Search results

  1. M

    Willie Joplins Ultimate one pocket dvd

    Anyone know where I can get these dvds. I loaned my copies to a fellow member here years ago and never got them back.
  2. M

    Ultimate one pocket dvd

    Anyone know where I can get these dvds. I loaned my copies to a fellow member here years ago and never got them back.
  3. M

    playing with cuetec since 2005 !

    I've been playing with my stick for 31 yrs...... but my current pool cue for about 3 years :thumbup:
  4. M

    Scott Gracio

    I would crack a joke based on your comment and location but unfortunatly the world is now to politically correct for such humor. :(
  5. M

    Color of money question

    I think I got hustled by reading this post!
  6. M

    The stake horse is your friend

    My personal preference has always been to make someone play on their own money and bet high enough that I knew they only had one or two barrels max. I've seen many a player fire a ball straight into the rail that I beleive would have been a duck if they werent sweating their own cash.
  7. M

    What's in your JB Case? - WIN A CASE.

    Mostly i play at KK billiards in Green Bay. As far as cues and JB cases go you can never have to many. :thumbup:
  8. M

    Finish over wrap

    I plan on refinishing the cue anyways. I just want to know if finishing over a stacked leather wrap will work.
  9. M

    Finish over wrap

    The cue does not currently have a stacked leather wrap. Currently it has a standard leather wrap that i hate. I normally shoot with a wrapless cue and would like to get back to thst. I thought about finishing over a linen but think that would make my cue look to much like a meucci
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    Finish over wrap

    Has anyone here ever tried finishing over a stacked leather wrap? If so how did it turn out? I have a Bludworth that I absolutly love the playability of but the leather wrap is bugging the hell out of me. I thought about Meuccifying over a linen wrap but I think a finished over stacked leather...
  11. M

    WTB Frey hoppe sneaky w/steel joint

    pm sent........
  12. M

    !!Contest - Pick 2016 US Open Winner!!

    kevin cheng 13-7.......
  13. M

    Great deal on a diamond table, very honest seller LMAO

    Guys a complete POS
  14. M

    Great deal on a diamond table, very honest seller LMAO How is this guy not in jail.
  15. M

    Bet high kiss low & accu-stats catalog

    I'll take one of the grady books
  16. M

    APA Extracurricular Events

    I remember we used to have a blast playing in APA team turnaments. Shoot Faced in Chicago, Tuckered in Toledo, Sleepless in Sandusky and several other team tournies. These were always a blast. Five man teams, triple elimination and the entry always included 2 rooms at the hotel the event was...
  17. M

    WTF happened to my thread!!!!!! In need of a BJ

    Look for a break/jump. No dymodwood or purpleheart
  18. M

    Meucci cues Refinishing

    I recommend proficient billiards. But for gods sake send it to anyone other then Meucci.... Horrible customer service and the turnaround time was rediculous. I was quoted a month turnaround time on a refinish and it took over a year.
  19. M

    He is back!!!!!!!!!

    Awe his son is in prison....... sounds like a proud papa moment for this guy lol
  20. M

    He is back!!!!!!!!!

    Jeff Forney. He screwed a bunch of people on deals here and now he is on Facebook trying to do cue deals.