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  1. ShootingArts

    Seeking Input: Archer ‘93 vs. Today

    True enough. Raises the question: How would today's players fair against the road warriors of old in real world conditions, not the sheltered hot houses they usually play in? Lassiter, Hall, Puckett, an easy half dozen more. When these people walked into a strange place they weren't scouting for...
  2. ShootingArts

    Seeking Input: Archer ‘93 vs. Today

    Never was real fond of Johnny but from the sixties until today, he shot the most impressive single shot I have ever seen and it was part of a five shot series that was the greatest five consecutive shots I have ever seen. Eight rail zee kick on a bar table with at least ten other balls on the...
  3. ShootingArts

    RIP Cyclop?????

    Our eyes and minds. Somehow we are much better at seeing what we expect to see. Done that often enough myself! I liked these on TV when they were popular. Glad now I never got around to buying some, doubt I would have liked playing with them. Hu
  4. ShootingArts

    RIP Cyclop?????

    A weird thing I can't remember happening ever in my life except this time. I was playing with the tungstens and in the middle of a session swapped to the traditionally colored bronzes. As soon as I hit the bronzes and they spred over the table I felt the front half of my brain relax slightly. I...
  5. ShootingArts

    RIP Cyclop?????

    Supposedly the balls are being made with far closer oversight from belgium than the cyclops were. I am a bit skeptical because I am closer to mexico than belgium is to china and I can't see mexico. My eyes aren't what they were but I can't even see Texas! I will say that I bought three or four...
  6. ShootingArts

    Rip Danny Diliberto

    All of the pool world lost when Danny passed. One more of the greats gone and one of the last of the era. \ Hu
  7. ShootingArts

    Sad day indeed

    Danny's passing leaves a gap that can't be filled. A sad day for sure. Hu
  8. ShootingArts

    DigiBall Passaround Reviews

    They couldn't make a ball in the ocean anyway! The only way they knew to play was cue ball last. However, when I was playing sixty or eighty hours a week I tried cue ball last for three weeks. I was playing just as well as object ball last at the end of three weeks. I went back to object ball...
  9. ShootingArts

    Ball temperature

    My favorite one pocket table when strangers wanted to play had the blast of air from an old stand-up AC unit passing over one side of the table and directly onto the other side. Even the end rails were warm on one end cold on the other. That old unit had copper coils and the air coming out was...
  10. ShootingArts

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    My regular breakfast stop went dark in the early morning. The cashier was struggling with paper and pencil. Smart phones were either uncommon or didn't exist yet. My stomach isn't in the mood for surprises before dawn so I usually have the same breakfast every morning. I told the young lady my...
  11. ShootingArts

    RIP Justin Ramos aka 'justnum'......................

    20% valuable content is pretty good. Seems I may have missed some things I should have read. As usual, you sum things up well and express them well. You might consider putting that post in the AZB Hall of Fame where we remember fallen members. There are a lot worse epitaphs. Hu
  12. ShootingArts

    Fractional aim points and their cut angles

    One of those things, I developed my own aiming system when the world was young and information hard to come by. I just hit the cue ball on the opposite side of where I want it to go. It was a brutal month or two building the back half of the cue ball in my mind. It seems like I should be able to...
  13. ShootingArts

    DigiBall Passaround Reviews

    I found this with simpler testing years ago. Even advanced players often don't make contact where they intend to. After a half dozen or so medium difficulty shots, the same one repeated, I told them the object was to see where they hit the cue ball. Then the better players tightened up and hit...
  14. ShootingArts

    Non-Gambling Pool Players

    I had been playing pool maybe five years when my divorced mother asked me to stay with her she didn't like being alone all the time. She soon noticed that I played pool most nights. She was concerned. "Son, are you gambling?" "No ma'am, I bet now and then but I don't gamble." Even the courts in...
  15. ShootingArts

    RIP Justin Ramos aka 'justnum'......................

    I had noticed him quiet when I was expecting a post from him. Like any large family we have a few odd ones on AZB. Real or just yanking our collective chain? Always hard to know. Regardless, he was part of the AZB family and I am genuinely sad to read he is dead. RIP Hu
  16. ShootingArts

    Ball temperature

    When I was a young man my temperature was 96.8 and my pulse fifty. The doctors said I should live forever. Wrong, it just feels that way sometimes! When I was a young man a new doctor took my pulse and it was idling along the usual fifty beats a minute. He asked me, "are you an athlete?" "Do I...
  17. ShootingArts

    Ball temperature

    It would be hard to sneak in place but it would be funny to dip the one ball or the money ball in liquid nitrogen or oxygen. Both are cold enough that I believe a ball would shatter on impact if not before. Freeze a ball to the core in liquid a few hundred degrees below zero and what happens...
  18. ShootingArts

    GOAT Hunt

    I suspect you know but for those that don't, Bata translates "the kid". There was an older Efren who was pretty well known so to tell them apart Efren got the kid hung on him, one of many nicknames, I believe the first. Hu
  19. ShootingArts

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Another race car story: I was working on the pit crew of an asphalt car and we covered much of the gulf coast or up a couple hundred miles if the money was right. I was fifteen going over the pit wall with a jack or right front tire, once in awhile both rightside tires which was a lot of weight...
  20. ShootingArts

    Funny pic/gif thread...

    Back in the days when I went to the dragstrip two brothers towed a racecar to the strip with a '57 pick-up. Then they unhitched the trailer, unloaded the truck, put slicks on the back axle and went racing. Their "tow truck" had a built side oiler 427 under the hood! It turned the quarter about a...