and it looks like he's going to get my table back together again better than it ever was. To say I'm grateful would be an understatement, I'm humbled by his generosity, selflessness and will to bring sunshine to my dark situation. With heartfelt...
  16. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    THANK YOU everyone for your thoughts on my calamity. I haven't heard a word from Glen. Jerimy thank you for your kindness and willingness to help, I'll be giving you a call.
  17. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts put into words. As sure as the money that puts the roofs over your heads read's "IN GOD WE TRUST" are the words I've written in this tread. As JJ87 wrote so descriptively, we all believe and have faith, (it's for certain not a fact) life as we experience...
  18. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kobachi View Post I hope it all works out for you Johnny. You sound like a man of faith obviously and sometimes people take advantage of your kind knowing you’re likely to ‘turn the other cheek’. Hope this isn’t the case. Hopefully The Cobra guy sees your post and...
  19. J

    Where's Glen Hancock (Therealkingcobra)?!?

    Considering eternity, this life is so minuscule. "As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart". (Prov. 27:19) RKC?